Nicolas 'zAtix' Fauvergue  id: 1672480
CPU Intel Core2duo E4400+
RAM 2 Go
Videocard nVidia 8800 GTS
Soundcard Intégré carte mère
Motherboard ASUS P5N-E SLI
Display Philips 107E 17" CRT
OS Windows XP Familial
Mouse Razer Deathadder Blue
Mouse Skatez Qpad Glitz
Mousepad Razer Mantis Speed
Keyboard Razer Lycosa
Headphones Icemat "Siberia" ( Black )
Connection Freebox 8M
Drink All
Food All
Movie Fast and Furious : Tokyo Drift
Music Sum41
Song Over my head - Sum41
Book Harry Potter ^_^
Book author J.K Rowling
Person My girlfriend of course
Actor / Actress Cameron Diaz ^_^
Car Fiat Bravo ^_^
Sport Ping-Pong / Foot
Athlete Hum Chabal :P
Map Nuke / Inferno
Clan Huuummm coL, 3D
Player Nobody ( Me ? =) )
Game Hero Conter_terorrists =)
Genre FPS
Console Computer =) ( My love <3 )
Comeback on CS:GO