created | Platform | action |
23/11/18 07:20h | first_login_default | |
04/02/19 11:33h | join_team ESL Italy (1445589) | |
04/02/19 11:33h | join_team ESL Italia (4191668) | |
22/02/19 06:24h | join_team Staff ESL Global (546986) | |
27/02/19 14:48h | increase_trustlevel 0 -> 1 | |
05/03/19 14:19h | join_team ESL Italia (5316011) | |
16/03/19 16:53h | join_team Gabrielel e GuLp 4ever bff (13495902) | |
22/03/19 11:51h | leave_team ESL Italia (4191668) | |
25/03/19 14:20h | join_team ESL Italia (4191668) | |
03/05/19 05:30h | join_team In Memory of ESL Italia (5332145) | |
06/07/19 04:57h | join_team (1899659) | |
12/08/19 07:28h | join_league ESL Play Staffcup 2019 #11 - Hearthstone | |
29/10/19 13:11h | join_team Game Operations (3716571) | |
08/11/19 03:03h | join_team Region Heads (4190645) | |
14/11/19 13:27h | join_team Testerino Fasterino (14198458) | |
02/12/19 13:09h | join_league ESL Play Staffcup 2019 #17 - PokerTH | |
07/12/19 17:16h | join_team Global Staff League of Legends (4573432) | |
13/12/19 10:12h | join_league ESL Play PokerTH FFA - Christmas 2019 - Italy | |
15/12/19 16:26h | join_league ESL Play Staffcup 2019 #18 - TFT | |
14/01/20 15:20h | team_kick Testerino Fasterino (14198458) / by Gabrielel (7872120) | |
15/01/20 06:09h | join_team ESL Italia (6353292) | |
22/01/20 08:27h | join_team Deleted account (2889914) | |
25/01/20 10:07h | join_team Le guardie di LSE (14622840) | |
30/01/20 04:24h | register_team Viva la Vida (14665070) | |
13/03/20 12:00h | join_team VINOOOOOOOOOOOH (14900378) | |
01/04/20 06:44h | join_team ez staff cup (15138005) | |
29/04/20 14:39h | join_league ESL Play Staffcup 2020 #06 - Starcraft 2 | |
19/06/20 09:56h | join_team Staff Global (10467433) | |
31/08/21 15:00h | team_kick Deleted account (2889914) / by GuLp (2655338) | |
31/08/21 15:14h | team_kick ESL Italia (6353292) / by GuLp (2655338) | |
20/02/22 00:29h | decrease_trustlevel 1 -> 0 | |
04/07/22 05:13h | first_login_default |