devouRr  id: 7089904
[ Match Ratings ]
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Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft 1on1 Die Schöne und das Beast Cup #11
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04.09.14 3397210 Detail
04.09.14 5535475 Detail
Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft 1on1 Tt eSPORTS Summer Challenge Cup #14
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31.08.14 8506315 Detail
31.08.14 ProfiX Detail
Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft Cup Die Schöne und das Beast Cup #10
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28.08.14 7653920 Detail
28.08.14 6784354 Detail
28.08.14 tobisupasta Detail
Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft Cup Die Schöne und das Beast Cup #9
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21.08.14 7653920 Detail
21.08.14 8577354 Detail
Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft 1on1 Tt eSPORTS Summer Challenge Cup #12
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17.08.14 8363140 Detail
Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft 1on1 Tt eSPORTS Summer Challenge Cup #10
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03.08.14 8544166 Detail
03.08.14 7916740 Detail
03.08.14 8092256 Detail
03.08.14 8439697 Detail
03.08.14 8544788 Detail
03.08.14 2524774 Detail
Counter-Strike: Source Cups 1on1 HG Sommerscup 2014
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24.07.14 3985195 Detail
Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft Cup Der Funcup #5
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07.07.14 6882183 Detail
07.07.14 7747790 Detail
07.07.14 8475359 Detail
07.07.14 1905272 Detail
Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft 1on1 Tt eSPORTS Summer Challenge Cup #6
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06.07.14 7994700 Detail
06.07.14 8030217 Detail
06.07.14 8460961 Detail
06.07.14 8438598 Detail
CS:S Open Ladder 1on1 AIM Europe
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03.07.14 Sergidhmüp Detail
03.07.14 4209683 Detail
01.07.14 Pacco Detail
27.04.14 2278976 Detail
26.04.14 4498608 Detail
26.04.14 5561090 Detail
04.03.14 8069365 Detail
01.03.14 5569428 Detail
22.01.14 Fonzie Detail
10.12.13 6768628 Detail
05.12.13 s.e L Detail
05.12.13 3201964 Detail
04.12.13 LuGGy Detail
26.11.13 5757914 Detail
24.11.13 5635665 Detail
23.11.13 s.e L Detail
22.11.13 bAAAm Detail
19.11.13 5681189 Detail
CS:S Open Ladder 1on1 Europe
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02.06.14 3291873 Detail
07.05.14 cyberbill Detail
04.03.14 8069365 Detail
31.01.14 8193379 Detail
28.01.14 4258637 Detail
24.01.14 7491160 Detail
24.01.14 5086210 Detail
24.01.14 1286632 Detail
15.01.14 Fonzie Detail
07.01.14 5086210 Detail
12.12.13 8035120 Detail
12.12.13 3736900 Detail
06.12.13 7827160 Detail
05.12.13 7584357 Detail
05.12.13 3068410 Detail
27.11.13 KalipTo Detail
21.11.13 7242744 Detail
18.11.13 6768628 Detail
18.11.13 859637 Detail
18.11.13 8010737 Detail
Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft 1on1 Tt eSPORTS Summer Challenge Cup #1
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01.06.14 3881228 Detail
CS:S Open Ladder 1on1 AWP Europe
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26.04.14 1625713 Detail
04.03.14 8069365 Detail
01.03.14 5569428 Detail
04.12.13 4703117 Detail
04.12.13 LuGGy Detail
Counter-Strike: Source Cups 1on1 Frühlingscup 2014
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08.04.14 Kron1k d Detail
Counter-Strike: Source Cups 1on1 MR15 #2
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27.02.14 ashh.- Detail
Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft 1on1 Hero Cup #13: Hunter
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25.02.14 7908583 Detail
Counter-Strike: Source Cups 1on1 HG #02
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13.02.14 EVEILPAYJIN Detail
Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft 1on1 Hero Cup #11: Druid
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11.02.14 3709265 Detail
Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft 1on1 Wintercup #4
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08.02.14 Matu Detail
Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft 1on1 Wintercup 2014 #4
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08.02.14 Sheepshooter Detail
Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft 1on1 Wintercup #2
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06.02.14 4832630 Detail
Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft 1on1 Wintercup #1
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05.02.14 8211144 Detail
Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft 1on1 Hero Cup 10: Mage
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04.02.14 kostron Detail
Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft 1on1 Beta Cup #15
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02.02.14 2655832 Detail
Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft 1on1 Wintercup 2014 #3
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01.02.14 5556008 Detail
Counter-Strike: Source 1on1 ESL Series
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05.12.13 Stevie W0nder Detail
04.12.13 1810206 Detail
03.12.13 peRii Detail
03.12.13 3098416 Detail
Counter-Strike: Source Cups 1on1 Autumn Cup 2013 #4
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26.11.13 ashh.- Detail
26.11.13 DT Freak Detail
Counter-Strike: Source 1on1 Handgun Ladder
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24.11.13 5771077 Detail
02.11.13 SAM. Detail
01.11.13 Stevie W0nder Detail
28.10.13 3407828 Detail
06.06.13 Ash'rak Detail
Counter-Strike: Source Cups 1on1 Autumn Cup 2013 #3
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19.11.13 7032958 Detail
19.11.13 3956670 Detail
19.11.13 SkumqpY Detail
OMGPOP Booya 1on1 Ladder
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15.06.13 5123972 Detail
15.06.13 6215798 Detail
15.06.13 SicooL Detail
15.06.13 6973459 Detail
11.06.13 Stefanovic Detail
09.06.13 x_X Detail
08.06.13 Leitje Detail
07.06.13 6215798 Detail
07.06.13 Walker Detail
07.06.13 LX Detail
07.06.13 6848914 Detail
07.06.13 MILO Detail
07.06.13 FaNTaSmA Detail
07.06.13 sari Detail
07.06.13 6973459 Detail
06.06.13 Brate Detail
06.06.13 MonkeyyyT Detail
06.06.13 4516339 Detail
06.06.13 6623818 Detail
06.06.13 x_X Detail
05.06.13 5776991 Detail
05.06.13 MoG Alucard212 Detail
05.06.13 FaNTaSmA Detail
05.06.13 5670971 Detail
04.06.13 3036842 Detail
02.06.13 6623818 Detail
02.06.13 7459070 Detail
02.06.13 7084196 Detail
02.06.13 Stefanovic Detail
02.06.13 LX Detail
02.06.13 2061618 Detail
01.06.13 V.I.P.I.M.P. Detail
01.06.13 1720308 Detail
01.06.13 MonkeyyyT Detail
30.05.13 5604565 Detail
30.05.13 x_X Detail
30.05.13 Leitje Detail
30.05.13 FaNTaSmA Detail
28.05.13 MonkeyyyT Detail
28.05.13 6623818 Detail
26.05.13 kor_H Detail
26.05.13 7459070 Detail
26.05.13 MILO Detail
25.05.13 5604565 Detail
24.05.13 BVBPOWER Detail
24.05.13 Maki Detail
24.05.13 1720308 Detail
24.05.13 6658575 Detail
24.05.13 sari Detail
24.05.13 FaNTaSmA Detail
24.05.13 6054563 Detail
24.05.13 LX Detail
24.05.13 4516339 Detail
24.05.13 morTal Detail
24.05.13 6230387 Detail
24.05.13 MonkeyyyT Detail
24.05.13 2061618 Detail
24.05.13 RevoL Detail
24.05.13 Alex Evil Detail
24.05.13 6623818 Detail
24.05.13 6991036 Detail
22.05.13 Yerba Loka Detail
21.05.13 6441318 Detail
21.05.13 6623818 Detail
21.05.13 where is tom Detail
21.05.13 7022779 Detail
20.05.13 fyyre Detail
20.05.13 Flindigo Detail
20.05.13 MonkeyyyT Detail
20.05.13 7574668 Detail
20.05.13 Socksz Detail
PokerTH Open Ladder 1on1 Fixed Europe
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14.06.13 4238868 Detail
08.06.13 4238868 Detail
07.06.13 4361036 Detail
07.06.13 7168658 Detail
06.06.13 4764279 Detail
03.06.13 DvZ gg Detail
02.06.13 5558449 Detail
30.05.13 5321999 Detail
PokerTH Open Ladder 1on1 Turbo Europe
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13.06.13 _kpoIIIka eHoT Detail
11.06.13 aGa Detail
08.06.13 6960186 Detail
07.06.13 4899746 Detail
07.06.13 7459070 Detail
07.06.13 3345392 Detail
07.06.13 7168658 Detail
06.06.13 7115474 Detail
06.06.13 YaSs Detail
03.06.13 _kpoIIIka eHoT Detail
02.06.13 5505234 Detail
01.06.13 7007671 Detail
30.05.13 5321999 Detail
PokerTH Open Ladder 1on1 Europe
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07.06.13 6215798 Detail
06.06.13 TalkLess Detail
30.05.13 5321999 Detail
OMGPOP 1on1 ESL Series
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27.05.13 7168658 Detail
24.05.13 MILO Detail
Counter-Strike: Source 1on1 Amateur Series
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05.05.13 lordvoldemord Detail
04.05.13 BREEZY Detail
29.04.13 6085420 Detail
22.04.13 5362983 nice player :) Detail
21.04.13 sLoX Detail