WeMakeThat! - LoL   id:  7877447
Name WeMakeThat! - LoL
Shorthandle WMT
Registered since 06/08/13
Homepage http://www.wmt-gaming.com/
Headquarters  Germany / Langenfeld
  1  Awards  
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Latest matches
  League of Legends EU West 5on5 Champions Club #85 (12.09.13)
loss   Team Unemployed  0 Thursday, 12/09/13 13:00
  League of Legends EU West 5on5 Old Ladder
wins   Team Selfmade.esl  + 25 Wednesday, 11/09/13 15:00
  League of Legends EU West Go4LoL Cup #158 (Sun 08.09.13)
loss   The-Dead-Generation-LoL  0 Sunday, 08/09/13 09:15
wins   FreeSyrianArmy  + 2 Sunday, 08/09/13 08:00 1