HeHeshky  id: 3022864
[ Match Ratings ]
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OMGPOP Pool 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
14.07.11 4132787 Detail
14.07.11 5237197 Detail
12.07.11 clipper Detail
12.07.11 4524519 Detail
12.07.11 4076821 Detail
08.07.11 MasterOfDisasta Detail
06.03.11 Barambol Detail
05.03.11 4734990 Detail
05.03.11 3207600 gg man ! Detail
28.02.11 aNNteK Massacre Detail
26.02.11 4744989 Detail
19.02.11 bL0GGyyy. Detail
19.02.11 5280268 Detail
18.02.11 Salas Detail
18.02.11 4498212 Detail
16.02.11 KinG Detail
28.12.10 KinG Detail
21.12.10 3746461 Detail
21.12.10 FReeKILL Detail
OMGPOP Pool 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
06.03.11 Barambol Detail
06.03.11 MADIGY Detail
06.03.11 4534751 Detail
01.03.11 3502372 Detail
01.03.11 3922675 Detail
28.02.11 aNNteK Massacre Detail
28.02.11 5136719 Detail
28.02.11 KarteKpL Detail
26.02.11 bL0GGyyy. Detail
26.02.11 5136719 Detail
26.02.11 3660917 Detail
26.02.11 5143495 Detail
25.02.11 SlideBozZ Detail
25.02.11 5136719 Detail
29.12.10 eXample. Detail
28.12.10 2883696 Detail
28.12.10 KinG Detail
OMGPOP Pool Playoff Cup
created from rating comment match
21.02.11 foRmaa18 Detail
21.02.11 DaddyKuba Detail
21.02.11 Kalasznikow Detail
OMGPOP Pool Quali Cup #7
created from rating comment match
20.02.11 KinG Detail
20.02.11 4790446 Detail
19.02.11 4113289 Detail
OMGPOP Pool Quali Cup #8
created from rating comment match
19.02.11 4790446 Detail
OMGPOP Pool Quali Cup #5
created from rating comment match
17.02.11 5424754 Detail
OMGPOP Pool Quali Cup #4
created from rating comment match
16.02.11 4405611 Detail
OMGPOP Pool Quali Cup #2
created from rating comment match
15.02.11 SzakaL Detail
14.02.11 FReeKILL Detail
14.02.11 4479804 Detail
OMGPOP Pool Quali Cup #3
created from rating comment match
14.02.11 SHHEEEIT Detail
OMGPOP Pool Quali Cup #1
created from rating comment match
13.02.11 SzakaL Detail
OMGPOP Balloono Winter Cup - pool
created from rating comment match
21.12.10 DaddyKuba Detail
20.12.10 3489483 Detail
Counter-Strike 1on1 MR15 NM Winter Cup
created from rating comment match
18.12.10 2537590 Detail
Quake Live 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
18.12.10 3720884 Detail
20.11.10 3720884 Detail
Operation 7 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
29.11.10 5364859 Detail
28.11.10 3720884 Detail
20.11.10 3720884 Detail
22.10.10 5395761 Detail
30.05.10 4571723 Detail
29.05.10 Epoxx Detail
OMGPOP Balloono 1on1 Balloono Cup
created from rating comment match
22.11.10 Legendary_ns Detail
19.11.10 rose Detail
12.11.10 Legendary_ns Detail
Counter-Strike Funmap 1on1 Jesienny puchar
created from rating comment match
26.10.10 2398208 Detail
Counter-Strike AWP 1on1 Jesienny puchar
created from rating comment match
25.10.10 3668031 Detail
Counter-Strike 1on1 MR15 Jesienny puchar
created from rating comment match
25.10.10 3531305 Detail
Call of Duty 4 Promod Deathmatch Jesienny Puchar
created from rating comment match
24.10.10 5045051 Detail
Counter-Strike 1on1 MR15 Kup sobie maturę z Rzeczpospolitą
created from rating comment match
13.10.10 3654545 Detail
Call of Duty 4 1on1 Anti-Cheat Ladder
created from rating comment match
26.09.10 aGiie. Detail
ICQ Games Pool 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
12.09.10 hati gg++ Detail
12.09.10 5133713 gg++ Detail
12.09.10 weedy Detail
12.09.10 1366069 n1 game Detail
12.09.10 4111214 Detail
11.09.10 hati gg! bad luck hunts both of us xD Detail
11.09.10 mCL Detail
10.09.10 2468128 Detail
09.09.10 Grajo Detail
