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HyugaaTV  id: 1054763
For a 20-year membership in the ESL
0,2401% all players (Show)
awarded on 25/01/25
Reaching Overall Level 250
0,0125% all players (Show)
awarded on 25/01/25
1st of EU HaxBall 1on1 ESL Series Spring 2014
0,0029% all players (Show)
awarded on 14/05/14
For 2500 played 1on1 matches in the ESL
0,0130% all players (Show)
awarded on 01/10/14
For 10 visits to events
0,0215% all players (Show)
awarded on 16/05/09
For 1000 won 1on1 matches in the ESL
0,0350% all players (Show)
awarded on 04/01/08
Summer Cup Winner Europe Counter-Strike 1on1 Summer Cup 2014
0,0169% all players (Show)
awarded on 25/09/14
For winning a Cup on Easter Ger PokerTH Cup 1on1 Ostercup 2014
0,0041% all players (Show)
awarded on 22/04/14
For winning a Cup during Christmas ESL Play PlayOK 1on1 Christmas Cup 2015
0,0081% all players (Show)
awarded on 14/01/16
For 50 cup attendances
0,4839% all players (Show)
awarded on 06/04/15
Reaching top 3 in a Cup 5 times
0,0183% all players (Show)
awarded on 01/07/14
For 100 won cup matches
0,3553% all players (Show)
awarded on 25/06/20
For 30 victories in a row in a league Europe HaxBall 1on1 ESL Series
0,1133% all players (Show)
awarded on 23/03/14
For 30 victories in a row in a league Ger Counter-Strike Funmap 1on1 Aimmap Ladder
0,1133% all players (Show)
awarded on 17/11/09
For 30 victories in a row in a league Ger Counter-Strike Funmap 1on1 Ladder Old
0,1133% all players (Show)
awarded on 09/04/09
For 20 victories in a row in a league Ger Counter-Strike Funmap 1on1 Ladder Old
0,1837% all players (Show)
awarded on 08/11/09
For 20 victories in a row in a league ESL Play CS 1.6 Open Ladder 1on1 AIM Europe
0,1837% all players (Show)
awarded on 15/10/09
For 20 victories in a row in a league Ger Counter-Strike Funmap 1on1 AWP Ladder Old
0,1837% all players (Show)
awarded on 13/07/09
For 10 victories in a row in a league Ger Germany Carom3D 8 Ball 1on1 Blitz Ladder
1,8169% all players (Show)
awarded on 20/02/07
For 10 victories in a row in a league Ger Germany Carom3D 9 Ball 1on1 Blitz Ladder
1,8169% all players (Show)
awarded on 05/02/07
For 10 victories in a row in a league Ger Carom3D 9 Ball 1on1 Ladder
1,8169% all players (Show)
awarded on 04/02/07
For 10 victories in a row in a league Ger EuroPoker Heads-Up Ladder
1,8169% all players (Show)
awarded on 25/10/08
For 10 victories in a row in a league ESL Play CS:GO Open Ladder 1on1 AIM Europe
1,8169% all players (Show)
awarded on 11/04/14
For 10 victories in a row in a league Ger Counter-Strike Funmap 1on1 Ladder
1,8169% all players (Show)
awarded on 06/01/12
For 10 victories in a row in a league Ger Counter-Strike Funmap 1on1 AWP Ladder Old
1,8169% all players (Show)
awarded on 21/11/08
For 10 victories in a row in a league ESL Play CS 1.6 Open Ladder 1on1 AWP Europe
1,8169% all players (Show)
awarded on 30/03/09
For 10 victories in a row in a league ESL Play PlayOK Open Ladder 1on1 Dice Europe
1,8169% all players (Show)
awarded on 09/11/14
For 10 victories in a row in a league POL ICQ Games Pool 1on1 Old Ladder
1,8169% all players (Show)
awarded on 18/04/07
For 10 victories in a row in a league Ger PokerTH 1on1 ESL Series
1,8169% all players (Show)
