Michael 'chline' Bieri  id: 455249

Edit Info
Swiss CS:GO Champion 2015
#1 @ 20th Netgame Convention (1000 Participants) 2015 with mYinsanity
#2. @ ieSF World Championship Qualifier 2016 with mYinsanity

History ->

Clan History:

Swiss Security Commando / Just $lay (SK2) 2003-2004
sOnkei (SK2) 2004
back2life (Major League) 2005-2006
dSt-eSports (Major League) 2006-2007
ieS Virtual Gaming (Major League) 2007
myRevenge (EAS) 2007-2008
ieS Virtual Gaming (Major League) 2009
SILENTGAMING 2012 - 2015
mYinsanity 2015 - now


╠►#2. @ ieSF World Championship Qualifier 2016 with mYinsanity
╠►#2 @ eevent 2016 with mix (blAke, heypnyello, chline, dothem, dnz)
╠►#3.-4. @ Swiss Gaming Challenge 2016 with mYinsanity
╠►#1 @ 20th Netgame Convention 2015 (1000 Participants) 2015 with mYinsanity (Swiss CS:GO CHampionship)
╠►#2 Netgame Convention 2014 (250 Participants) @ CS:GO 5on5 with JESUS-FIVE
╚►#2 @ SwitzerLAN #2 (500 Participants) 2015 with mYinsanity

and many many more...

last update: 26.12.2010