Robbb  id: 3358435
[ Match Ratings ]
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FIFA 20 (PS4) 1on1 Tuesday Open Cup #5 Europe East
created from rating comment match
31.03.20 Danimona777 Detail
FIFA 20 (PS4) Open Ladder 1on1 Europe
created from rating comment match
30.03.20 casuals1994 Detail
29.03.20 prescelto Detail
24.03.20 DeanBeerschot Wasting time since min 65 Detail
22.03.20 prescelto Detail
CS:GO Open Ladder 1on1 AIM Europe
created from rating comment match
22.06.16 NE0XX Detail
FIFA 16 (PS4) Open Ladder 1on1 Europe
created from rating comment match
05.06.16 stabloch93 Detail
31.05.16 1316625 Detail
Counter-Strike: Source Fast Cup v498 1on1 AWP
created from rating comment match
21.01.13 6403709 Detail
Counter-Strike: Source Fast Cup v496 1on1 Knife
created from rating comment match
20.01.13 6076126 Detail
Counter-Strike: Source Fast Cup v487 1on1 AIM
created from rating comment match
10.01.13 3670304 Detail
Blub Game 1on1 Ladder Old
created from rating comment match
08.02.10 3779750 Detail
03.01.10 4394202 Detail
03.01.10 3126396 Detail
03.01.10 4531847 Detail
03.01.10 2832946 Detail
03.01.10 4470606 Detail
03.01.10 3448910 Detail
03.01.10 3444471 Detail
03.01.10 4131763 Detail
03.01.10 3955878 Detail
03.01.10 3017792 Detail
03.01.10 3597259 Detail
03.01.10 3069927 Detail
03.01.10 3009330 Detail
03.01.10 4552706 GG Detail
03.01.10 4294019 Detail
03.01.10 4347646 Detail
03.01.10 MacGyver gg, lags and bug no sound Detail
03.01.10 4557280 Detail
03.01.10 4410268 Detail
02.01.10 4171713 Detail
19.11.09 3094266 Detail
12.10.09 3895626 Detail
11.10.09 3405802 Detail
11.10.09 3179597 Detail
04.10.09 favx Detail
04.10.09 2160334 Detail
04.10.09 3166061 Detail
04.10.09 3711524 Detail
03.10.09 1964688 Detail
09.09.09 3958129 yes lags, but first game today. Detail
07.09.09 SePpeL Detail
07.09.09 2024093 Detail
07.09.09 3337346 Detail
07.09.09 3345294 Detail
07.09.09 3337346 Detail
07.09.09 4368690 Detail
07.09.09 2197825 Detail
07.09.09 3303608 Detail
06.09.09 2112200 Detail
06.09.09 2270882 Detail
06.09.09 3358921 Detail
06.09.09 3644780 Detail
06.09.09 ScT Detail
06.09.09 4368690 Detail
06.09.09 4166194 Detail
05.09.09 3956712 Detail
05.09.09 2619546 Detail
05.09.09 3956712 Detail
05.09.09 494929 bien Detail
05.09.09 2249127 Detail
05.09.09 4368690 Detail
05.09.09 2633279 Detail
05.09.09 3956712 Detail
04.09.09 4352227 Detail
04.09.09 3746859 Detail
04.09.09 1449281 Detail
04.09.09 2633279 Detail
04.09.09 Nox Detail
04.09.09 3956712 Detail
04.09.09 3946044 Detail
04.09.09 2762644 Detail
04.09.09 The Saint Detail
04.09.09 2311550 gg <3 Detail
04.09.09 3358921 Detail
04.09.09 494929 Detail
04.09.09 1729438 Detail
03.09.09 4363075 Detail
03.09.09 2477421 Detail
03.09.09 2948382 Detail
03.09.09 3746859 Detail
03.09.09 2751819 Detail
03.09.09 3166061 Detail
03.09.09 494929 Detail
03.09.09 2244398 Detail
03.09.09 4352227 Detail
03.09.09 3315827 gg Detail
03.09.09 4352227 Detail
02.09.09 3499179 Detail
02.09.09 4336693 Detail
02.09.09 4340064 Detail
02.09.09 3358921 Detail
02.09.09 G0nAr unfair? nc lucky hsn bas noob noob noob buguser Detail
02.09.09 3750703 Detail
02.09.09 1449281 Lowpad =D Detail
01.09.09 3358921 gg overskilled rien pu faire~ Detail
01.09.09 The Saint Detail
01.09.09 3946044 flennt, luegt einfach nur low Detail
31.08.09 2249127 Detail
31.08.09 3358921 Detail
31.08.09 3553476 Detail
31.08.09 3660166 Detail
31.08.09 3358921 Detail
31.08.09 4363075 Detail
31.08.09 The Saint Detail
31.08.09 1449281 Detail
18.08.09 4253389 Detail
15.08.09 3496001 Detail
29.07.09 4238998 Detail
29.07.09 1180895 Detail
29.07.09 3425750 Detail
29.07.09 2664159 Detail
Counter-Strike: Source 1on1 Aim Ladder
created from rating comment match
08.02.10 4209355 Detail
07.02.10 3400295 Detail
07.02.10 2746144 Detail
06.02.10 3574413 Detail
01.01.10 3626515 Detail
