created | Platform | action |
26/10/13 08:58h | first_login_default | |
28/10/13 10:53h | join_team Deleted account (8016446) | |
28/10/13 17:02h | join_team Deleted account (8019176) | |
30/10/13 07:24h | join_team Deleted account (5804021) | |
30/10/13 07:54h | leave_team Deleted account (5804021) | |
01/11/13 11:30h | register_team iTeaM Alpha Squad (8025862) | |
01/11/13 13:02h | leave_team Deleted account (8016446) | |
01/11/13 13:02h | leave_team Deleted account (8019176) | |
07/11/13 10:41h | leave_team iTeaM Alpha Squad (8025862) | |
12/11/13 11:56h | join_team Deleted account (7912538) | |
12/11/13 14:46h | team_kick Deleted account (7912538) / by Shirez (3491118) | |
24/11/13 06:38h | register_team OuterHeaven SF2 (8074862) | |
16/12/13 14:40h | join_team Team xTr3me (6192470) | |
19/12/13 14:10h | first_login_esltv | |
21/12/13 09:56h | team_kick Team xTr3me (6192470) / by Deleted account (3312620) | |
14/01/14 15:00h | join_team Deleted account (8063149) | |
20/01/14 17:03h | leave_team Deleted account (8063149) | |
09/03/14 09:30h | join_team Deleted account (8268879) | |
09/03/14 09:34h | leave_team OuterHeaven SF2 (8074862) | |
09/03/14 10:38h | leave_team Deleted account (8268879) | |
07/05/14 16:04h | join_team EaZy! pls, noQQ (8387617) | |
15/05/14 15:04h | first_login_esltv | |
16/05/14 17:34h | wanna_join_league Europe S.K.I.L.L. – Special Force 2 Scope 1on1 Ladder | |
16/05/14 17:54h | join_league Europe S.K.I.L.L. – Special Force 2 Scope 1on1 Ladder | |
25/05/14 10:52h | join_team Legio VI Victrix (8417538) | |
26/05/14 12:39h | join_team Deleted account (8429002) | |
26/05/14 12:41h | wanna_join_league Europe S.K.I.L.L. – Special Force 2 Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder | |
26/05/14 12:44h | wanna_join_league Europe S.K.I.L.L. – Special Force 2 Blasting 1on1 Ladder | |
26/05/14 13:13h | join_league Europe S.K.I.L.L. – Special Force 2 Blasting 1on1 Ladder | |
26/05/14 13:13h | join_league Europe S.K.I.L.L. – Special Force 2 Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder | |
16/06/14 15:46h | join_team Deleted account (8467105) | |
19/06/14 15:42h | leave_league Europe S.K.I.L.L. – Special Force 2 Scope 1on1 Ladder | |
19/06/14 15:43h | leave_league Europe S.K.I.L.L. – Special Force 2 Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder | |
20/06/14 16:52h | leave_team Deleted account (8467105) | |
24/06/14 14:20h | join_team ExAequo-Nexus (8478997) | |
29/06/14 08:41h | team_kick Legio VI Victrix (8417538) / by S k v l l (2047056) | |
03/07/14 09:31h | leave_league Europe S.K.I.L.L. – Special Force 2 Blasting 1on1 Ladder | |
05/07/14 10:58h | leave_team Deleted account (8429002) | |
09/09/14 06:02h | join_team OuterHeaven SF2 (8074862) | |
13/09/14 07:11h | register_team In memory of Team Aurora (8618368) | |
17/09/14 11:54h | wanna_join_league Europe S.K.I.L.L. – Special Force 2 Scope 1on1 Ladder | |
17/09/14 12:22h | join_league Europe S.K.I.L.L. – Special Force 2 Scope 1on1 Ladder | |
27/09/14 08:23h | join_team Legio VI Victrix (8417538) | |
27/09/14 10:53h | first_login_esltv | |
28/09/14 11:24h | join_team nB Team (8631468) | |
01/10/14 13:37h | change_xfire -> r3aven | |
02/10/14 15:26h | first_login_esltv | |
19/10/14 04:29h | join_team PENTA Sports CF (8288712) | |
