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wolfi  id: 362656
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Counter-Strike Manager 1on1 ESL Series
created from rating comment match
01.05.14 3698295 Detail
27.04.14 1677771 Detail
25.04.14 M4rco-.- gg++ Detail
13.04.14 736497 gg Detail
04.04.14 645917 Detail
29.03.14 294699 gg! Detail
23.03.14 1677771 Detail
14.03.14 1387812 Detail
06.03.14 bloodY Detail
04.03.14 ProfDrTotAlexander Detail
28.02.14 1677771 Detail
25.02.14 2064079 Detail
22.02.14 schefrocker gg Detail
22.02.14 ProfDrTotAlexander alles ok gerne wieder Detail
21.02.14 Daggi Detail
20.02.14 murd3r Detail
11.02.14 schefrocker gg Detail
09.02.14 murd3r Detail
05.02.14 Daggi Detail
04.02.14 rilaxN Detail
Counter-Strike Manager 1on1 Frühlingscup 2014
created from rating comment match
25.04.14 fir3fLyyy_- Detail
17.04.14 334411 gg Detail
Counter-Strike Manager 1on1 Ostercup 2014
created from rating comment match
25.04.14 3030179 Detail
22.04.14 3698295 Detail
19.04.14 fir3fLyyy_- Detail
StarCraft II Go4SC2 Cup #153 (Wed 23.11.11)
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23.11.11 4455213 Detail
StarCraft II 1on1 Custom Map Cup #4 (Sat 30.10.10)
created from rating comment match
30.10.10 1118784 Detail
StarCraft II 1on1 Bronze/Silver Cup #73 (Mon 25.10.10)
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25.10.10 5009780 Detail
StarCraft II 1on1 Bronze/Silver Cup #8 (Mo 30. August)
created from rating comment match
30.08.10 Viper gg Detail
30.08.10 Borba Detail
StarCraft II 1on1 Bronze/Silver Cup #06 (Sa 28. August)
created from rating comment match
28.08.10 3778245 Detail
28.08.10 5272299 Detail
28.08.10 5246127 Detail
28.08.10 2861809 Detail
StarCraft II 1on1 Bronze/Silver Cup #05 (Fr 27. August)
created from rating comment match
27.08.10 639190 Detail
27.08.10 CokeCookie Detail
27.08.10 4501336 Detail
StarCraft II 1on1 Bronze/Silver Cup #12 (Weds 25. August)
created from rating comment match
25.08.10 2846983 gg Detail
StarCraft II SteelSeries Go4SC2 Cup #32 (Wed 25.08.10)
created from rating comment match
25.08.10 2684474 Detail
StarCraft II 1on1 Novice Cup #7 (Weds 18. August)
created from rating comment match
18.08.10 1389016 gg well play! Detail
StarCraft II SteelSeries Go4SC2 Cup #30 (Wed 18.08.10)
created from rating comment match
18.08.10 kAra Detail
18.08.10 5079219 Detail
StarCraft II 1on1 Novice Cup #5 (Sun 15. August)
created from rating comment match
15.08.10 5229722 Detail
StarCraft II 1on1 Novice Cup #3 (Thurs 12. August)
created from rating comment match
12.08.10 5214100 Detail
StarCraft II 1on1 Premium Prize Cup #3 (Thurs 12. August)
created from rating comment match
12.08.10 2676120 Detail
StarCraft II 1on1 Novice Cup #2 (Weds 11. August)
created from rating comment match
11.08.10 3251355 Detail
StarCraft II SteelSeries Go4SC2 Cup #28 (Wed 11.08.10)
created from rating comment match
11.08.10 5237047 nice game Detail
StarCraft II 1on1 Novice Cup #1 (Mon 9. August)
created from rating comment match
09.08.10 3251355 Detail
09.08.10 nice player! Detail
09.08.10 3609432 nice guy Detail
StarCraft II Beta 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
24.03.10 1903784 good game\'s :) Detail
24.03.10 2112344 Detail
23.03.10 4731213 Detail
23.03.10 bLackhawk Detail
23.03.10 3918994 Detail
18.03.10 bLackhawk Detail
16.03.10 bLackhawk Detail
15.03.10 330951 ++ Detail
15.03.10 bLackhawk Detail
11.03.10 330951 ++ Detail
Counter-Strike Funmap 1on1 AWP Ladder Old
created from rating comment match
07.03.10 330951 +++++ Detail
11.01.10 bLackhawk gg Detail
07.01.10 330951 gg++ Detail
22.12.09 2214097 SEHR NETTER GAMER :D Detail
22.12.09 dNs gg Detail
29.09.09 3831990 Detail
17.09.09 330951 ++ Detail
15.09.09 Baaschi gg Detail
06.08.09 bLackhawk Detail
06.07.09 bLackhawk gg :) Detail
29.06.09 alMighty gg Detail
29.06.09 Baaschi gg Detail
26.06.09 1595537 Detail
24.06.09 995324 Detail
18.06.09 boO nett Detail
06.05.09 1169083 sehr nett++ Detail
06.05.09 2508220 gg , netter gegner Detail
03.05.09 469096 Detail
03.05.09 Baaschi Detail
Counter-Strike 1on1 MR15 Ladder
created from rating comment match
11.01.10 2555233 Detail
11.01.10 4267327 Detail
13.12.09 1494551 Detail
13.12.09 1098063 Detail
13.12.09 1188084 Detail
Saison 4 Geosense Cup
created from rating comment match
20.10.09 zecherShock nice and friendly opponent Detail
Intern Beta 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
29.09.09 Tomy NeBuLa Detail
25.09.09 DJKnuffel Detail
