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barteklewl  id: 4231332
[ Match Ratings ]
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Zula (PC) 1on1 Open Ladder Europe
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02.11.17 10311052 Detail
28.10.17 11716707 Detail
21.10.17 11700454 Fair and nice guy Detail
21.10.17 SulFuRe Detail
19.10.17 10311052 Detail
16.10.17 11808164 Detail
15.10.17 Kalashi Detail
12.10.17 10926011 Detail
Go4Hearthstone Europe Cup #6
created from rating comment match
09.08.15 8723435 Detail
09.08.15 7879443 Detail
Hearthstone Summer Cup #6 Poland
created from rating comment match
05.08.15 8888828 Detail
05.08.15 9244132 Detail
05.08.15 9118912 Detail
05.08.15 5920961 Detail
05.08.15 6624403 Detail
Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft 1on1 IEM Ticket Challenge #4
created from rating comment match
22.01.15 7962967 Detail
22.01.15 8777738 Detail
Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft 1on1 IEM Ticket Challenge #3
created from rating comment match
21.01.15 8856800 Detail
Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft 1on1 IEM Ticket Challenge #1
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14.01.15 7496010 Detail
Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft 1on1 New Year Cup #2 NEEDforSEAT
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28.12.14 Detail
28.12.14 7359460 Detail
Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft 1on1 New Year Cup #1 NEEDforSEAT
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26.12.14 8815206 Detail
Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft 1on1 Cup #66 NEEDforSEAT
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20.12.14 Simlo Detail
Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft 1on1 Cup #65 NEEDforSEAT
created from rating comment match
17.12.14 8467831 Detail
17.12.14 8777738 Detail
Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft 1on1 Cup #63 NEEDforSEAT
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10.12.14 Xeno Detail
10.12.14 Detail
10.12.14 8043895 Detail
Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft 1on1 Cup #62 NEEDforSEAT
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06.12.14 8624374 Detail
Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft 1on1 Cup #61 NEEDforSEAT
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03.12.14 Detail
03.12.14 8777147 Detail
Tt eSports Autumn 2014 Challenge Cup #13
created from rating comment match
30.11.14 8729097 Detail
Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft 1on1 Cup #60 NEEDforSEAT
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29.11.14 Matu Detail
29.11.14 8444650 Detail
29.11.14 Xeno Detail
29.11.14 8498321 Detail
29.11.14 chillooout Detail
29.11.14 7393609 Detail
Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft 1on1 Cup #59 NEEDforSEAT
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26.11.14 PanMarcin Detail
26.11.14 8650841 Detail
Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft 1on1 Cup #51
created from rating comment match
29.10.14 2992519 Detail
29.10.14 7657585 Detail
Tt eSports Autumn 2014 Challenge Cup #8
created from rating comment match
26.10.14 7311657 Detail
Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft 1on1 Cup #50
created from rating comment match
25.10.14 8444650 Detail
25.10.14 1603661 Detail
25.10.14 8679703 Detail
Tt eSports Autumn 2014 Challenge Cup #7
created from rating comment match
19.10.14 Breakedlol Detail
19.10.14 8662513 Detail
Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft 1on1 Cup #46
created from rating comment match
11.10.14 8595761 Detail
11.10.14 8314655 Detail
Poland Street Fighter 4 (PS3) 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
15.11.09 3614599 Detail
13.09.09 4233829 barteklewl mnie bije i gwalci :( :( :( :( :( :( Detail
Poland Tekken 6 (PS3) 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
15.11.09 4549196 Detail
12.11.09 4226828 Detail
11.11.09 4545552 Detail
Poland Tekken 5 (PS3) 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
05.09.09 4226828 Detail
29.06.09 4226828 OKI Detail
28.06.09 4225861 Detail
Poland Tekken 5 (PS3) tekken 5: Drak resurrection - Zapisy
created from rating comment match
12.07.09 4226828 Detail