08.09.10 3987927 Detail
07.09.10 JZe' Detail
07.09.10 1365604 Detail
07.09.10 1456202 Detail
07.09.10 4393901 Detail
06.09.10 1456202 Detail
06.09.10 3987927 Detail
06.09.10 3655212 Detail
06.09.10 SUNZ1 Detail
06.09.10 3655212 gg++ Detail
06.09.10 3060456 Detail
04.09.10 robbynat0r Detail
03.09.10 4010837 Detail
08.03.10 3078677 Detail
05.03.10 Kalasznikow Detail
04.03.10 Psycho Detail
04.03.10 2746423 Detail
04.03.10 606333 Detail
04.03.10 4494141 g_G Detail
04.03.10 kokhan_s Detail
06.02.10 scruch Detail
06.02.10 2322749 Detail
05.02.10 1628282 Detail
05.02.10 2599484 Detail
05.02.10 3405143 Detail
05.02.10 DONEk Detail
05.02.10 3784966 Detail
05.02.10 trickyy__ Detail
04.02.10 1603371 Detail
04.02.10 3078677 Detail
04.02.10 2599484 Detail
04.02.10 3123987 gg Detail
04.02.10 dataLogi Detail
03.02.10 3658087 Detail
03.02.10 2452268 Detail
03.02.10 1886649 Detail
02.02.10 2531668 Detail
02.02.10 Hollypriest Detail
02.02.10 1833662 gg Detail
02.02.10 2701849 Detail
02.02.10 Rivaldo Detail
02.02.10 3795968 n1 gamer Detail
02.02.10 1833662 gg Detail
02.02.10 3542302 Detail
02.02.10 Th3G4m3r Detail
02.02.10 Zander Detail
01.02.10 sha_ Detail
01.02.10 994062 Detail
01.02.10 3578305 Detail
01.02.10 4756309 Detail
31.01.10 Lanstark Detail
31.01.10 2452268 Detail
29.01.10 LobitO Detail
04.01.10 4570719 Detail
03.01.10 3062532 Detail
03.01.10 4120778 Detail
03.01.10 2658409 Detail
02.01.10 3250388 Detail
02.01.10 4341048 Detail
02.01.10 4068202 Detail
02.01.10 aGiie. Detail
02.01.10 3753033 Detail
31.12.09 3029112 Detail
31.12.09 1680005 Detail
30.12.09 3639810 Detail
30.12.09 3939515 gg++ gerne wieder. Detail
30.12.09 2304187 Detail
29.12.09 PrY_ Detail
29.12.09 enishi Detail
29.12.09 3719300 Detail
29.12.09 3029112 Detail
29.12.09 2050597 Detail
28.12.09 4147344 Detail
28.12.09 3639810 Detail
28.12.09 3248283 Detail
28.12.09 1448666 Detail
28.12.09 2493810 Detail
27.12.09 Ooschwerbleede_ gg++ Ûnd nen juten Rutsch Detail
27.12.09 2333770 Detail
27.12.09 snowball Detail
27.12.09 3329705 Detail
27.12.09 3248283 Detail
26.12.09 540287 Detail
26.12.09 4221508 Detail
26.12.09 Ooschwerbleede_ Luck only Detail
26.12.09 3800127 gg Detail
26.12.09 1462401 gg Detail
26.12.09 MASCHI Detail
26.12.09 Ooschwerbleede_ gg++ Detail
26.12.09 3329705 Detail
26.12.09 3440958 Detail
26.12.09 4677064 Detail
26.12.09 2261570 Detail
26.12.09 2183983 Detail
26.12.09 MASCHI Detail
26.12.09 Ooschwerbleede_ gg++ Detail
Counter-Strike Funmap 1on1 Summer Cup3
created from rating comment match
07.09.10 3079742 Detail
Counter-Strike 1on1 MR9 Summer Cup 3
created from rating comment match
06.09.10 wojten gg Detail
AssaultCube Deathmatch Ladder
created from rating comment match
24.08.10 4205200 Detail
10.06.10 Epoxx Detail
TrackMania Nations Forever 1on1 TMNF EMS VI Krajowe eliminacje
created from rating comment match
17.03.10 Botrex Detail
13.03.10 3618023 Detail
Call of Duty 4 Promod Deathmatch Mix ladder
created from rating comment match
14.03.10 4924965 Detail
06.01.10 3041624 gg Detail
02.01.10 3287910 Detail
ICQ Games Pool 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
07.03.10 Kalasznikow Detail
07.03.10 Suszin Detail
06.03.10 4451766 Detail
06.02.10 4178356 gg Detail
05.02.10 4451766 Detail
05.02.10 4173778 Detail
04.02.10 4742341 Detail
04.02.10 DONEk Detail
04.02.10 dataLogi Detail
31.01.10 4742341 Detail
02.01.10 Epoxx Detail
02.01.10 aGiie. Detail
JamLegend Showdown 1on1 Normal Ladder
created from rating comment match
02.02.10 4417058 Detail
27.12.09 3433458 Detail
27.12.09 aGiie. Detail
26.12.09 Epoxx Detail