Łukasz 'HEDOTWOR' B.  id: 1292243
CPU Intel Core 2 Quad Q9400 @ 4x3.72GHz
RAM 4GB @ 930MHz
Videocard Asus R9 270X DCUII TOP
Soundcard ASUS XONAR DX / B16A2
Storage 1TB WD Caviar Black
Motherboard ASUS P5Q-E
Display Iiyama E1902S-B1
Antivirus KIS 2011
CD/DVD Samsung
Mouse SteelSeries Ikari Optical
Mouse Skatez Ikari
Mousepad QcK+
Keyboard Logitech
Headphones Sennheiser HD 555@595
Connection 100 Mbit/s
Sound system ASUS XONAR DX 7.1
Mobile Phone Samsung Galaxy S III
Drink Lech
Food Pizza, Frytki
Movie Get Rich od Die Tryin
Music Rap
Song Hustler's Ambition
Book Od płotki do grubej ryby
Person Curtis James Jackson III
Actor / Actress Will Smith
Car Nissan GT-R
Sport eSport
Map nuke, train
Clan eoLithic
Player knoxville, Neo
Game Hero ja
Race (Humans/Orcs/..) Sayans
I not afraid the competition, because I know I'm the best...