Henrique 'Happy' Almeida  id: 7157033
CPU i7-2670QM CPU 2.20 GHz
RAM 6.00 GB
Videocard AMD Radeon 2GB
Soundcard idk
Storage 750 GB
Motherboard idk
Display from portatel 60 hertz
OS Windows 7 64 bits home premium
Antivirus Norton
CD/DVD Con* da tua mãe mpt
Mouse SteelSeriel-sensei
Mouse Skatez nepia
Mousepad nepia
Keyboard From Portatel
Headphones Siberia V2 Black
Connection meo 15 megas
Wheel/Pedals nope
Joypad nope
TV lcd 1080 p
Sound system Idk
Console(s) Ps3,Wi, nitendo(3ds and normal)
Handheld(s) idk
Mobile Phone From my girlfriend(her secundary)XD
Drink Cola
Food Nuggets from McDonalts
Movie Fast and furious 6
Music Rap
Song Fast and Furious 6 Music Montage - We Own it
Book Pato Donalt ou o crl
Book author Tony Empadão
Person Cristiano Ronaldo
Actor / Actress Lisa Ann
Car From Slink xD
Sport Football(normal)/Crossfire(electronic)
Athlete Cristiano Ronaldo
Map Bw/Ship
Clan Crazytugas("time of Cf Na")
Player 70Kg
Game Hero Motinhaaa(when he has gasoline)XD
Race (Humans/Orcs/..) Nigga
Genre Male
Console Ps4
Favourite Websites
Website 1 http://www.youtube.com
Website 2 http://www.esl.eu/eu
Website 3 https://www.facebook.com
Website 4 http://www.wareztuga.tv
last video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m5ui8oUGgVs
Inactive because university, realife and shit more important, still i´m playing sometimes ^^