jOhnY  id: 3624605
[ Match Ratings ]
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Call of Duty 4 Promod Deathmatch Mix ladder
created to rating comment match
23.12.11 Larszua placek Detail
13.01.10 Saper gg kolego Detail
11.01.10 3728171 camping, whining gg Detail
02.01.10 4659644 gg Detail
CoD4 Open Ladder 1on1 Deathmatch Europe
created to rating comment match
22.04.09 3901181 good game Detail
21.04.09 3660377 gg Detail
08.04.09 3878254 good game bra:) Detail
07.04.09 3901181 good player :) gl in ESL Detail
07.04.09 3667006 good game gl in ESL Detail
07.04.09 3882796 GOOD GAME Detail
06.04.09 3300932 good game Detail
06.04.09 3209865 He left server before his lost Detail
05.04.09 3821409 GOOD GAME Detail
05.04.09 3973639 good match gl in esl :) Detail
05.04.09 3342579 Detail
05.04.09 1025085 Camping, avoid, lame, spawn killing, no skill, kiddy player Detail
30.03.09 3901181 gg and good luck mate in esl :) Detail
26.03.09 972708 gg Detail
21.03.09 3882796 good game, good luck in esl :) Detail
28.11.08 3641816 GG Kriss Detail
27.11.08 2850172 Detail
26.11.08 3332972 Detail
26.11.08 3660377 Detail
24.11.08 3399485 Detail
23.11.08 3538686 Detail
23.11.08 3488597 Detail
23.11.08 3658707 Detail
23.11.08 3197805 Detail
22.11.08 lowee Detail
22.11.08 3300932 Detail
20.11.08 2253234 Good match---but it\'s not the end xD Detail