19/10/14 12:37h | join_team myRevenge e.V. COMMUNITY (6513094) | |
31/10/14 13:25h | leave_team Legio VI Victrix (8417538) | |
01/11/14 07:26h | leave_team nB Team (8631468) | |
02/11/14 07:43h | join_team Call It Magic (8713053) | |
02/11/14 10:39h | leave_team Call It Magic (8713053) | |
03/11/14 10:05h | join_team Deleted account (8715342) | |
03/11/14 12:23h | leave_team Deleted account (8715342) | |
03/11/14 13:26h | first_login_america | |
04/11/14 07:00h | join_team NeutraliZe (8692872) | |
04/11/14 07:02h | join_team Los chabales (8167987) | |
04/11/14 07:24h | leave_team PENTA Sports CF (8288712) | |
04/11/14 07:24h | leave_team myRevenge e.V. COMMUNITY (6513094) | |
06/11/14 08:27h | join_team VERSUS - Stagione 2014 (7147693) | |
07/11/14 06:40h | join_team BOINC Team (2864787) | |
07/11/14 06:41h | leave_team BOINC Team (2864787) | |
07/11/14 16:50h | first_login_esltv | |
09/11/14 06:58h | join_team Deleted account (8726777) | |
10/11/14 16:39h | join_team NeutraliZe (8485852) | |
13/11/14 10:52h | register_team Deleted account (8742083) | |
19/11/14 10:55h | join_team e7ernity (8333958) | |
27/11/14 09:42h | team_kick Deleted account (8726777) / by Deleted account (6164278) | |
28/11/14 14:19h | first_login_esltv | |
29/11/14 09:02h | first_login_esltv | |
30/11/14 10:33h | team_kick Los chabales (8167987) / by Deleted account (6164278) | |
30/11/14 10:34h | team_kick NeutraliZe (8692872) / by Deleted account (6164278) | |
02/12/14 12:43h | join_team Team iMpulsive (8649966) | |
03/12/14 16:57h | team_kick NeutraliZe (8485852) / by Deleted account (6164278) | |
09/12/14 14:44h | team_kick e7ernity (8333958) / by hazoR (6105803) | |
19/12/14 12:35h | team_kick Team iMpulsive (8649966) / by predictz0r (7850541) | |
08/03/15 09:36h | join_team Deleted account (8844896) | |
10/03/15 09:22h | leave_team ExAequo-Nexus (8478997) | |
11/03/15 12:22h | leave_team Deleted account (8844896) | |
13/03/15 17:39h | join_team Deleted account (8971628) | |
15/03/15 09:14h | join_team Deleted account (8980265) | |
15/03/15 16:17h | leave_team Deleted account (8971628) | |
15/03/15 17:10h | join_team Deleted account (8979033) | |
18/03/15 16:35h | first_login_esltv | |
20/03/15 10:55h | register_team Deleted account (8988633) | |
22/03/15 11:28h | leave_team Deleted account (8979033) | |
22/03/15 11:48h | leave_team Deleted account (8988633) | |
29/03/15 06:58h | register_team Deleted account (9005043) | |
29/03/15 07:32h | join_team Deleted account (7840034) | |
29/03/15 14:52h | leave_team Deleted account (9005043) | |
29/03/15 14:52h | register_team Deleted account (9006652) | |
29/03/15 17:34h | leave_team Deleted account (7840034) | |
01/04/15 09:50h | join_team NeutraliZe (8692872) | |
01/04/15 09:50h | join_team NeutraliZe (8485852) | |
03/04/15 14:02h | join_league ESL Play S.K.I.L.L. Open Ladder 1on1 Europe | |
05/04/15 08:26h | join_team Team +351 (8794678) | |
05/04/15 21:09h | team_kick Team +351 (8794678) / by Bele (7563945) | |
07/04/15 12:06h | join_team Deleted account (8756813) | |
07/04/15 12:08h | leave_team Deleted account (8756813) | |
07/04/15 13:29h | join_team Final Resistance (9028684) | |
08/04/15 13:53h | leave_team Final Resistance (9028684) | |
08/04/15 17:21h | register_team Deleted account (9032064) | |
