created | Platform | action |
23/08/07 17:43h | first_login_default | |
06/09/07 09:34h | join_team Boehse Onkelz (862824) | |
14/10/08 13:41h | first_login_sm | |
14/10/08 14:44h | first_login_esltv | |
23/10/08 09:27h | register_team Die 3 lustigen 2 (3589110) | |
23/10/08 13:11h | first_login_eslworld | |
03/11/08 13:39h | first_login_sm | |
05/11/08 14:16h | first_login_esltv | |
18/11/08 13:01h | join_team AeRo Fighters (3585622) | |
18/11/08 13:01h | join_team AeRo Fighters (3585622) | |
04/12/08 06:28h | join_team The Beat is Electro. (3072184) | |
20/01/09 08:18h | increase_trustlevel 0 -> 1 | |
28/01/09 05:29h | increase_trustlevel 1 -> 2 | |
05/02/09 16:05h | wanna_join_league Ger Counter-Strike: Source 1on1 Ladder | |
05/02/09 16:11h | join_league Ger Counter-Strike: Source 1on1 Ladder | |
19/03/09 12:31h | join_team ESL Wire (3447811) | |
12/04/09 13:43h | first_login_sports | |
17/05/09 15:24h | join_team Bayern (3189473) | |
23/05/09 12:49h | wanna_join_league Ger Counter-Strike: Source Funmap Aimmap 1on1 Ladder | |
23/05/09 17:37h | join_league Ger Counter-Strike: Source Funmap Aimmap 1on1 Ladder | |
25/05/09 14:15h | leave_team AeRo Fighters (3585622) | |
25/06/09 16:30h | join_team das is SPAAARTAAA (4225313) | |
29/07/09 23:35h | inactivity_kick Ger Counter-Strike: Source Funmap Aimmap 1on1 Ladder | |
04/08/09 16:45h | join_team Bayern (3195183) | |
15/08/09 09:39h | join_team HGMASCHINE (4205104) | |
15/08/09 09:41h | join_team Deleted account (4205096) | |
15/08/09 10:36h | join_team Deleted account (1551167) | |
16/08/09 15:28h | team_kick Deleted account (1551167) / by Deleted account (2605823) | |
22/10/09 17:26h | team_kick das is SPAAARTAAA (4225313) / by Deleted account (3610191) | |
08/01/11 19:33h | decrease_trustlevel 2 -> 0 | |
13/04/11 08:00h | wanna_join_league Ger Medal of Honor Team Assault 1on1 Ladder | |
14/04/11 13:58h | join_league Ger Medal of Honor Team Assault 1on1 Ladder | |
11/03/12 12:55h | join_team MOVEMENTBITCHES (6610023) | |
12/03/12 02:54h | team_kick MOVEMENTBITCHES (6610023) / by MEILENSTEIN (4470447) | |
24/11/12 11:20h | wanna_join_league Europe World of Tanks 1on1 Heavy Tanks | |
24/11/12 12:17h | join_league Europe World of Tanks 1on1 Heavy Tanks | |
06/01/13 18:33h | inactivity_kick Europe World of Tanks 1on1 Heavy Tanks |