Contacts & Buddies
Manuel 'rome' Bennies  id: 2168419
Name Manuel Bennies
Nick rome
Member since 02/12/06
Age / Gender 37 Years / male
Nationality  Spain
Territory Germany
Main team ADEBAYORz
Homepage --
The biggest enemy you have to deal with is yourself!  more...  
Level & Awards
Recent matches
  CS:GO Open Ladder 1on1 Europe
win 732912  +32 Thursday, 31/12/15 11:26
loss izaax  -33 Sunday, 05/05/13 09:54 2
win masterACE  +20 Saturday, 04/05/13 19:02 5
win 1106985  +18 Saturday, 04/05/13 18:35 7
win 4439765  +17 Wednesday, 09/01/13 14:57 3
win 4944229  +22 Wednesday, 09/01/13 13:21 3
win 544159  +21 Saturday, 05/01/13 15:00 3
win masterACE  +28 Saturday, 05/01/13 09:41 4
  Counter-Strike: Global Offensive 1on1 HG Ladder
draw 2482844  -11 Thursday, 14/02/13 15:10 5
win Fabes  +27 Monday, 11/02/13 13:37 3
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