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Vito 'Toxic' Corleone  id: 3079254
CPU Intel® Core™ i7-990x
RAM 12 GB Kingston
Videocard Nvidia GeForce Asus GTX 1050 Ti
Soundcard -> Mainboard (7.1 DD)
Storage 2x 1TB HDD
Motherboard Gigabyte GA-X58 UD-5
Display Acer 24" FULL HD
OS Windows 7 Pro
Antivirus Norton Internet Security 360
Mouse Logitech G500
Mousepad Razor 40 cm
Keyboard Roccat Valo
Headphones Logitech G430
Connection 200 mbit
Sound system Phillips 1000W 3D Sound
Console(s) Nintendo 64, Play Station 3
Handheld(s) Play Station Portable
Mobile Phone iPhone 5S
Drink Asbach ist das Gute
Food Alles was Gamer so essen ;)
Movie Juice
Music 2pac
Song 2 of Americas Most Wanted
Book Nin Jitsu
Person Tupac Shakur
Actor / Actress Chuck Norris^^
Car Aston Martin DBS, BMW M6
Sport Fitness allgemein
Map de_cpl_mill, de_nuke
Clan mouz.
Player cyx, Neo
Genre Rap