bi0s  id: 707617
CPU Athlon64 X2 5000+
RAM 4096MB Corsair DC-Kit
Videocard Nvidia 8800GT
Soundcard Aureon 7.1 Sourround
Storage 500GB Samsung
Motherboard Gigabyte M-Series
Display 17 Zoll Avidav TFT
OS Windows Vista 64Bit
CD/DVD LG Double Layer
Mouse Logitech G5
Mouse Skatez nope
Mousepad Steelseries XXL Stoffpad
Keyboard Logitech G15
Headphones Fatality Headset
Connection Alice 16Mbit
Wheel/Pedals nope
Joypad PS2-Pad
TV Siemens
Sound system nope
Console(s) PSP, WII
Handheld(s) nope
Drink Wasser, Bierchen
Food Nudeln, Döner
Movie Fast & Furious 1-3
Music Nirvana <3, Rock
Song Something in the way
Book Programming Skills
Book author kp
Actor / Actress Bruce Willes, Will Smith
Car Astra F GSI 2.0l 16V
Sport Fussball
Athlete UE`s, EL
Map de_aztec, de_nuke
Clan #nOtak
Player Laysher, Element
Game Hero oO
Race (Humans/Orcs/..) oO
Genre Oo
Console Oo
<3 Gordon`
<3 bleak
<3 xgx
<3 seren1ty

Greetz to:

<3 Gordon`
<3 Bleak
<3 steeno
<3 ChrishMC
<3 xgx
<3 busti
<3 seren1ty
<3 anarx
<3 Laysher
<3 and all i forget..

Read Pls:

if(cvar.Ahnung == 0)