JoshuaX84  id: 96331
CPU i7 990X
RAM 24 Gig Corsair Vengeance 1600
Videocard Gigabyte 680 GTX OC on SLY
Soundcard on Borad
Storage OCZ Agility 3 SSD + two on raid 0
Motherboard Gigabyte X58/USB3
Display Samsung Full Hd 3D Tv&Monitor
OS Win 7 Pro 64 Bit
Antivirus Avira Pro
CD/DVD Lightscrivbe DVD combo+LG DVD COMBO LIght Scribe
Mouse Razer Death Adder (Black Edition )
Mousepad Razer Vespula
Keyboard ROCCAT ISKU // Iluminated Gaming
Headphones ROCCAT KAVE
Connection VDSL 50Mbit
Wheel/Pedals he he was dess *g*
Joypad Logitec
TV Philips Full HD 1080 7000 Series
Sound system JVS Woofer + Home Theater
Console(s) PS3 wii
Mobile Phone iPhone 4 S
Drink neee kein alki mehr .....
Food Balkan Platte
Movie ich bin der Film
Music Hip Hop RnB Soul oldYs Dance
Song MethodMan-Redman Da Rockwilder
Book die Drei ???
Book author Ulf Blanck
Person meine Frau
Actor / Actress Jet Lee-Bruce Lee-k1 Fighters[Undergound Fighters]
Car BMW 320d (2007)
Sport Fitness
Athlete Mihajlovic,Mijatovic,R.Carlos,Zidan
Map dust2
Player Mich und meine Frau
Race (Humans/Orcs/..) Elfen - LOTRO, Age of Conan Magier
Genre Action,MMORPG
Console Play Station 3
Favourite Websites
Website 1
“Gentlemen. You can’t fight in here. This is the war room.”

Greet^Z JoshuaX84