eNj0Y  id: 2620097
CPU Intel Core i5 3570K 4x 4.3GHz
RAM Corsair 16GB DDR3-1800
Videocard GeForce GTX 970
Soundcard ASUS Phoebus
Storage SSD 256GB + 1TB WD Blue
Motherboard ASRock Z77 Pro4
Display BenQ XL2411T
OS Windows 10
Antivirus Microsoft Security
Mouse SteelSeries Rival
Mousepad Steelseries QcK
Keyboard Q-Pad MK-85
Headphones Beyerdynamic DT880
Connection 100.000
Wheel/Pedals nope
Joypad XBOX 360 Controller
Console(s) PS4
Mobile Phone Samsung S6 Edge
Drink Cola, IceTea, Alk
Food fast alles
Music All you can hear ;D
Song kp
Book CS Taktikbuch
Book author kp
Actor / Actress Paul Walker
Car Audi R8
Sport Fußball
Athlete Mario Götze
Map de_mirage
Clan fnatic
Game Hero Super Mario
Race (Humans/Orcs/..) Undeath
Genre Shooter, Strategie
Just keep playing, if you wanna make a team, dont choose players with best aim, choose the players who have the right aspect to the game and want to improve. And remember, dont pick players who always cry and whine when they're getting headshotted. Just play the game for fun and dont get too serious about it.