GYOKHAN  id: 5121984
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FIFA 20 (PS4) Club Challenge Borussia Dortmund Qualifier #2 (Choose Borussia Dortmund as a Team)
created from rating comment match
18.01.20 14620402 Detail
FIFA 17 (One) Open Ladder 1on1 Europe
created from rating comment match
31.10.16 eZ Detail
31.10.16 k20laszlo Detail
30.10.16 DON_VEGA87 bad network on my server Detail
30.10.16 10403160 Detail
Go4FIFA (One) Europe Cup #5
created from rating comment match
30.10.16 8661318 Detail
FIFA 16 (PS4) Open Ladder 1on1 Europe
created from rating comment match
30.01.16 8097157 Detail
30.01.16 Muskat Detail
30.01.16 9738812 Detail
30.01.16 9782818 Detail
30.01.16 3843780 Detail
30.01.16 8250704 Detail
29.01.16 9768199 Detail
29.01.16 8712082 first 3 shot 3 goals madnes Detail
29.01.16 9795415 Detail
20.01.16 9768388 Detail
20.01.16 9669253 Detail
20.01.16 PadseN luckiest guy ever.. sorry for - but you dont know how to play fifa!!! ! Detail
20.01.16 9771790 Detail
20.01.16 InFlAmMaBlE Detail
19.01.16 2802308 haters Detail
19.01.16 9723003 Detail
19.01.16 8250704 Detail
19.01.16 2802308 don\'t play against him haters, he must learn to lose HAHAHAAHA thanks Detail
19.01.16 9768388 Detail
19.01.16 9768388 Detail
19.01.16 8893021 Detail
19.01.16 1564322 Detail
18.01.16 PadseN Detail
18.01.16 Mr.Fister Detail
18.01.16 9759377 Detail
18.01.16 2802308 Detail
16.01.16 Rujs Detail
FIFA 14 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
15.07.14 7989303 he left the game at 61.minute Detail
15.07.14 8499492 Detail
13.07.14 6881015 Detail
11.07.14 3843780 Detail
11.07.14 8456846 Detail
11.07.14 6374346 Detail
11.07.14 2635853 super Detail
11.07.14 8298582 Detail
08.01.14 2017661 Detail
04.01.14 8141645 Detail
04.01.14 8141645 Detail
04.01.14 7981539 Detail
04.01.14 2863778 Detail
04.01.14 3425607 Detail
03.01.14 4252787 Detail
03.01.14 6630746 Detail
03.01.14 8098180 Detail
03.01.14 dhagbdasd Detail
03.01.14 6477502 Detail
03.01.14 BlackSugar Detail
03.01.14 7830789 Detail
03.01.14 AlhimikTV Detail
03.01.14 Saddler quit Detail
03.01.14 3263007 Detail
03.01.14 7648821 Detail
02.01.14 7310878 Detail
02.01.14 7987359 Detail
02.01.14 Deni Detail
02.01.14 InfinitYn Detail
02.01.14 3027171 gg well played Detail
02.01.14 8139495 Detail
02.01.14 7964013 Detail
02.01.14 6066378 Detail
02.01.14 rYan-de Detail
01.01.14 5450879 Detail
01.01.14 kamiL Detail
01.01.14 saviola Detail
01.01.14 8140099 Detail
01.01.14 6096477 Detail
31.12.13 8135344 66 min left game beatifull Detail
31.12.13 8029886 Detail
31.12.13 Eraser gg Detail
31.12.13 4483464 Detail
31.12.13 6996883 Detail
31.12.13 NergaL64 Detail
31.12.13 6096477 Detail
30.12.13 8080943 Detail
30.12.13 2577573 Detail
30.12.13 4483464 Detail
30.12.13 2302842 Detail
30.12.13 7048576 Detail
30.12.13 8095198 Detail
30.12.13 6996883 Detail
30.12.13 2863778 flame Detail
29.12.13 1193164 Detail
29.12.13 8095198 Detail
29.12.13 1558272 Detail
29.12.13 mrn Detail
29.12.13 Saddler Detail
29.12.13 8122437 Detail
29.12.13 8029886 Detail
29.12.13 6996883 Detail
29.12.13 5561030 4 shot 4 goal LOL =)) Detail
29.12.13 kubagrest Detail
29.12.13 8029886 Detail
29.12.13 3891925 Detail
29.12.13 6096477 Detail
28.12.13 1244754 Detail
