Tomáš 'tomh' Hájek  id: 4439174
[ Match Ratings ]
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FIFA 19 (PS4) Open Ladder 1on1 Europe
created to rating comment match
22.05.19 13339667 Detail
17.04.19 XPRO Gg Detail
07.12.18 13007499 Opponent wont play. Detail
16.10.18 ScHmItZeR- Detail
15.10.18 9369600 Detail
15.10.18 ScHmItZeR- ...Go up Detail
15.10.18 12899224 Detail
FIFA 19 (PS4) 1on1 Community Cup #3 Europe
created to rating comment match
17.10.18 12816521 Gg Detail
17.10.18 12868796 Detail
17.10.18 12907719 Detail
17.10.18 8921380 Detail
FIFA 19 (PS4) 1on1 Community Cup #1 Europe
created to rating comment match
03.10.18 uA_TraiiNzZ Detail
FIFA 18 (PS4) Open Ladder 1on1 Europe
created to rating comment match
24.08.18 ruuds Detail
24.08.18 bifftannen Detail
22.08.18 Xe0nZ Detail
20.08.18 Walveee Detail
20.08.18 bifftannen Detail
14.08.18 12736105 Detail
14.08.18 Xe0nZ Detail
14.08.18 12488975 Detail
10.08.18 bifftannen He left after 4th goal.. Detail
20.11.17 11883580 Detail
FIFA 17 (PS4) Open Ladder 1on1 Europe
created to rating comment match
25.03.17 7752283 Detail
23.03.17 10953335 Detail
23.03.17 Benia_kr Detail
21.03.17 11064719 Detail
20.03.17 woerliii Detail
20.03.17 4635011 Detail
20.03.17 Gottey28 Detail
20.03.17 10872324 Detail
19.03.17 Wekys Detail
19.03.17 Alfio4481 Detail
18.03.17 9444185 Detail
16.03.17 TijoSRB Detail
13.03.17 11021821 Detail
09.03.17 2854819 Detail
09.03.17 anto-toto2 Detail
Go4FIFA (PC) Europe Cup #12
created to rating comment match
18.12.16 Engineer Detail
FIFA 17 (PC) Open Ladder 1on1 Europe
created to rating comment match
11.12.16 8941120 Detail
10.12.16 9619795 Detail
08.12.16 9095902 Detail
05.12.16 7359012 Detail
03.12.16 8513840 Detail
03.12.16 8833586 Detail
02.12.16 Rafa_PN84 Detail
01.12.16 MariussX Detail
01.12.16 10502666 Detail
30.11.16 10123810 Detail
30.11.16 Raabi2711 Detail
15.11.16 iwnkl Detail
19.10.16 7997396 Detail
19.10.16 Jungle Detail
19.10.16 Rees_FIFA Detail
18.10.16 7997396 Detail
18.10.16 Ultras Detail
17.10.16 2749975 Detail
17.10.16 Jungle Detail
17.10.16 7250593 Detail
17.10.16 2749975 Detail
17.10.16 8872077 Detail
16.10.16 b0ss Detail
16.10.16 1927360 Detail
14.10.16 8513840 Detail
12.10.16 Rees_FIFA Detail
11.10.16 7200733 luck Detail
11.10.16 ZIL Detail
11.10.16 5107356 Detail
11.10.16 MrGotko Detail
10.10.16 7200733 Detail
10.10.16 Ultras Detail
10.10.16 10280564 Detail
09.10.16 8598228 Detail
09.10.16 6484991 Detail
08.10.16 10506504 Detail
08.10.16 10502666 Detail
08.10.16 alexSTAR Detail
08.10.16 MariussX Detail
08.10.16 Ultras Detail
06.10.16 iwnkl Detail
06.10.16 Rees_FIFA Detail
06.10.16 Ultras Detail
06.10.16 7536868 Detail
06.10.16 7997396 Detail
04.10.16 Ado1210 Detail
04.10.16 PanaD4King Detail
04.10.16 10496204 Detail
Go4FIFA (PC) Europe Cup #11
created to rating comment match
11.12.16 LagadoFire Detail
Go4FIFA (PC) Europe Cup #10
created to rating comment match
04.12.16 7827965 Detail
Go4FIFA (PC) Europe Cup #9
created to rating comment match
27.11.16 10573082 Detail
27.11.16 10701421 he add false score Detail
