Hardware | |
CPU | Intel Core 2 Duo E6850 |
RAM | 2x Corsair XMS2 1GB |
Videocard | Geforce 8800 GT |
Soundcard | SB Audigy 2 ZS |
Storage | WDC WD1600YS |
Motherboard | MSI P6N SLI |
Display | LG 702BE |
OS | Win XP Home |
CD/DVD | Lite-On DVDRW SOHW-1673S |
Mouse | Logitec G5 |
Mousepad | GlidePad Big - schwarz |
Keyboard | Revoltec |
Headphones | Speedlink |
Connection | DSL16000 |
Favourite... | |
Drink | Wodka-Redbull |
Food | Pizza |
Music | House |
Sport | Fussball |
-> Events Spiderpig, Spiderpig! Does whatever Spiderpig does! Look out! Here is Spiderpig! keksääääää Lan Events: ■ Circus-Maxximus - Herbst 2005 5on5: #4 Platz ■ Northcon - Winter 2005 5on5: #25 Platz ■ Northcon - Summer 2006 5on5: #5 Platz ■ Northcon - Summer 2006 2on2: #5 Platz ■ The Summit VII 2006 5on5: #17 Platz ■ The Summit VII 2006 2on2: #9 Platz Electronic-Music Events: ■ G-Move 2004 - Hamburg ■ G-Move 2006 - Kiel ■ Loveparade 2006 - Berlin ■ Visionparade 2006 - Bremen ■ G-Move 2007 - Kiel ■ Mellomania 2007 - Kiel ( Dänischhagen ) ■ "Loveparade" 2007 - Essen more events coming... |