Contacts & Buddies
Michael 'rEpTiLe' Lohr  id: 468778
Name Michael Lohr
Nick rEpTiLe
Member since 29/03/03
Age / Gender 37 Years / male
Nationality  Germany
Territory Germany
Occupation Qualitäts-Kontrolle
Employer / University / School Bauer-Kompressoren
Main team Good old Haripro CS Alpen
Homepage http://www.wayne-interessierts..
Die Aera rEpTiLe neigt sich dem Ende zu...
Its nice to be a Preis but its higher to be a Bayer!!
leider nur 3.
Cheater hat mich rausgehauen :-)
Solange der Mensch spielt, ist er frei. (Friedrich Sieburg)  more...  
Level & Awards
Counter-Strike: Source
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
League of Legends
Left 4 Dead
Show all game levels
Clubs  public
Recent matches
  Counter-Strike 1on1 #6 - 2on2 MR15 - 15.05.
win 3634520  +2 Sunday, 15/05/11 13:00 8
loss 2369896  0 Sunday, 15/05/11 12:15 5
win db is 'DaBzrka'  +2 Sunday, 15/05/11 11:30 3
win sha_  +2 Sunday, 15/05/11 10:45 5
win (bye)  Sunday, 15/05/11 10:00 0
  StarCraft II Go4SC2 Cup #103 (Sun 08.05.11) - Win €200
loss Cinetik  0 Sunday, 08/05/11 08:45 2
win 5851146  +2 Sunday, 08/05/11 08:00 1
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