01.01.10 3012621 Detail
14.11.09 3436361 @ marche et joue ca vie en aim Detail
14.11.09 3446091 Detail
14.11.09 3348923 Detail
07.09.09 3281276 Detail
29.08.09 3721177 Good Fp Detail
24.08.09 3883590 Detail
Counter-Strike: Source 1on1 Handgun Ladder Old
created from rating comment match
08.02.10 2707096 Detail
29.10.09 2710593 Detail
Counter-Strike: Source 1on1 Ladder Old
created from rating comment match
07.02.10 3375009 Detail
MSN Games Rock, Paper, Scissors 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
04.01.10 3390630 Detail
Blub Game 1on1 Speed Ladder
created from rating comment match
03.01.10 4097727 Detail
03.01.10 3102670 Detail
03.01.10 sic Detail
Counter-Strike: Source 1on1 Aim Map Ladder Old
created from rating comment match
03.01.10 4444718 Detail
29.10.09 4006834 Detail
JamLegend Showdown 1on1 Normal Ladder
created from rating comment match
02.01.10 3519130 Detail
JamLegend Showdown 1on1 Ladder Strum
created from rating comment match
02.01.10 3519130 Detail
PokerTH 1on1 Need For Speed Star Cup
created from rating comment match
23.12.09 ZvK' Detail
13.12.09 3423914 Detail
10.12.09 4560439 Detail
07.12.09 2138946 Detail
JamLegend 1on1 Tap Division
created from rating comment match
11.12.09 3070194 Detail
09.12.09 4118843 Detail
Counter-Strike: Source 1on1 Handgun Ladder
created from rating comment match
06.12.09 4543483 Detail
06.12.09 3192162 Detail
16.11.09 4378920 gg Detail
28.10.09 3715732 Detail
27.10.09 3224287 Detail
19.10.09 4363811 GG++ Detail
18.10.09 lolo le haricot Detail
PokerTH Open Ladder 1on1 Europe
created from rating comment match
20.11.09 4537148 Detail
20.11.09 TheWall luckluckluckluckluckluckluckluckluckluckluckluckluckluckluckluckluckluckluckluckluckluckluckluck Detail
20.11.09 3606512 Detail
11.11.09 3313380 Detail
28.10.09 3593765 Detail
28.10.09 2251453 Detail
27.10.09 baboune Detail
29.08.09 3509683 >4000 and all in omg :X:X Detail
29.08.09 1528514 Detail
28.08.09 549382 2easy Detail
18.08.09 4352227 Detail
18.08.09 2234331 Detail
17.08.09 2017776 Detail
17.08.09 3126065 Detail
16.08.09 2664159 Detail
16.08.09 611200 Detail
16.08.09 Blackjack Detail
16.08.09 4356521 Detail
MSN Games Blubby Voley opening cup
created from rating comment match
17.11.09 SeeL-dA-k1nG Detail
Grand Theft Auto IV 1on1 Deathmatch Ladder
created from rating comment match
15.11.09 Sk4R- gg Detail
MSN Games Dames reversi_cup
created from rating comment match
11.11.09 CaNy Detail
11.11.09 Indanet Detail
MSN Games Pierre Feuille Ciseaux 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
17.10.09 2592023 Detail
12.10.09 4015741 Detail
11.10.09 3886146 Detail
11.10.09 2908665 Detail
04.09.09 3316078 Detail
03.09.09 3233553 Detail
30.08.09 2395952 gg Detail
30.08.09 3232036 Detail
Counter-Strike: Source 1on1 AWP Ladder
created from rating comment match
12.10.09 2926395 Detail
11.10.09 3179597 Detail
03.10.09 3179597 Detail
Blub Game 1on1 Jumpover Ladder
created from rating comment match
11.10.09 3179597 Detail
07.09.09 sebeyyy Detail
06.09.09 3548044 Detail
03.09.09 2751819 Detail
03.09.09 Hugo gg Detail
MSN Games Demineur 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
11.10.09 2908665 Detail
Counter-Strike: Source 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
03.10.09 4393909 Detail
Street Fighter IV 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
03.09.09 2250380 Detail
02.09.09 3556013 Detail
29.08.09 1865820 Detail
MSN Games Uno 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
31.08.09 1412051 Detail
29.08.09 1894461 Detail
29.08.09 4383339 Detail
ICQ Games Pool 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
30.08.09 2441828 Detail
30.08.09 1576551 Detail
29.08.09 4352227 Detail
PokerTH 1on1 Heads-Up Ladder
created from rating comment match
26.08.09 4324877 Detail
25.08.09 2849705 Detail