InstantyGER  id: 4044889
[ Match Ratings ]
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Counter-Strike: Global Offensive 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
21.09.12 Buckaroo nur am flamen Detail
20.09.12 Zenz0 Detail
19.09.12 Malumii Detail
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Deathmatch 1on1 Advents Cup 1
created from rating comment match
29.11.11 5044281 Detail
29.11.11 6053500 Detail
League of Legends EU West 1on1 Old Ladder
created from rating comment match
12.08.11 1233189 Detail
24.07.11 Ace gg Detail
24.07.11 6022261 flamet das ganze spiel lang Detail
23.07.11 6080458 Detail
23.07.11 Ace nur geflame weil er schlecht ist Detail
22.07.11 3866453 Krassester noob flame den es gibt Detail
21.07.11 4394547 Detail
21.07.11 2759953 Detail
21.07.11 1713594 Detail
21.07.11 4676061 Detail
League of Legends 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
16.07.11 MyHappyEnding Detail
15.07.11 4394547 Detail
15.07.11 6054894 Detail
14.07.11 3428840 Detail
14.07.11 5603120 Detail
13.07.11 4607432 gg wp Detail
03.05.11 5795229 Detail
16.04.11 5727941 Detail
11.04.11 5100172 spam and cry in chat Detail
09.04.11 MyHappyEnding cho copy -_- gz Detail
07.04.11 4438700 Detail
05.04.11 E.M.A. Detail
04.04.11 5263477 gg wp Detail
02.04.11 E.M.A. Detail
02.04.11 MyHappyEnding Detail
02.04.11 Shark only flaming Detail
30.03.11 ShivasGuard As soon as he dies he flames Detail
30.03.11 2498540 Detail
21.03.11 3398307 A flaming and lying Kid Detail
21.03.11 MyHappyEnding Detail
20.03.11 E.M.A. Detail
20.03.11 4650294 Detail
20.03.11 3210457 Detail
15.03.11 3398307 A flaming and raging kid. Get a proper Education Detail
14.03.11 2419910 Detail
13.03.11 5149908 such a flamer :T Detail
12.03.11 3866453 Detail
12.03.11 5143763 Detail
12.03.11 E.M.A. jo :) nice m8 thx for delete Detail
11.03.11 4932733 Detail
10.03.11 5083040 Detail
10.03.11 5515191 Detail
10.03.11 4052151 Detail
17.02.11 5531206 Detail
02.02.11 775772 Schlecht , nur am Flamen .. Detail
25.01.11 MyHappyEnding Du bist ein Huhrensohn! ++ Detail
22.01.11 5504698 Flame+rage Detail
21.01.11 Dis Detail
18.01.11 1713594 du bist beste :D:D:D Detail
18.01.11 5569753 Detail
18.01.11 4968693 Detail
17.01.11 5386527 Detail
17.01.11 MyHappyEnding Detail
17.01.11 5348525 Detail
17.01.11 Ace flamer. lamer ... kleiner junge der aufmerksamkeit brauucht :D GG Detail
15.01.11 Fomko Detail
15.01.11 3995095 Detail
15.01.11 5504698 Xiotz all time flame me, + he say if u win this match i go report u, u cant win with me im best.... Detail
15.01.11 2194773 Detail
15.01.11 Dis Detail
15.01.11 5568394 Detail
14.01.11 wewillfailer Detail
14.01.11 2419910 Detail
27.12.10 3995095 Detail
26.12.10 3210457 Detail
26.12.10 Fomko cry a lot Detail
26.12.10 3069409 Detail
26.12.10 3981683 Detail
25.12.10 4394547 Detail
25.12.10 3981683 Detail
25.12.10 4256820 Detail
25.12.10 3029334 Detail
24.12.10 3029334 sorry für -- war missclick Detail
24.12.10 4256820 Detail
24.12.10 1712524 Detail
22.12.10 1712524 Detail
21.12.10 5438336 gg Detail
20.12.10 1712524 Detail
18.12.10 5263477 GG Detail
17.12.10 3995095 Detail
17.12.10 Forcezzz Detail
16.12.10 4351052 Detail
16.12.10 1315099 Detail
15.12.10 5263477 Detail
15.12.10 4902340 Detail
14.12.10 4219242 bitte den screen vom chat einlesen>,<...sone beleidingungen verbitt ich mir-->\"Hund\" Detail
14.12.10 5263477 Detail
13.12.10 3029334 schlechtester verlierer ever :D aber unterhaltsam Detail
13.12.10 4387472 Detail
13.12.10 5456797 Detail
12.12.10 5348525 Detail
12.12.10 MyHappyEnding Detail
12.12.10 5455137 Detail
12.12.10 5334971 Detail
12.12.10 4816177 Detail
11.12.10 5262153 Detail
11.12.10 5263477 Detail
11.12.10 5348525 Detail
11.12.10 Hueftsteak Detail
