MO_2001  id: 12193251
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FIFA 21 (PS4) 1on1 Open Series Weekly Qualifier April 2021 #4 Europe West
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28.04.21 jaggy-origin0 Detail
FIFA 21 (PS4) 1on1 Saturday Swiss Cup #28 Europe East
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07.11.20 Borusseben86 Detail
FIFA 21 (PS4) 1on1 Friday Swiss Cup #26 Europe West
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06.11.20 kaankarakus3 Detail
06.11.20 Kanax__Banane Detail
FIFA 20 (PS4) 1on1 Tuesday Swiss Cup #86 Europe West
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07.07.20 treble_1999_utd Detail
FIFA 20 (PS4) Beta Tournament Series May Cup #1 Europe West
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06.05.20 14307331 Detail
FIFA 20 (PS4) Club Scouting Lyon Qualifier #2
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13.03.20 Amss_912 Detail
FIFA 20 (PS4) Global Series Tournament #1 DACH
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14.02.20 DeHammer Detail
14.02.20 12864917 Detail
FIFA 20 (PS4) Club Challenge Borussia Dortmund Qualifier #2 (Choose Borussia Dortmund as a Team)
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18.01.20 LaCoche53 Detail
Go4FIFA (PS4) Europe Cup #3
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21.10.18 10775669 Detail
21.10.18 11682404 Detail
21.10.18 12913763 Detail
21.10.18 12906059 Detail
21.10.18 12904198 Detail
Go4FIFA (PS4) Europe Cup #43
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29.07.18 B1SK1 Detail
29.07.18 RapidW1985 Detail
29.07.18 12479904 Detail
29.07.18 Wolf_ita93 Detail
FIFA 18 (PS4) 1on1 Ultimate Team Cup #22 Europe
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18.07.18 Galeon Detail
18.07.18 ruuds Detail
FIFA 18 (PS4) 1on1 Ultimate Team Cup #12 Europe
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09.05.18 5953963 Detail
FIFA 18 (PS4) 1on1 Ultimate Team Cup #9 Europe
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18.04.18 9003259 Detail
18.04.18 Otergti Detail
FIFA 18 (PS4) ESL Meisterschaft Sommer 2018 2. Division Qualifier #4 Germany
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04.04.18 11300743 Detail
04.04.18 1854302 Detail
FIFA 18 (PS4) ESL Meisterschaft Sommer 2018 2. Division Qualifier #2 Germany
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21.03.18 2461687 Detail
FIFA 18 (PS4) 1on1 Ultimate Team Cup #5 Europe
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07.03.18 Fard1984 Detail
FIFA 18 (PS4) 1on1 Community Cup #16 Europe
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21.02.18 10926337 Detail
21.02.18 12216325 Detail