Visitors (since 15/12/10)
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created | Platform | action |
07/06/04 14:10h | first_login | |
07/06/04 14:12h | join_team Deleted account (699625) | |
22/06/04 14:14h | team_kick Deleted account (699625) / by (-) | |
04/07/04 09:14h | join_team Deleted account (699625) | |
22/07/04 10:38h | join_team Deleted account (876970) | |
28/07/04 14:45h | wanna_join_league Ger Counter-Strike 1on1 Ladder | |
28/07/04 20:31h | join_league Ger Counter-Strike 1on1 Ladder | |
30/08/04 07:37h | join_team Deleted account (914620) | |
08/09/04 09:13h | register_team Deleted account (924155) | |
10/09/04 10:20h | team_kick Deleted account (876970) / by Deleted account (-22) | |
10/09/04 10:21h | team_kick Deleted account (914620) | |
21/09/04 12:39h | join_team rheine.crew (936231) | |
23/09/04 13:14h | leave_team rheine.crew (936231) | |
05/10/04 08:19h | register_team Deleted account (951748) | |
05/10/04 15:31h | register_team Deleted account (952429) | |
13/10/04 11:20h | register_team Deleted account (960391) | |
29/10/04 15:54h | wanna_join_league Ger Counter-Strike 1on1 Ladder | |
29/10/04 18:17h | join_league Ger Counter-Strike 1on1 Ladder | |
31/10/04 11:04h | wanna_join_league Ger Counter-Strike 1on1 Amateur Series | |
31/10/04 13:40h | register_team Deleted account (981649) | |
31/10/04 13:54h | join_league Ger Counter-Strike 1on1 Amateur Series | |
02/11/04 13:15h | wanna_join_league Ger Counter Strike: Source 1on1 Ladder | |
02/11/04 17:00h | join_league Ger Counter Strike: Source 1on1 Ladder | |
04/11/04 07:54h | leave_league Ger Counter Strike: Source 1on1 Ladder | |
06/11/04 05:46h | wanna_join_league Ger Counter-Strike Funmap 1on1 Ladder | |
06/11/04 14:32h | join_league Ger Counter-Strike Funmap 1on1 Ladder | |
01/12/04 07:28h | team_kick Deleted account (960391) / by Deleted account (55) | |
01/12/04 07:28h | team_kick Deleted account (952429) / by (-) | |
25/12/04 06:53h | register_team Deleted account (1048440) | |
29/12/04 08:25h | leave_league Ger Counter-Strike Funmap 1on1 Ladder | |
30/12/04 08:32h | join_team Deleted account (1054724) | |
02/01/05 17:44h | leave_league Ger Counter-Strike 1on1 Ladder | |
03/01/05 14:50h | leave_league Ger Counter-Strike 1on1 Amateur Series | |
23/01/05 06:37h | register_team Deleted account (1091204) | |
30/01/05 13:13h | wanna_join_league Ger LotR: Battle for Middle Earth 1on1 Ladder | |
30/01/05 17:28h | join_league Ger LotR: Battle for Middle Earth 1on1 Ladder | |
04/02/05 08:13h | register_team Deleted account (1109958) | |
30/03/05 17:19h | join_team Deleted account (952429) | |
01/04/05 21:43h | leave_league Ger LotR: Battle for Middle Earth 1on1 Ladder | |
20/04/05 15:28h | wanna_join_league Ger Counter-Strike 1on1 Amateur Series | |
21/04/05 02:54h | join_league Ger Counter-Strike 1on1 Amateur Series | |
27/04/05 09:53h | join_team Deleted account (1222660) | |
27/04/05 09:55h | team_kick Deleted account (1222660) / by (-) | |
27/04/05 09:58h | join_team Deleted account (1222424) | |
30/04/05 06:33h | register_team Deleted account (1226002) | |
25/05/05 16:21h | register_team Deleted account (1260178) | |
