Contacts & Buddies
Björn 'xaNNi' Dohle  id: 1081781
Name Björn Dohle
Nick xaNNi
Member since 16/01/05
Age / Gender 43 Years / male
Nationality  Germany
Territory Germany
Occupation IT-Fachinformatiker
Main team S.Revo Main Team
Homepage --
► Player : xaNNi
╠► Game : League of Legends & CS:GO
╠► Skill : Low+[] Mid [√] High [√]
╠► Status : Aktiv [√] Inaktiv []
╚► Clan : Ja [√] Nein [ ] auf der Suche []
Level & Awards
  4 Awards  
Counter-Strike: Source
League of Legends
Clubs  public
Recent matches
  Counter-Strike: Source 1on1 Handgun Ladder
loss KoKa  -13 Tuesday, 14/06/11 11:05 4
loss 1139823  -15 Friday, 22/04/11 20:50 4
win 2305378  +26 Tuesday, 12/04/11 11:39 7
loss peKa  -20 Tuesday, 05/04/11 14:31 3
draw rbNN  +6 Tuesday, 05/04/11 14:08 5
win st4rk  +18 Tuesday, 05/04/11 10:22 3
win 2346203  +39 Monday, 04/04/11 17:31 7
loss 4547836  -14 Thursday, 03/03/11 09:37 5
win 3622931  +23 Thursday, 03/03/11 09:10 5
win syrex  +20 Thursday, 03/03/11 08:51 5
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