10.12.10 5263477 Detail
09.12.10 4476712 Detail
09.12.10 PheeniXz nap Detail
08.12.10 2687771 Detail
08.12.10 5294007 Detail
08.12.10 4896435 Detail
08.12.10 5495118 Detail
07.12.10 MyHappyEnding Detail
07.12.10 3098086 Detail
07.12.10 1315099 Detail
04.12.10 3995095 Detail
04.12.10 4902340 Detail
03.12.10 5253403 Detail
02.12.10 3980492 Bad player! Detail
02.12.10 4197777 Detail
01.12.10 Ace flame pur Detail
01.12.10 5364209 Detail
01.12.10 3492485 Detail
01.12.10 3029334 hurensohn Detail
30.11.10 5263477 Detail
30.11.10 5262153 Detail
League of Legends 1on1 Amateur Series
created from rating comment match
09.07.11 3866453 Dauerflame :o eig. schade (( Detail
08.07.11 BeN Magic Detail
08.06.11 3866453 Hammer spieler GGWP ++ Detail
02.06.11 5844013 Detail
22.05.11 2502546 Detail
21.05.11 5103202 wp , Mr:Fame :) <3 Detail
18.05.11 Baczekk Detail
17.05.11 5664774 Detail
16.05.11 5263477 Detail
14.05.11 5871742 Detail
14.05.11 4694993 Detail
14.05.11 5225573 Detail
13.05.11 LoGON Detail
12.05.11 966190 gg Detail
10.05.11 1712524 Detail
09.05.11 5263477 GG Detail
04.05.11 Baczekk Detail
25.04.11 2419910 Detail
20.04.11 3011499 Detail
18.04.11 1030034 fakeresult gj =) Detail
17.04.11 2502546 Detail
16.04.11 5263477 Wie war das mit ... Ich verliere nie mit Cho :D?! Detail
16.04.11 Fallott gg Detail
15.04.11 4542759 Detail
15.04.11 5702735 Detail
15.04.11 3981683 Detail
11.04.11 3011499 Detail
11.04.11 Baczekk Detail
10.04.11 1030034 also flamer ist da harmlos ausgedrückt! bp! Detail
10.04.11 5811696 Detail
09.04.11 3229388 Detail
09.04.11 1012670 Detail
09.04.11 Banin_GG Detail
09.04.11 5739279 only flame and cry Detail
08.04.11 5702735 Detail
08.04.11 1713594 Detail
07.04.11 Rondrian Detail
07.04.11 E.M.A. Detail
07.04.11 5698009 Detail
07.04.11 4179474 Flames in match because i play tryn Detail
07.04.11 Fallott Detail
07.04.11 4556127 Detail
06.04.11 3398307 Detail
06.04.11 2419910 \"Lucker!\" nach jedem Death... arrogant Detail
League of Legends 1on1 Clash of Legends #5
created from rating comment match
02.07.11 215201 Detail
02.07.11 4650294 Detail
02.07.11 4394547 Detail
02.07.11 4438700 Detail
League of Legends 1on1 Spring Cup 2011 (Sat 30.04.11)
created from rating comment match
30.04.11 5844013 Detail
League of Legends 1on1 Clash of Legends #3
created from rating comment match
02.04.11 MyHappyEnding Detail
02.04.11 5613525 Detail
02.04.11 5563637 Detail
League of Legends 1on1 Clash of Legends #1
created from rating comment match
19.03.11 2159592 arrogant hoch zehn Detail
19.03.11 1065909 Detail
PokerTH 1on1 Amateur Series
created from rating comment match
09.02.11 542848 gg Detail
25.01.11 ILikeToMoveIt gg und so <3 lg Detail
22.01.11 ajko Detail
League of Legends 1on1 Fight Club #30 (Thu 03.02.11)
created from rating comment match
04.02.11 2502546 Detail
03.02.11 5620533 Detail
03.02.11 5591983 easy game for him, without any flames Detail
League of Legends 1on1 Fight Club #27 (Thu 20.01.11)
created from rating comment match
20.01.11 4960632 Detail
PokerTH 1on1 Wintercup 2011 - Qualicup #2
created from rating comment match
19.01.11 2560885 flame. Detail
19.01.11 4935097 Detail
HaxBall 1on1 Ladder Old
created from rating comment match
15.01.11 5585921 Detail
PokerTH 1on1 Heads-Up Ladder
created from rating comment match
15.01.11 easyduur Detail
15.01.11 murd3r gg Detail
14.01.11 2018437 Detail
14.01.11 cox ganz großer flamer & sauschlechter verlierer :) Detail
14.01.11 1921829 Detail
14.01.11 4503243 Detail
League of Legends 1on1 Fight Club #20
created from rating comment match
15.12.10 5348525 Detail
15.12.10 5455137 Detail
15.12.10 2159592 Detail
14.12.10 4765735 xiotz is cheater Detail
PokerTH Open Ladder 1on1 Europe
created from rating comment match
02.12.10 kielon Detail