09/04/15 16:30h | first_login_esltv | |
15/04/15 11:34h | register_team Deleted account (9048091) | |
22/04/15 09:41h | first_login_esltv | |
24/04/15 06:52h | register_team Insanity Existence Gaming (9063818) | |
06/05/15 15:37h | join_team ESL Italy (1445589) | |
13/05/15 14:03h | join_team Deleted account (9022195) | |
22/05/15 09:19h | first_login_esltv | |
01/06/15 06:16h | join_team Deleted account (9139262) | |
02/06/15 15:50h | leave_league ESL Play S.K.I.L.L. Open Ladder 1on1 Europe | |
07/06/15 05:15h | leave_team Deleted account (9139262) | |
07/06/15 07:24h | join_team Deleted account (9139262) | |
07/06/15 16:58h | join_team Staff ESL Global (546986) | |
12/06/15 05:25h | join_league ESL Play S.K.I.L.L. Open Ladder 1on1 Europe | |
12/06/15 07:53h | join_team Deleted account (9132113) | |
12/06/15 09:12h | leave_team Deleted account (9139262) | |
14/06/15 17:01h | leave_team Deleted account (9032064) | |
21/06/15 08:52h | join_team TeamFlameZIRO (9044063) | |
21/06/15 09:42h | leave_team TeamFlameZIRO (9044063) | |
22/06/15 11:20h | first_login_esltv | |
27/06/15 18:42h | register_team Deleted account (9201269) | |
05/07/15 05:18h | join_team nKown .OW (9215377) | |
12/07/15 07:01h | leave_team nKown .OW (9215377) | |
12/07/15 08:16h | join_team TeamFlameZIRO (9044063) | |
12/07/15 11:58h | leave_team TeamFlameZIRO (9044063) | |
12/07/15 15:24h | team_kick Deleted account (9132113) / by CeLaR (8187927) | |
12/07/15 15:31h | join_team nKown .OW (9215377) | |
12/07/15 17:39h | team_kick nKown .OW (9215377) / by CeLaR (8187927) | |
13/07/15 05:16h | join_team In Memory of ESL Italia SKILL (8178885) | |
14/07/15 14:50h | leave_team Deleted account (9201269) | |
14/07/15 14:51h | register_team Deleted account (9240310) | |
15/07/15 06:40h | register_team Deleted account (9241455) | |
15/07/15 09:58h | join_team nKown .OW (9215377) | |
17/07/15 11:59h | join_team Old School CB (9188575) | |
17/07/15 13:24h | leave_team Old School CB (9188575) | |
19/07/15 05:34h | leave_league ESL Play S.K.I.L.L. Open Ladder 1on1 Europe | |
24/07/15 18:35h | team_kick nKown .OW (9215377) / by Deleted account (8611279) | |
25/07/15 08:39h | team_kick ESL Italy (1445589) / by nohope92 (2449625) | |
25/07/15 08:40h | team_kick In Memory of ESL Italia SKILL (8178885) / by nohope92 (2449625) | |
25/07/15 08:43h | team_kick Staff ESL Global (546986) / by nohope92 (2449625) | |
08/08/15 19:09h | join_team Deleted account (9302645) | |
18/08/15 12:23h | team_kick Deleted account (9022195) / by Deleted account (8610223) | |
04/09/15 14:47h | register_team Deleted account (9380665) | |
06/09/15 06:49h | leave_team Deleted account (9302645) | |
06/09/15 06:50h | join_team TeamKIWI (9162804) | |
06/09/15 19:55h | team_kick TeamKIWI (9162804) / by Gabry (4372602) | |
07/09/15 08:12h | register_team Edo Tensei (9388023) | |
13/09/15 08:03h | join_team Deleted account (9387566) | |
15/09/15 14:15h | join_team Deleted account (9416722) | |
16/09/15 07:44h | leave_team Deleted account (9416722) | |
17/09/15 15:10h | register_team Deleted account (9423579) | |
19/09/15 15:29h | leave_team Deleted account (9387566) | |
27/09/15 06:06h | join_team TeamKIWI (9162804) | |
27/09/15 08:03h | team_kick TeamKIWI (9162804) / by Gabry (4372602) | |
