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Commander Wendt  id: 2093856
created Platform action
16/01/07 13:35h join_team  Daddeln-Fingersports (1141806)
07/04/07 07:14h join_team  Deleted account (2378420)
24/07/07 12:24h join_team  Cologne Gaming Team BF2142 (2599269)
24/07/07 12:25h leave_team  Daddeln-Fingersports (1141806)
24/07/07 12:25h leave_team  Deleted account (2378420)
27/07/07 16:01h join_team  Cologne Gaming Team (2628484)
11/09/07 13:31h increase_trustlevel  0 -> 1
14/09/07 05:58h increase_trustlevel  1 -> 3
29/09/07 09:04h join_team  In Memory of BF2142 EAS (2741875)
06/11/07 13:21h join_team  Special Tactical Clan - Gangbang 4tw (2819083)
06/11/07 13:21h join_team  Special Tactical Clan - Gangbang 4tw (2819083)
10/11/07 18:12h join_team  Special Tactical Clan (2823731)
31/12/07 09:36h join_team  Crysis - Fit for Fun (2600522)
30/04/08 16:44h join_team  Die geilen Sahneschnitten (2450742)
30/10/08 09:41h join_team  Deleted account (2782652)
18/07/09 11:30h leave_team  Cologne Gaming Team BF2142 (2599269)
07/09/09 20:43h decrease_trustlevel  3 -> 0
25/09/09 19:17h join_team  Lords of the Boards Cod4 3on3 (4076669)
02/10/09 14:27h first_login_esltv 
05/10/09 12:51h join_team  Lords of the Boards COD4 5on5 (4300185)
18/10/09 11:52h join_team  Daddeln-Fingersports (1141806)
22/10/09 16:06h team_kick  Deleted account (2782652) / by Bob (1436707)
20/11/09 12:40h join_team  Deleted account (4565051)
30/11/09 16:49h team_kick  Lords of the Boards COD4 5on5 (4300185) / by Crashhead (1259197)
24/03/10 13:47h join_team  CreaTiv Gaming - CTG (4780627)
11/11/11 07:15h join_team  BF3 Party-Squad (5564909)
02/11/13 20:49h join_team  Royal Gaming - Team Unisex (7896375)
23/03/15 15:09h join_team  Pappchinesen (8994507)