Contacts & Buddies
avo  id: 634342
Name --
Nick avo
Member since 15/11/03
Age / Gender 33 Years / male
Nationality  Germany
Territory Germany
Main team --
Homepage --
Level & Awards
  7 Awards  
Counter-Strike: Source
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
Recent matches
  Battlefield 2 Battleracer 1st Raceday
6. Runde 3: Gulf of Oman  +3 Saturday, 09/02/08 16:40 0
5. Runde 3: Mashtuur City GP  +4 Saturday, 09/02/08 16:40 0
8. Runde 3: Dragon Valley International  +1 Saturday, 09/02/08 16:30 0
6. Runde 2: Dragon Valley International  +3 Saturday, 09/02/08 15:40 1
1. Runde 2: Gulf of Oman  +10 Saturday, 09/02/08 15:25 1
1. Runde 2: Mashtuur City GP  +10 Saturday, 09/02/08 15:10 1
31. Runde 1: Mashtuur City GP  +10 Saturday, 09/02/08 14:00 3
36. Runde 1: Gulf of Oman  +3 Saturday, 09/02/08 13:45 3
32. Runde 1: Dragon Valley International  +8 Saturday, 09/02/08 13:30 7
Visited Events
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