27/09/15 08:20h | register_team Deleted account (9451728) | |
02/10/15 15:29h | register_team Deleted account (9461099) | |
04/10/15 07:44h | leave_team OuterHeaven SF2 (8074862) | |
04/10/15 12:52h | leave_team Deleted account (9461099) | |
20/10/15 11:23h | register_team OuterHeaven! (9501049) | |
20/10/15 12:11h | join_team Deleted account (9500745) | |
03/11/15 12:37h | register_team Insanity Existence! 3on3 (9536783) | |
08/11/15 06:55h | team_kick Deleted account (9500745) / by ZIOFENDI (8751891) | |
09/11/15 10:05h | join_team Deleted account (5804021) | |
09/11/15 18:08h | leave_team Deleted account (5804021) | |
06/12/15 09:01h | register_team Insanity Existence! 2on2 (9626123) | |
19/01/16 12:51h | register_team Insanity Existence 2on2 (9770510) | |
01/03/16 12:48h | join_team Insanity Existence Gaming (9923351) | |
01/03/16 12:50h | join_team Insanity Existence Gaming (9923372) | |
16/03/16 10:29h | join_team Insanity Existence Gaming (9678252) | |
03/05/16 17:23h | join_league ESL Play Overwatch NVIDIA Beta n-Series #1 Italy | |
06/05/16 05:51h | join_team Deleted account (10085823) | |
06/05/16 17:38h | register_team Deleted account (10097264) | |
07/05/16 10:02h | team_kick Deleted account (10085823) / by JaiL (8053524) | |
12/05/16 09:08h | team_kick Insanity Existence Gaming (9923372) / by MavericK (7394006) | |
13/05/16 11:50h | join_team Tchillin (9817746) | |
19/05/16 15:00h | leave_team Tchillin (9817746) | |
27/05/16 09:28h | join_team yiyang (8776660) | |
27/05/16 11:15h | join_team fakboi (10138556) | |
04/07/16 10:33h | join_team Temple of Nature (10242975) | |
11/07/16 06:16h | leave_team Temple of Nature (10242975) | |
12/07/16 13:58h | join_team CARBONM (5373352) | |
12/07/16 14:08h | leave_team CARBONM (5373352) | |
28/08/16 07:54h | team_kick yiyang (8776660) / by Leeroy (8601810) | |
29/08/16 16:21h | join_team Braintraining with DrKawashima (10292240) | |
07/09/16 14:03h | team_kick Braintraining with DrKawashima (10292240) / by mur1k (8814066) | |
12/10/16 10:53h | join_team EURONICS Gaming SF2 (7748829) | |
15/10/16 07:46h | leave_team EURONICS Gaming SF2 (7748829) | |
27/10/16 14:44h | register_team e7ernity (10592343) | |
30/10/16 09:25h | join_team MASTERLY R.I.P (9890362) | |
30/10/16 09:49h | leave_team MASTERLY R.I.P (9890362) | |
30/10/16 09:50h | join_team team.Easiness (10577246) | |
01/11/16 17:26h | leave_team team.Easiness (10577246) | |
13/11/16 08:46h | join_team TRUMPS (9358995) | |
15/11/16 18:10h | leave_team TRUMPS (9358995) | |
19/11/16 15:31h | join_team Team +351 (8794678) | |
12/12/16 12:12h | join_team Team Seclude (10108015) | |
20/12/16 08:40h | register_team Deleted account (10771455) | |
22/12/16 11:10h | first_login_eslasia | |
22/12/16 11:22h | first_login_eslasia | |
15/01/17 07:16h | register_team Fnatic (10846100) | |
29/01/17 07:26h | join_team Joe Bastianich (10893051) | |
29/01/17 08:34h | join_team 31337 Gaming (9439100) | |
29/01/17 14:25h | leave_team 31337 Gaming (9439100) | |
31/01/17 17:39h | leave_team Fnatic (10846100) | |
02/02/17 07:40h | join_team Not An Island.SF2 (10896289) | |
09/02/17 05:21h | leave_team Not An Island.SF2 (10896289) | |
12/02/17 09:27h | join_team Deleted account (10895566) | |
13/02/17 05:52h | leave_team Deleted account (10895566) | |
