Contacts & Buddies
Patryk 'rasija' H.  id: 2894976
Name Patryk H.
Nick rasija
Member since 09/12/07
Age / Gender 32 Years / male
Nationality  Poland
Territory Poland
Occupation Shoter
Main team --
Homepage --
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Level & Awards
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
League of Legends
Blub Game
Recent matches
  CS:GO Open Ladder 1on1 AIM Europe
win 9670668  +15 Wednesday, 27/04/16 12:04
win 5326088  +30 Wednesday, 27/04/16 11:47
win PhoenikS  +27 Wednesday, 27/04/16 11:31
  CS:GO 1on1 Open Cup Series #107 Poland
win MANLit.  +2 Tuesday, 26/04/16 16:30
win dFk  +2 Tuesday, 26/04/16 16:00
win Deuce  +2 Tuesday, 26/04/16 15:30
win 4187465  +2 Tuesday, 26/04/16 15:00
win 8539356  +2 Tuesday, 26/04/16 14:30
win 9400750  +2 Tuesday, 26/04/16 14:00
win 4927261  +2 Tuesday, 26/04/16 13:30
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