Visitors (since 23/02/12)
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Meika  id: 6653885
created Platform action
22/02/12 14:58h first_login_default 
26/02/12 12:26h join_team  Squad 4 Bravo (6666492)
29/04/12 08:04h join_team  Brothers of War (6681732)
30/04/12 15:11h team_kick  Brothers of War (6681732) / by Deleted account (6599692)
01/05/12 08:11h first_login_esltv 
21/10/12 12:57h join_team  zZ-eSports BF3 (6809947)
14/11/12 16:56h first_login_esltv 
03/01/13 17:03h first_login_esltv 
10/05/13 11:13h first_login_esltv 
23/05/13 10:08h join_team  Playing Ducks e.V. (7736107)
23/05/13 10:11h leave_team  zZ-eSports BF3 (6809947)
23/05/13 10:12h leave_team  Squad 4 Bravo (6666492)
26/05/13 12:16h join_team  Playing Ducks e.V. BF (7242609)
19/08/13 12:09h join_team (7782883)
19/08/13 14:55h leave_team (7782883)
09/09/13 15:52h join_team  Aces & Queens (7933184)
02/10/13 15:03h join_team  CPLAY Tt.eSPORTS (7871940)
12/10/13 14:08h join_team  BABY DONT HURT ME (7961741)
21/10/13 14:46h join_team  energy-WAVE e.V. BF OFF (8006208)
25/10/13 04:45h team_kick  CPLAY Tt.eSPORTS (7871940) / by Deleted account (7695437)