18/02/17 09:03h | join_team Fury Gaming (10942921) | |
18/02/17 09:29h | team_kick Team Seclude (10108015) / by bioNic (8187409) | |
21/02/17 14:01h | join_team Team Seclude (10108015) | |
26/02/17 06:32h | join_team Deleted account (10895566) | |
06/03/17 14:43h | leave_team Deleted account (10895566) | |
07/03/17 06:49h | join_team Team Seclude (10987094) | |
07/03/17 17:10h | join_team ONLiiNERS (10152151) | |
08/03/17 10:14h | leave_team Fury Gaming (10942921) | |
09/03/17 14:51h | join_team eQuality.SF2 (9456886) | |
11/03/17 06:47h | team_kick Team Seclude (10108015) / by bioNic (8187409) | |
11/03/17 06:47h | team_kick Team Seclude (10987094) / by bioNic (8187409) | |
12/03/17 09:33h | team_kick eQuality.SF2 (9456886) / by Deleted account (8053246) | |
13/03/17 07:30h | join_team Deleted account (11043896) | |
20/03/17 15:46h | join_team Team Seclude (10108015) | |
21/03/17 13:02h | join_team Not An Island.SF2 (10896289) | |
24/03/17 17:17h | leave_team ONLiiNERS (10152151) | |
26/03/17 06:45h | leave_team Not An Island.SF2 (10896289) | |
26/03/17 06:55h | join_team 31337 Gaming (9439100) | |
26/03/17 13:51h | team_kick 31337 Gaming (9439100) / by DXTR (8915766) | |
02/04/17 07:03h | join_team eQuality.SF2 (9456886) | |
10/04/17 14:15h | team_kick Deleted account (11043896) / by Deleted account (8053246) | |
10/04/17 15:12h | leave_team eQuality.SF2 (9456886) | |
12/04/17 11:43h | join_team Not An Island.SF2 (10896289) | |
12/04/17 16:33h | join_team ONLiiNERS (10152151) | |
16/04/17 04:38h | leave_team Not An Island.SF2 (10896289) | |
08/05/17 13:13h | leave_team ONLiiNERS (10152151) | |
09/05/17 14:10h | join_team Not An Island.SF2 (10896289) | |
27/05/17 19:20h | decrease_trustlevel 1 -> 0 | |
19/06/17 16:20h | leave_team Not An Island.SF2 (10896289) | |
21/06/17 10:16h | join_team 31337 Gaming (9439100) | |
25/06/17 08:23h | leave_team 31337 Gaming (9439100) | |
25/06/17 08:30h | join_team Braintraining with DrKawashima (10292240) | |
05/07/17 05:43h | join_team ONLiiNERS (10152151) | |
09/07/17 07:05h | leave_team ONLiiNERS (10152151) | |
09/07/17 09:32h | join_team ONLiiNERS (10152151) | |
09/07/17 10:43h | leave_team ONLiiNERS (10152151) | |
16/07/17 11:49h | team_kick Braintraining with DrKawashima (10292240) / by mur1k (8814066) | |
07/10/17 15:23h | join_team TeamFlameZIRO (9044063) | |
22/10/17 07:03h | join_team G2-eSport (10977205) | |
29/10/17 08:27h | leave_team G2-eSport (10977205) | |
29/10/17 08:27h | join_team ONLiiNERS (10152151) | |
04/11/17 15:43h | join_team Deleted account (11878907) | |
06/11/17 11:07h | leave_team Deleted account (11878907) | |
08/11/17 15:55h | join_team Splendid Isolation Crew (9583278) | |
08/11/17 15:56h | leave_team Splendid Isolation Crew (9583278) | |
09/11/17 15:12h | leave_team ONLiiNERS (10152151) | |
12/11/17 07:47h | join_team Sixth Sense (10880753) | |
12/11/17 12:36h | leave_team Sixth Sense (10880753) | |
15/11/17 11:20h | join_team 'akatsuki (11903572) | |
02/09/18 10:59h | wanna_join_league ESL Play Clash Royale 1on1 Open Cup #18 Italy | |
02/09/18 18:14h | join_league ESL Play Clash Royale 1on1 Open Cup #18 Italy | |
30/09/18 12:20h | team_kick Team +351 (8794678) / by reb0rN (3590731) | |
26/01/20 11:25h | team_kick TeamFlameZIRO (9044063) / by ZIOFENDI (8751891) |