created | Platform | action |
17/01/14 09:14h | first_login_default | |
19/02/14 12:31h | register_team Raptors e-Sports (8247477) | |
19/02/14 14:29h | change_xfire -> xavisanchzlopez | |
09/06/14 12:53h | join_team bierBashR (8183540) | |
21/06/14 11:25h | team_kick bierBashR (8183540) / by raptjEE (6892975) | |
27/07/14 09:40h | join_team SHINE Gaming (8527340) | |
29/07/14 15:46h | first_login_esltv | |
07/09/14 11:38h | register_team INCEPTION international (8610713) | |
21/09/14 15:21h | register_team Spanish Bears (8632446) | |
23/09/14 09:28h | change_xfire xavisanchzlopez -> xavisanchezlopez | |
17/10/14 11:36h | join_team Infernal E-Sports Club MW3 (8211382) | |
04/11/14 16:18h | join_team Staff Spain (8708450) | |
04/11/14 16:18h | join_team ESL España (785600) | |
07/11/14 10:21h | join_league ESL Play Call of Duty PC Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Open CoD:AW 1on1 SND Release Cup Spain | |
23/11/14 06:44h | team_kick Staff Spain (8708450) / by uNDeR (7206878) | |
23/11/14 06:44h | team_kick ESL España (785600) / by uNDeR (7206878) | |
27/12/14 19:29h | join_team CoRe eSports (8546665) | |
21/03/15 09:00h | join_team Deleted account (8990230) | |
12/04/15 18:02h | team_kick Deleted account (8990230) / by Deleted account (8990214) | |
23/05/15 06:25h | join_team 3 AIMERS / 2 BOTS (9126156) | |
30/05/15 07:52h | join_team Switch Club CSGO (9130695) | |
06/06/15 07:02h | team_kick 3 AIMERS / 2 BOTS (9126156) / by Deleted account (9112990) | |
19/06/15 10:06h | join_team MiX 4FUN! (9179075) | |
17/07/15 08:28h | join_team Deleted account (9245934) | |
06/12/15 07:41h | join_team Fire Xtreme E-Sports (9624933) | |
07/12/15 15:06h | join_team RC-eSports (9631418) | |
25/09/16 10:05h | join_team Blazer e-sports (10502019) | |
09/10/16 08:35h | join_team PandillaKAUKA (10529195) | |
13/11/16 10:09h | join_team Deleted account (10505374) | |
04/12/16 06:50h | join_team Estas en medio... (10083854) | |
18/03/17 10:24h | join_team DesconocidosTeam (11058490) | |
30/04/17 08:39h | join_team MIXteam (11254485) | |
30/05/17 13:33h | team_kick Deleted account (9245934) / by loco (8948779) | |
11/06/17 07:41h | register_team RANDOMK1DD0S (11392104) | |
16/07/17 09:52h | register_team LMAOk1NGS (11523438) | |
08/10/17 11:14h | join_team Deleted account (11777308) | |
10/12/17 08:17h | join_team Deleted account (11974465) | |
14/01/18 14:08h | join_team Potent Empire (11355271) | |
14/01/18 14:16h | leave_team Deleted account (11974465) | |
23/01/18 11:50h | leave_team Potent Empire (11355271) | |
23/01/18 11:50h | join_team Deleted account (11974465) | |
23/06/18 08:56h | join_team International (12545554) | |
30/06/18 09:36h | join_team XillinX (12491170) | |
26/09/19 12:37h | join_team Terrassa eSports (14161364) | |
21/03/20 09:17h | join_team OAKUM CLUB (13898548) | |
20/02/21 07:32h | join_team Discipline Team (16611619) |