kaznitelj  id: 2382143
RAM 64kb
Videocard ZX Spectrum Compatible
Soundcard beeper
Storage tape
Motherboard n/a
Display b/w Camacrown
OS Sinclair Basic
CD/DVD n/a
Mouse 1 button premium release
Mouse Skatez n/a
Mousepad Moby Dick book
Keyboard integrated
Headphones n/a
Connection 2800b dialup
Wheel/Pedals n/a
Joypad Quickshot
TV b/w Camacrown
Drink yes
Food yes
Movie nah
Music Wagner
Song Der Ring des Nibelungen
Book The Birth of Tragedy
Book author Friedrich Nietzsche
Person Paris Hilton
Actor / Actress Pamela
Car Yugo 45
Sport Dinamic Sitting
Athlete yes
Map of secret treasure
Clan XII Blue
Player Kaznitelj
Game Hero me
Favourite Websites
Website 1 http://www.clan-xii.com
Website 2 http://www.new-roots.com