Jarek 'Rdk' Radzio  id: 638324
Display BENQ
Mouse Tt eSPORTS
Keyboard Tt eSPORTS
Headphones Steelseries
Joypad Red PS3 Controller
Drink Mojito & Apple Martini
Food Spaghetti with Strawberry Juice
Music Techno & POP & Classic
Song Barthezz - "On The Move"
Actor / Actress John Travolta
Car Dodge Viper Coupe
Sport Football
Map De_cache
Clan Schroet Kommando
Player All Koreans in SC2
Race (Humans/Orcs/..) Protoss
eFootball Manager at Polish FA
Former FIFA Player

Fifa Awards:

Fifa 2002 World Cup
- 2nd place in PLF(Polska Liga Fify) - Polish Online Championships
- 1st place in Giants League
- 5th place in Media Markt Tournament in Warsaw, June 2002
- 4th place in LMF (Liga Mistrzów Fify)
- 1st place in ClanBase Ladder for 6 months

Fifa 2003
- 2nd place in Media Markt Tournament in Warsaw, November 2002
- 1st place in Fernando Ribiero World Cup
- 1st place in Fifa-Warsaw Tournament

Fifa 2004
- 4th place in Autocom LAN in Cracow, May 2004
- 4th place with Vadrigar e-Sports in DPLF season 2 (Polish Clans Championships)
- 4th place with Vadrigar e-Sports in DPLF Summer Cup
- 2nd place with Vadrigar e-Sports in DPLF season 3

Euro 2004
- 2nd place in Polish Championship Qualifier at Blue City Warsaw, June 2004
- 5th place in Polish Euro Championship Finals, Warsaw July 2004 - playing Switzerland!!!

Fifa 2005
- Top place esl.pl 1on1 no OTB ladder - #2
- 5th place in 1on1 Summer Cup 2005
- Invite for ESL Clanwar Champions League with Vadrigar e-Sports

Fifa Street
- 3rd place in "Fifa Street - Championships of the street" in Wola Park, Warsaw March 2005.
- 4th place in CH Targówek LAN, Warsaw March 2005

Fifa 06
- 5th place in Fifa 06 Polish Championship Qualifier in M1, Warsaw October 2005
- 1th place in Fifa 06 Polish Championship Qualifier in M1, Warsaw October 2005
- Qualification to Polish National Team
- 4th place in Fifaserwis Opening Cup
- 1st place in Fraggiel Cup 2005 with Fear Factory
- 3rd place in PLF Winter Cup with Fear Factory

Fifa Street 2
- 1st place in Arkadia Fifa Street 2 Tournament, Warsaw April 2006
- 3rd place in Silesia Cup - Fifa Street 2 Tournament, Katowice April 2006

Fifa 06 World Cup
- 1st place in Empik "Junior" Fifa 06 World Cup Championship, Warsaw June 2006

Fifa 07-10 inactive

Fifa 11 - come back on PS3
- Qualified to PROCPU PS3 (but not attending the finals)
- Top place csl.eu 1on1 ladder - #3
- 1st in CSL 1on1 PSN Return Cup
- 1st in CSL 2on2 PSN Return Cup
- 1st in East Games United @ Białystok 29.05.11
- 1st in Tumult Footbal Cup @ Toruń 25.06.11
- 1st in EPS Poland Finals @ Zabrze 2.07.11
- 1st in FIFA FunZone Cup @ Zabrze 2.07.11
- Presence at FIFA Interactive World Cup Finals, Los Angeles, USA

Fifa 12
- Qualified to Virgin Challenge Series Grand Final in New York City, USA
- 1st in GO4PL February
- 1st in GO4PL May
- 1st in Ursynalia Fifa Xbox 360 tournament, Warsaw 2.06.12

Fifa 13
- 1st in Ł3 Cup, 13.10.12 Warsaw
- 1st in Cybersport League Online Qualifier, December, Poznań
- 1st in GO4FIFAPL January Finals
- 1st in GO4FIFAPL March Finals

Fifa 14 inactive

Fifa 15
- 2nd in Komputronik "Mikołajki" Cup, December Warsaw
- 2nd in FIFA Ultimate Xbox One Championship, February Tychy