28.12.13 2187161 Detail
28.12.13 2174178 Detail
28.12.13 4483464 Detail
28.12.13 1244754 Detail
28.12.13 Raabi2711 Detail
26.12.13 4534816 Detail
26.12.13 8029886 Detail
26.12.13 7803045 Detail
26.12.13 enro Detail
26.12.13 7248171 Detail
26.12.13 In Love Detail
26.12.13 5556384 Detail
26.12.13 2863778 Detail
26.12.13 8124975 Detail
26.12.13 SCHÄFER Detail
26.12.13 4091277 Detail
26.12.13 5372599 Detail
26.12.13 NergaL64 Detail
26.12.13 8128363 Detail
26.12.13 wingit Detail
26.12.13 Vasi Detail
26.12.13 2863778 Detail
26.12.13 6096477 Detail
25.12.13 7803045 Detail
25.12.13 Favorite Detail
25.12.13 Raabi2711 Detail
25.12.13 4311108 Detail
25.12.13 8029886 Detail
25.12.13 8032819 Detail
25.12.13 5556384 Detail
25.12.13 8117890 Detail
24.12.13 MariussX Detail
24.12.13 3425607 Detail
24.12.13 6096477 Detail
24.12.13 trixx9r Detail
FIFA 14 Go4FIFA Cup #41- 13/07/14
created from rating comment match
13.07.14 seVen flaming whole game Detail
13.07.14 6753185 Detail
FIFA 14 Go4FIFA Cup #40 - 06/07/14
created from rating comment match
06.07.14 RomZz Detail
06.07.14 Detail
06.07.14 7469193 Detail
FIFA 14 Go4FIFA Cup #37 - 15/06/14
created from rating comment match
15.06.14 6477578 Detail
FIFA 14 Go4FIFA Cup #35 - 01/06/14
created from rating comment match
01.06.14 7670338 Detail
01.06.14 KPLive Detail
FIFA 14 Go4FIFA Cup #32 - 11/05/14
created from rating comment match
11.05.14 SchLeX Detail
11.05.14 8202477 Detail
FIFA 14 Go4FIFA Cup #31 - 04/05/14
created from rating comment match
04.05.14 AndreHTC Detail
FIFA 14 Go4FIFA ClickandBuy Cup #13 - 29/12/13
created from rating comment match
29.12.13 1425944 flame only :D Detail
FIFA 14 Go4FIFA ClickandBuy Cup #12 - 22/12/13
created from rating comment match
22.12.13 Miecu Detail
FIFA 14 Go4FIFA ClickandBuy Cup #11 - 15/12/13
created from rating comment match
15.12.13 7686594 Detail
FIFA 14 Go4FIFA ClickandBuy Cup #10 - 08/12/13
created from rating comment match
08.12.13 AndreHTC Detail
08.12.13 5912777 Detail
FIFA 14 Go4FIFA ClickandBuy Cup #9 - 01/12/13
created from rating comment match
01.12.13 RzeznK Detail
01.12.13 8009018 Detail
FIFA 14 Go4FIFA ClickandBuy Cup #8 - 24/11/13
created from rating comment match
24.11.13 4168144 ragequit q_q Detail
FIFA 14 Go4FIFA ClickandBuy Cup #7 - 17/11/13
created from rating comment match
17.11.13 5764309 Detail
17.11.13 6353046 Detail
FIFA 14 Go4FIFA ClickandBuy Cup #6 - 10/11/13
created from rating comment match
10.11.13 6303691 Detail
FIFA 14 Go4FIFA ClickandBuy Cup #5 - 03/11/13
created from rating comment match
03.11.13 Gabu Detail
FIFA 14 Go4FIFA ClickandBuy Cup #4 - 27/10/13
created from rating comment match
27.10.13 Gallano Detail
27.10.13 7827328 Detail
FIFA 14 Go4FIFA ClickandBuy Cup #3 - 20/10/13
created from rating comment match
20.10.13 7283463 Detail
FIFA 13 1on1 Night Cup Season 5 - #3
created from rating comment match
30.06.13 5556384 Detail
30.06.13 Avogadro Detail
FIFA 13 1on1 Night Cup Season 5 - #2
created from rating comment match
25.06.13 7518320 Detail
FIFA 13 1on1 Night Cup Season 5 - #1
created from rating comment match
24.06.13 2058075 Detail
24.06.13 7327979 LAGS LAGS LAGS AND LAGS Detail
FIFA 10 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
29.08.10 5273861 Detail