Иван 'CrazyFeras' Стоянов  id: 4535970
CPU AMD FX(tm)-6100 six-core processor
RAM 8 GB ram
Videocard Nvidia GTX 1050 TI octan
Soundcard Nvidia
Storage 1 Tb
Motherboard Floston
Display Philips 23 inches
OS Windows 10 64bit
Antivirus Don't Have
CD/DVD Don't have
Mouse Razer Deathradder elite
Mousepad Aula Speed
Keyboard Razer black widow 2013
Headphones Tracer Naga 7.1
Joypad Logitech
Mobile Phone ihpone 5S
Drink Energy Drink (Monster)
Food Pizza
Movie Fast and Furious 1,2,3,4,
Music Pop - Rock
Song Thousand Foot Krutch - Move
Actor / Actress Vin Disel
Car Skyline
Sport Football
Athlete Мартин Петров
Map de_prodigy
Clan Bpro Gaming
Player Coldzera
Game Hero Troll Warlord (Jah'rakal)
Race (Humans/Orcs/..) Orc
Favourite Websites
Website 1 http://www.vbox7.com
Website 2 http://www.facebook.com