t0mmy  id: 609056
CPU Intel Core2Quad Q6600 @3.4GHz / Intel Pentium M715
RAM 2x1024MB DDR2-800 GEIL / 512MB DDR2 533 Kingston
Videocard ASUS EN8800GT 512MB / ATi Mobility X700
Soundcard HD 7.1 Audio / onBoard
Storage Hitachi Deskstar T7K250 250GB / Toshiba 60GB
Motherboard GIGABYTE GA-P35-DS4 / Acer
Display Samsung SyncMaster 930BF / 15,4" TFT
OS Windows Vista Ultimate 64-bit
CD/DVD LG Electronics GSA-4167B / Slot In Pionier
Mouse Microsoft Intelli 1.1/ MICROSOFT IntelliMouse
Mouse Skatez S&S padsurfers
Mousepad Steel QcK heavy / S&S Steelpad
Keyboard Steelseries 3G
Headphones Sennheiser PC151
Connection 20MB Down/1MB Up
Joypad Logitech RumblePad II
TV 72cm Röhre
Sound system Sennheiser PC151
Console(s) XBOX 360
Handheld(s) SE w810i ^^
Drink Wasser, Latella
Food kA gibt´s zuviel gutes ;)
Movie Sin City
Music Trance, Hardstyle
Song n/a
Book n/a
Book author n/a
Person n/a
Actor / Actress Vin Diesel, Angelina Jolie
Car Seat Leon Cupra
Sport e-Sports
Athlete n/a
Map de_inferno
Clan plan-B | SK
Game Hero Nummer 47 - Hitman
Race (Humans/Orcs/..) Dwarf
Console XBOX 360, Nintendo Wii
Favourite Websites
Website 1 http://www.overclockers.a..
Website 2 http://www.plan-B.at
Nach knapp 5 1/2 Jahren reichts definitiv!

Special Thanks to .... ->

Ganz großer Dank gehen an:
moss, n2y, virtos, alex, mat1, S0ulmurd3r, cRONIC, f e R o, fiZE, Norman, impolyt, sqqqB, viecH^, Rapidler, Royal, n3co, hYs, Mistery, monk, bowman & alle anderen mit denen ich gespielt habe, bzw die mich gepusht haben :)

FIFA 07/08 History:
plan-B FIFA Football

FIFA 07 Nationalteam
Clanbase Nations CUP X

FIFA 07 Offline:
Plan-B.FIFA Bootcamp

Counter-Strike History:
ASF - Austrian Stealth Fighters
NOE - No One Else
CoN - Clan ohne Namen
ieS Virtual Gaming
Team GamerArea

Counter-Strike Nationalteam
Team Niederösterreich ALM Season II

Counter-Strike Offline:
EPS Alpen Relegation Season V with ieS
BOOTCAMP with Team GamerArea(uNnormal)

Counter-Strike:Source Offline:
EPS Alpen Relegation Seasvon VIII with ieS