SunshineLive.inf  id: 769358
CPU Intel Core i7 2600K @ 4Ghz
RAM Corsair DIMM 16 GB DDR3-1600 Quad-Kit Vengeance
Videocard Sapphire Vapor-X HD5870
Soundcard onboard
Storage 6 x 2000 GB sata
Motherboard ASRock Z68 gen 7
Display Samsung Syncmaster BX2331
OS Windows XP Pro + SP2, WinVista, Win7
Mouse Logitech G700 Limited Edition
Mouse Skatez Mouse Skatez BIGPACK
Mousepad Razer eXactMat
Keyboard Logitech G19
Headphones Logitech G35
Connection VDSL 50000
Wheel/Pedals Logitech G27
Joypad Microsoft Xbox Controller
TV Samsung Syncmaster BX2331
Sound system Logitech Z680
Console(s) PS2, Wii, Xbox360 S, PS3
Handheld(s) Gameboy ;D
Mobile Phone Samsung Galaxy S @ ICS4
Drink Zombie
Food Asiatisch
Movie Blade
Music Nightwish
Song Over the Hills and far away
Book keins
Book author noch weniger
Person meine Frau.
Actor / Actress lol
Car Mitshubishi Eclipse
Sport Fitness
Athlete keinen
Map Alle BF2 Maps, bin nur Commander :D
Genre Shooter!!!
Console NES :D
Favourite Websites
Website 1
╔►◙ Status: Inaktiv[ ] Aktiv[√]
╠►◙ Clan : mal sehen was kommt :D
╠►◙ Motto: bin auf der Suche :D
╚►◙ Skill loading: █ █ █ 32%


-/- COD 6

MW2 De Demolition 3on3 Explosive Cup | 3.


Zu meiner Call of Duty-History:

║MasterBlasters.eV | Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2
║European Destroyers | Call of Duty Modern Warfare

Zu meiner Battlefield-History:

║mSmworld #1
║AC-Universe.bf2 #2
║Ihrhove Esport (EPS Season IX)
║EFF-Kult / EFF-Gaming / TNG-Gaming
║Advocatis Diaboli.BFV
║German Battlefield Clan.bfv