Cryyy  id: 7493794
[ Match Ratings ]
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Zula (PC) 1on1 Open Ladder Europe
created from rating comment match
30.10.17 10980620 Detail
29.10.17 MabiiYT Detail
29.10.17 11859408 Detail
23.10.17 10912325 Trés bon Detail
Crossfire Open Ladder 1on1 Europe
created from rating comment match
29.05.15 phaze Detail
Crossfire Search & Destroy 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
03.11.14 7560159 Detail
02.11.14 8710283 Detail
21.10.14 8675682 Detail
29.09.14 5233571 Detail
26.09.14 6628248 Detail
19.09.14 8584316 isn\'t following the agreement, when he starts losing. Detail
16.09.14 8599484 Detail
15.09.14 8594765 Detail
12.09.14 8543748 Detail
06.09.14 Magic Detail
04.09.14 8593663 Detail
16.07.14 8254852 Detail
13.06.14 8420261 Detail
10.06.14 8434109 Detail
02.06.14 8381265 Detail
01.06.14 8435417 Detail
24.05.14 8395542 Detail
20.05.14 7895226 Detail
18.05.14 8189029 Detail
16.05.14 youaredebil1 Detail
16.05.14 7055724 Detail
16.05.14 8254852 Detail
12.05.14 8204404 Detail
11.05.14 8120224 Detail
08.05.14 8372500 Good player ^^ gg Detail
07.05.14 7829648 Detail
06.05.14 8381265 Detail
06.05.14 8380937 Detail
29.03.14 8218910 Detail
26.03.14 8283733 bon aim Detail
24.03.14 5845360 Detail
18.03.14 8279956 Detail
17.03.14 Detroy Detail
16.03.14 8283733 Bon joueur =) Detail
28.01.14 8051888 Detail
26.01.14 k4F Detail
25.01.14 7782281 Detail
22.01.14 8037194 Detail
17.06.13 7785322 Detail
Crossfire Team Deathmatch 1on1 Sniper Ladder
created from rating comment match
22.09.14 Detroy Detail
22.09.14 mastroK Detail
16.09.14 8617516 Detail
16.09.14 8040565 Detail
07.09.14 7826369 Detail
07.09.14 8173972 Detail
06.09.14 8543748 Detail
06.09.14 Detroy Detail
28.04.14 7764200 Detail
29.03.14 7080398 Detail
Crossfire Cups King of Aim #4 Garrison
created from rating comment match
05.06.14 8444688 Detail
05.06.14 Star Detail
Crossfire Cups King of Aim #1 BlackWidow
created from rating comment match
15.05.14 8040565 Detail
Crossfire Cups Autumn Cup 2013
created from rating comment match
23.10.13 7497398 Detail