Go4FIFA (PC) Europe Cup #3
created to rating comment match
16.10.16 1927360 Detail
16.10.16 Brokkoli Detail
16.10.16 10408116 Detail
Go4FIFA (PC) Europe Cup #1
created to rating comment match
02.10.16 8193514 Detail
02.10.16 9586356 Detail
FIFA 16 (PC) Open Ladder 1on1 Europe
created to rating comment match
23.09.16 9679280 Detail
22.09.16 10488726 Detail
21.09.16 FT9 Detail
20.09.16 10485173 leave the game 50.m. Detail
17.09.16 7781100 Detail
16.09.16 8519294 Detail
16.09.16 10439192 Detail
16.09.16 Lazy Detail
13.09.16 10136961 Detail
13.09.16 10398386 Detail
12.09.16 10466393 Detail
12.09.16 5444365 Detail
12.09.16 Lazy Detail
11.09.16 dustio95 Detail
11.09.16 9224001 Detail
10.09.16 9538897 Detail
08.09.16 Raabi2711 Detail
08.09.16 8442318 Detail
08.09.16 7200733 Detail
07.09.16 Lazy Detail
07.09.16 Kalasznikow Detail
06.09.16 matrix55566 Detail
06.09.16 Kalasznikow Detail
04.09.16 8519294 Detail
04.09.16 5233180 Detail
03.09.16 iwnkl Detail
03.09.16 9203884 Detail
03.09.16 7536868 Detail
03.09.16 IrmiSZ Detail
03.09.16 8513840 Detail
03.09.16 2850470 Detail
03.09.16 10147344 Detail
03.09.16 9095902 Detail
03.09.16 9203884 Detail
02.09.16 IrmiSZ Detail
02.09.16 3818293 Detail
01.09.16 10123810 Detail
29.08.16 Serag Detail
25.08.16 8519294 Detail
25.08.16 6048498 Detail
22.08.16 10287939 Detail
22.08.16 7747886 Detail
17.08.16 Bangzzay Detail
14.08.16 iwnkl Detail
10.08.16 10383543 Detail
10.08.16 Fajtek Detail
09.08.16 iwnkl Detail
07.08.16 poxi Detail
06.08.16 9050535 Detail
05.08.16 9573294 Detail
05.08.16 5190715 Detail
05.08.16 10123810 Detail
05.08.16 dustio95 Detail
05.08.16 iwnkl Detail
05.08.16 MiLLinHo Detail
05.08.16 10070134 Detail
05.08.16 9595100 Detail
05.08.16 poxi Detail
01.08.16 iwnkl Detail
01.08.16 Snavi Detail
01.08.16 9077223 Detail
01.08.16 9910585 Detail
01.08.16 10264430 Detail
01.08.16 iwnkl Detail
01.08.16 Abdessamadh Detail
31.07.16 10300670 Detail
31.07.16 7536868 Detail
28.07.16 IrmiSZ Detail
28.07.16 8941120 Detail
28.07.16 7923105 Detail
28.07.16 Ron Detail
28.07.16 7923105 Detail
28.07.16 6309479 Detail
27.07.16 1171107 Detail
27.07.16 KarteKpL Detail
27.07.16 9595100 Detail
15.07.16 Toutouna Detail
09.07.16 Average_Ze Detail
08.07.16 4706040 Detail
08.07.16 iwnkl Detail
08.07.16 10264430 Detail
28.06.16 8519294 Detail
28.06.16 10199170 Detail
31.05.16 9696013 Detail
26.05.16 CarnivaL Detail
20.03.16 3756594 Detail
20.03.16 9595100 Detail
17.03.16 3756594 Detail
15.03.16 2024093 Detail
15.03.16 9883006 Detail
15.03.16 9590367 Detail
14.03.16 9749360 Detail
14.03.16 Panda Detail
14.03.16 7536868 Detail
14.03.16 515500 prostě čůrák :D Detail
14.03.16 9883006 Detail
14.03.16 iwnkl Detail
13.03.16 8193514 Detail
13.03.16 9561108 Detail
13.03.16 9731857 Detail
11.03.16 9816821 Detail
11.03.16 9910585 Detail
11.03.16 9724352 Detail
Go4FIFA (PC) Europe Cup #39 powered by Scuf Gaming
created to rating comment match
26.06.16 EYESPORTS.Antoxa Detail
Go4FIFA (PC) Europe Cup #24 powered by Scuf Gaming
created to rating comment match
13.03.16 9101926 Detail