Tegut   id:  5522156
Name Tegut
Shorthandle Tegut
Registered since 19/12/10
Headquarters  Germany
  1  Awards  
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Latest matches
  Counter-Strike: Source 3on3 Ladder
loss   miszczowieGRYh3h3  -7 Saturday, 26/03/11 11:32 3
loss   Grand Theft Kodo  -18 Monday, 14/03/11 11:52 4
draws   siemqa  + 9 Monday, 20/12/10 18:35 13
loss   closer to the Edge  -27 Monday, 20/12/10 17:53 12
  Counter-Strike: Source 3on3 Handgun Ladder
wins   mixdunet  + 32 Monday, 20/12/10 19:23 6