Visitors (since 14/12/10)
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oday  id: 6882036
created Platform action
18/05/12 09:57h first_login_default 
23/05/12 09:47h join_team  In memory of Experiment (6791041)
22/06/12 13:28h first_login_esltv 
12/07/12 18:02h join_team  No Butter Team Ultra (6598778)
17/07/12 16:06h join_team  aimroboter (6969245)
16/09/12 13:19h join_team  In Memory of Unrated Gaming (7126308)
16/09/12 16:46h join_team  breaking bad (7163135)
17/09/12 17:53h leave_team  breaking bad (7163135)
16/11/12 15:03h leave_team  No Butter Team Ultra (6598778)
26/12/12 08:49h join_team  In memory of Experiment (6737444)
17/01/13 13:19h team_kick  In memory of Experiment (6737444) / by Deleted account (3267991)
17/01/13 13:33h join_team  In memory of Experiment (6737444)