awarded on 30/03/14
For 10 victories in a row in a league Europe ICQ Games Pool 1on1 Ladder
1,8169% all players (Show)
awarded on 25/10/08
For 10 victories in a row in a league Ger Carom3D 1on1 Blitz Ladder
1,8169% all players (Show)
awarded on 11/09/08
For 10 victories in a row in a league Ger Carom3D 1on1 Ladder
1,8169% all players (Show)
awarded on 12/02/08
For 10 victories in a row in a league Ger Carom3D Mixed 1on1 Amateur Series
1,8169% all players (Show)
awarded on 24/04/07
For 10 victories in a row in a league Ger ICQ Games Pool 1on1 Ladder Old
1,8169% all players (Show)
awarded on 18/04/07
For 10 victories in a row in a league Ger Carom3D 8 Ball 1on1 Ladder
1,8169% all players (Show)
awarded on 18/04/07
For being ranked #1 in a ladder for 120 days in a row ESL Play PlayOK Open Ladder 1on1 Dice Europe
0,1851% all players (Show)
awarded on 15/10/15
For being ranked #1 in a ladder for 30 days in a row ESL Play PlayOK Open Ladder 1on1 Ludo Europe
0,2170% all players (Show)
awarded on 03/01/15
For being ranked #1 in a ladder for 30 days in a row Ger Counter-Strike Funmap 1on1 Ladder
0,2170% all players (Show)
awarded on 04/02/12
For being ranked #1 in a ladder for 30 days in a row Europe HaxBall 1on1 ESL Series
0,2170% all players (Show)
awarded on 20/04/14
Playercard Trust-Level-3 first to order
0,2688% all players (Show)
awarded on 27/07/06
Playercard Trusted Pro first to order
0,3138% all players (Show)
awarded on 13/12/11
ESL Wire Beta User
1,1094% all players (Show)
awarded on 25/08/09
For 6 months of help in BOINC
0,1779% all players (Show)
awarded on 01/03/08
VERSUS Spring 2014 Top 10% Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
3,1974% all players (Show)
awarded on 01/07/14
VERSUS Summer 2014 Top 10% Counter-Strike
3,1974% all players (Show)
awarded on 21/01/15
Reaching level 5 in 5 games
0,4646% all players (Show)
awarded on 23/12/09
Reaching level 15 in 5 games
0,0497% all players (Show)
awarded on 14/03/14
ENC 2008 Finals Visitor
0,0433% all players (Show)
awarded on 27/08/08
EPS X (DE) Finals Visitor
0,0518% all players (Show)
awarded on 18/06/07
EPS XI (DE) Finals Visitor
0,0466% all players (Show)
awarded on 04/12/07
EPS 14 (DE) Finals Visitor
0,0353% all players (Show)
awarded on 19/06/09
EPS 15 (DE) Finals Visitor
0,0332% all players (Show)
awarded on 15/12/09
For an ESL Premium Account worth 4 years
0,3224% all players (Show)
awarded on 19/02/14
Progress of new awards
The following bars show when the next award will be given. The data are updated once a day.
80% Reaching level 30 in 5 games
80% For a 25-year membership in the ESL
74% For 2500 won 1on1 matches in the ESL
65% For 20 visits to events
61% For an ESL Premium Account worth 10 years
60% For 5000 played 1on1 matches in the ESL
58% For 12 months of help in BOINC
53% Played VERSUS with over 500 different players.
53% Reaching level 5 in 15 games
50% Reaching Overall Level 500
44% For 250 won cup matches
40% Reaching level 15 in 15 games
36% For 250 cup attendances
25% 1.000 VERSUS Matches
22% Played gathers with over 1000 different players. Information on the Gather Award
13% 100 Matches as Solo Player against a Party
8% Played over 100 VERSUS Matches as Party Leader.