Hardware | |
CPU | Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU Q6600 @ 4χ2.40GHz |
RAM | 3326MB RAM und 1022MB RAM |
Videocard | NVIDIA GeForce 9800 GT mit 512MB RAM |
Soundcard | Lautsprecher (Realtek High Definition Audio) |
Storage | 1 TB und 183GB |
Motherboard | FUJITSU SIEMENS |
Display | PnP-Monitor (Standard) Samsung TFT 22.Zoll |
OS | Windows 7 Ulitmate and Windows Vista™ Home Premium.. |
Antivirus | Hab einen Antiviren Scaner |
CD/DVD | DVD-Multinorm-Brenner mit Double-Layer-Funktion |
Mouse | Logitech G5 |
Mousepad | Gaming Mausepad by Chatcom.net xD |
Keyboard | Logitech G15 |
Headphones | SpeedLink Medusa 5.1 ProGamer SL-8793 Headset |
Connection | D-Lan (32.000 DSL) |
TV | Giga und noch mehr |
Sound system | Logitech Z4 |
Console(s) | XBoX 360 |
Favourite... | |
Drink | Colaweitzen |
Food | Spetzle mit Soß |
Movie | Prison Break |
Music | Chiliiig |
Song | Reimemonster |
Book | was ist das?? |
Book author | was macht der??? |
Car | Mercedes Cl 300 |
Sport | Snowboarden |
Athlete | Travis Rice |
Favourite... | |
Map | Dust 2 |
Clan | ALTERNATE aTTax |
Player | Tr!ple |
Game Hero | GSG 9 |
Race (Humans/Orcs/..) | CT |
Console | PS3 und XBoX 360 |
Favourite Websites | |
Website 1 | http://www.google.de |
Website 2 | http://www.esl.eu.de |
Website 3 | http://www.xneth.de |
Website 4 | http://www.qutlaw-hosting.. |
╔► Games : CS:Source [√] CS:1.6 [ ] ╠► Skill : low [■■■■■] mid [■■■□□] high [□□□□□] ╚► Team : Team Humberts Server and more by. Qutlaw-Hosting ╔► Games : CS:Source [√] CS:1.6 [ ] ╠► Skill : low [■■■■■] mid [■■■□□] high [□□□□□] ╚► Team : Team Humberts Will Schnee das ich wieder Boardn gehen kann!. Mein Teamspeak3 Server Ip: drauf ich freue mich auf euren Besuch. |