03/06/05 06:21h | leave_league Ger Counter-Strike 1on1 Amateur Series | |
05/06/05 06:47h | join_team Deleted account (1274547) | |
06/06/05 10:09h | join_team Team-flashed (1276543) | |
06/06/05 13:05h | leave_team Team-flashed (1276543) | |
08/06/05 07:40h | team_kick Deleted account (1222424) / by (-) | |
10/06/05 08:42h | register_team Deleted account (1282366) | |
11/06/05 10:07h | wanna_join_league Ger Counter-Strike Funmap 1on1 Ladder | |
11/06/05 14:59h | join_league Ger Counter-Strike Funmap 1on1 Ladder | |
15/06/05 16:01h | leave_league Ger Counter-Strike Funmap 1on1 Ladder | |
03/07/05 12:57h | register_team Deleted account (1315781) | |
20/07/05 07:53h | register_team Deleted account (1342074) | |
23/07/05 13:45h | wanna_join_league Ger Counter-Strike 1on1 Amateur Series | |
23/07/05 14:43h | join_league Ger Counter-Strike 1on1 Amateur Series | |
28/07/05 11:42h | join_league Ger Counter-Strike 1on1 Ladder | |
01/08/05 15:33h | register_team Deleted account (1363133) | |
05/08/05 03:01h | wanna_join_league Ger Counter-Strike Funmap 1on1 Ladder | |
05/08/05 08:18h | join_league Ger Counter-Strike Funmap 1on1 Ladder | |
11/08/05 06:42h | join_team Deleted account (1376135) | |
28/08/05 10:57h | leave_league Ger Counter-Strike Funmap 1on1 Ladder | |
22/09/05 12:01h | leave_league Ger Counter-Strike 1on1 Ladder | |
22/09/05 12:01h | leave_league Ger Counter-Strike 1on1 Ladder | |
27/09/05 13:21h | join_team Deleted account (1439338) | |
28/09/05 13:40h | team_kick Deleted account (1439338) / by Deleted account (-16) | |
28/09/05 13:41h | team_kick Deleted account (1274547) / by (-) | |
28/09/05 13:53h | join_team Deleted account (1439338) | |
30/10/05 13:24h | join_team Deleted account (1488407) | |
12/01/06 06:36h | leave_team Deleted account (1439338) | |
28/02/06 14:15h | join_team Beat by the worst.lambda EAS (1690436) | |
01/03/06 06:03h | leave_team Deleted account (1315781) | |
01/03/06 06:03h | leave_team Deleted account (1488407) | |
06/03/06 15:14h | register_team M und M's (1702906) | |
19/03/06 07:56h | join_team Deleted account (1725862) | |
19/03/06 08:04h | join_team Deleted account (1488407) | |
19/03/06 08:24h | join_league Ger Counter-Strike 1on1 Ladder | |
02/04/06 08:21h | register_team Deleted account (1751543) | |
16/04/06 16:53h | register_team Deleted account (1784215) | |
16/04/06 16:56h | leave_team Beat by the worst.lambda EAS (1690436) | |
16/04/06 17:31h | join_league Ger ICQ Games Pool 1on1 Ladder | |
16/04/06 22:05h | wanna_join_league Ger Counter-Strike 1on1 Amateur Series | |
17/04/06 14:27h | join_league Ger Counter-Strike 1on1 Amateur Series | |
30/04/06 17:01h | register_team Deleted account (1808288) | |
04/05/06 16:58h | register_team Deleted account (1815514) | |
09/05/06 07:16h | join_team Deleted account (1815306) | |
09/05/06 10:14h | leave_team Deleted account (1815306) | |
10/05/06 14:05h | leave_league Ger Counter-Strike 1on1 Amateur Series | |
10/05/06 14:05h | leave_league Ger Counter-Strike 1on1 Ladder | |
10/05/06 14:06h | leave_team Deleted account (1488407) | |
21/05/06 16:31h | register_team Deleted account (1847477) | |
05/06/06 11:43h | join_team Deleted account (1488407) | |
