F4K1E  id: 698361
RAM 16GB (4x4) Geil Sniper
Videocard Sapphire 6870
Soundcard ASUS Xonar DS
Storage 128GB + 32GB SSD, 2x2TB + 2x640GB HDD
Motherboard ASUS m5a97 rev 2.0
Display LG 27' IPS
OS Windows 7 Professional 64bit
Antivirus MSE
Mouse SS Diablo III
Mouse Skatez halten eh nur ne Woche :P
Mousepad SS QcK+
Keyboard SS 7G
Headphones SS 7H
Connection KD 100000
Wheel/Pedals None
Joypad Xbox 360
TV 37 Zoll iwas
Sound system SS 7H
Console(s) NES
Handheld(s) Neo Geo Pocket
Mobile Phone Nokia Lumia 800
Drink Touchdown
Food Chinesisch
Movie The Boondock Saints
Music bitte kein Mainstream scheiß
Song Dendemann - Endlich Nichtschwimmer
Book Der Adler ist gelandet
Book author Diverse
Person Forever alone... :/
Actor / Actress Jackie Chan
Car Classic Dodge Charger
Sport e-Sports :P
Athlete Wayne ! Gretzky
Map DoD_Jagd / de_Survivor
Clan *aAa*
Player Madferret
Game Hero Joanna Dark (Perfect dark N64)
Race (Humans/Orcs/..) Alles was owned
Genre Taktik Shooter
Console NES
Favourite Websites
Website 1 http://www.backinaction.d..
Website 2 http://www.alltheway.de
Website 3 http://www.F4K1E.de
Website 4 http://www.Google.de
Games : CoD 4 / LoL / CS:GO
DoD 1.3 a.D.: LeiSuRe-eSports e.V. - Closed
LoL: cHaos eSport - Idle
CS:GO: All the Way - Idle