24.09.09 Kenny Detail
24.09.09 412495 gg Detail
Counter-Strike Nightcup 204 - 1on1 MR15 - 23.08
created from rating comment match
23.08.09 1588211 Detail
Intern Admin Cups Allgemein #1
created from rating comment match
21.08.09 1225754 gg Detail
21.08.09 2071553 gg :) Detail
Intern Admin Cups Blub Game Cup I
created from rating comment match
18.04.09 1601334 Detail
Counter-Strike Cups Snipercup 2009
created from rating comment match
05.04.09 1105788 Detail
02.04.09 1768039 gg...netter gegner! Detail
Counter-Strike Funmap 1on1 AWP Ladder Old
created from rating comment match
31.03.09 785217 gg Detail
19.03.09 xi Detail
15.03.09 mary'jane gg Detail
20.02.09 nuhs Detail
20.02.09 2059323 Detail
19.02.09 cryx Detail
17.02.09 1358866 gg,schönes Match,netter Gegner Detail
15.02.09 1075039 Detail
13.01.09 2249942 Detail
10.01.09 857771 Detail
08.01.09 982426 Detail
08.01.09 1061452 Detail
06.01.09 2797260 gg netter gegner ;) Detail
06.01.09 oMniuM Detail
05.01.09 B4sti netter gegner Detail
05.01.09 Vanillerille Detail
05.01.09 happy sehr nett =) Detail
03.01.09 1891702 Detail
19.12.08 3234130 gg Detail
15.12.08 xueQe Detail
15.12.08 mK nice gegner !!!! Detail
12.12.08 1891702 Detail
08.12.08 Anousch 'nOu' Haj Detail
08.12.08 2736365 gg Detail
02.12.08 2830952 gg netter gegner Detail
02.12.08 1561004 Detail
28.11.08 alMighty Sehr guter Gamer sehr Nett und skilled!!! Detail
27.11.08 469096 gg Detail
Blub Game 1on1 Opening Cup
created from rating comment match
22.03.09 1601334 Detail
Counter-Strike Funmap 1on1 Aimmap Ladder
created from rating comment match
19.03.09 1579589 Detail
19.03.09 2030694 gg Detail
09.03.09 2362967 freundlich und hat spass gemacht :D Detail
09.03.09 2357166 gg sehr sehr angenehmer fruendlicher gegner sollte jeder so sein thx Detail
09.03.09 1562294 Detail
09.03.09 588173 GG Detail
Counter-Strike Cups AimkingZ 3
created from rating comment match
09.03.09 1500974 Detail
04.03.09 2781458 gg; sehr netter gamer und einer der die map fair spielt;hätte ich keine pause dann wär das meine! Detail
Intern Admin Cups KellerCup
created from rating comment match
02.02.09 676262 gg Detail
27.01.09 Baaschi Detail
Counter-Strike 1on1 Quickie Ladder
created from rating comment match
19.12.08 flax gg netter gamer Detail
18.12.08 schreibfehlr netter Typ... Detail
15.12.08 435063 Detail
15.12.08 2646523 netter gegner :) Detail
02.12.08 holla Detail
02.12.08 benno_O gg, nett Detail
02.12.08 maX gg Detail
25.11.08 2357166 gg ;) Detail
18.11.08 1638221 nett Detail
Intern Admin Ladder 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
19.12.08 sTepp gg Detail
11.12.08 469096 Detail
11.12.08 bLackhawk gg :D Detail
06.12.08 2488577 passt :D Detail
24.11.08 sTepp cheater Detail
18.11.08 sTepp gg Detail
13.11.08 sTepp gg Detail
04.08.08 joellcken Detail
Counter-Strike Manager 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
14.09.08 1243720 gg Detail
03.09.08 1400119 gg :) Detail
28.08.08 338202 Detail
18.08.08 Jenova GG Detail
17.08.08 Ellington Detail
13.08.08 Sh@dow Detail
12.08.08 2023700 Detail
09.08.08 effor69 Detail
09.08.08 2452669 Detail
07.08.08 2583443 Detail
05.08.08 NeOneC gg Detail
30.07.08 Krusty Detail
28.07.08 2671805 Detail
26.07.08 688529 Detail
23.07.08 1999603 gg Detail
Counter-Strike Manager 1on1 Starter Ladder
created from rating comment match
12.09.08 932928 Detail
12.09.08 2384903 Detail
10.09.08 eM Detail
08.09.08 Bambel Detail
08.09.08 murd3r Detail
06.09.08 574464 Detail
05.09.08 1200557 gg Detail
01.09.08 gfxy Detail
Counter-Strike Manager 1on1 Starter Ladder
created from rating comment match
07.09.08 602159 Detail
02.09.08 1846734 Detail
31.08.08 enison Detail
31.08.08 dly Detail
29.08.08 3458544 danke fürs spiel! Detail
28.08.08 flq stark Detail
26.08.08 2153048 Detail
25.08.08 602159 gg nice Detail
24.08.08 uebelst4r gg Detail
23.08.08 1846734 Detail
21.08.08 lux Detail
18.08.08 76694 Detail
18.08.08 2077473 Detail
15.08.08 749955 gg netter gegner leider aber schon einen zu guten rank Detail
13.08.08 reVolt gg Detail
Counter-Strike Manager 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
01.09.08 Ellington Detail
22.08.08 2023700 Detail
03.08.08 insi Detail
03.08.08 hama687 Detail
28.07.08 chris177 Detail
26.07.08 730009 gg! Detail
24.07.08 340004 Detail
21.07.08 1999603 Detail
19.07.08 736497 gg Detail
Intern Admin Cups August 08 Playray Minigolf
created from rating comment match
07.08.08 Digg4 Detail
06.08.08 1034607 gg Detail