Sheni  id: 498031
Drink Nonijuice,Cuba Libre,Sprite on the Beach
Food chinafood
Music RnB, HipHop und Slow JamZ
Book only holy scrolls
Book author Akiro Motoyama, Eiichirō Oda
Person jeNNyjeN <3 :x
Actor / Actress Jackie Chan,Will Smith
Car RX-7,S2000
Sport Mixed Martial Arts
Athlete David Alaba
Map de_bett :D
Race (Humans/Orcs/..) Fernöstlich Köstlich !
Genre Eastern, Zombie
>> ❤❤❤

DLM Sieger CSGO Season #17 2016

[ SteamID ]
Erstellt 22.09.03 um 22:43
SteamID 0:1:5524

[ Ex-Clans: ]

Jubo/DkH, Tatami, Glocksound.aVm, enemyDown, team-unkn0wn, BHK.Vagant, utopianer
team-helix, xsporting, Death's Embrace, GSG-9, no way out, biowar, e2sports
pod, Drunken Masters, Super$tars, Team-Hardware4u, High FiDelity, not only a team
sucht0pferkelkheim, VELOX, esp4all, The Doctors, sharkZ, team-Hamburg, myRuSh, majestic
fEeL tHe PowEr of bEing durch, in-Action, redemption, ohneGnade, 9 Playgrounds

2x EPS Quali, 1x EPS Aufstieg