18/06/06 09:39h | wanna_join_league Ger LotR: Battle for Middle Earth 1on1 Amateur Series | |
19/06/06 02:03h | join_league Ger LotR: Battle for Middle Earth 1on1 Amateur Series | |
22/06/06 15:27h | register_team Deleted account (1903673) | |
26/06/06 07:34h | join_league Ger Counter-Strike 1on1 Ladder | |
26/06/06 07:36h | wanna_join_league Ger Counter-Strike 1on1 Amateur Series | |
26/06/06 07:42h | join_league Ger Counter-Strike 1on1 Amateur Series | |
26/06/06 07:53h | leave_league Ger LotR: Battle for Middle Earth 1on1 Amateur Series | |
26/06/06 22:06h | leave_league Ger Counter-Strike 1on1 Amateur Series | |
27/06/06 19:26h | join_team Deleted account (1540706) | |
28/06/06 16:03h | leave_team Deleted account (1540706) | |
03/07/06 05:30h | join_team Deleted account (1918219) | |
10/07/06 12:21h | leave_team Deleted account (1918219) | |
11/07/06 03:05h | wanna_join_league Ger Counter-Strike 1on1 Amateur Series | |
11/07/06 04:53h | join_league Ger Counter-Strike 1on1 Amateur Series | |
11/07/06 12:53h | join_team Stofftiere Online e.V. ICQ (1907982) | |
15/07/06 12:48h | wanna_join_league POL ICQ Games Pool 1on1 Old Ladder | |
15/07/06 13:04h | join_league POL ICQ Games Pool 1on1 Old Ladder | |
15/07/06 18:01h | register_team Deleted account (1937449) | |
15/07/06 19:02h | leave_league POL ICQ Games Pool 1on1 Old Ladder | |
18/07/06 09:56h | join_team Rheine u. FriendZ (1347735) | |
24/07/06 16:24h | team_kick Stofftiere Online e.V. ICQ (1907982) | |
28/07/06 07:35h | join_team Stofftiere Online e.V. ICQ (1907982) | |
31/07/06 06:53h | increase_trustlevel 2 -> 3 | |
10/08/06 11:51h | leave_team Stofftiere Online e.V. ICQ (1907982) | |
09/09/06 06:05h | wanna_join_league Ger Counter-Strike 1on1 Amateur Series | |
09/09/06 06:05h | join_league Ger Counter-Strike 1on1 Ladder | |
09/09/06 06:09h | join_league Ger ICQ Games Pool 1on1 Ladder | |
09/09/06 10:04h | join_league Ger Counter-Strike 1on1 Amateur Series | |
11/09/06 09:52h | wanna_join_league International ICQ Games Pool 1on1 Ladder | |
11/09/06 13:48h | join_league International ICQ Games Pool 1on1 Ladder | |
25/09/06 15:47h | join_team Stofftiere Online e.V. ICQ (1907982) | |
23/10/06 13:55h | wanna_join_league Ger Trackmania Nations 1on1 Rounds Ladder | |
24/10/06 07:48h | join_league Ger Trackmania Nations 1on1 Rounds Ladder | |
04/11/06 05:39h | team_kick Stofftiere Online e.V. ICQ (1907982) / by (-) | |
11/11/06 06:09h | join_league Ger ICQ Games Pool 1on1 Ladder | |
11/11/06 06:10h | wanna_join_league International ICQ Games Pool 1on1 Ladder | |
11/11/06 06:10h | join_league Ger ICQ Games Pool 1on1 Sunday Cup #3 | |
11/11/06 06:24h | join_league International ICQ Games Pool 1on1 Ladder | |
12/11/06 14:16h | leave_league Ger Trackmania Nations 1on1 Rounds Ladder | |
20/11/06 09:42h | join_league Ger ICQ Games Pool 1on1 Sunday Cup #4 | |
24/11/06 11:34h | join_team SKRIPTED CS S (2152147) | |
12/12/06 13:54h | register_team Deleted account (2186010) | |
14/12/06 12:36h | wanna_join_league Ger Counter-Strike 1on1 Amateur Series | |
14/12/06 16:05h | join_league Ger Counter-Strike 1on1 Amateur Series | |
15/12/06 11:16h | join_team Deleted account (2188578) | |
20/12/06 12:03h | leave_league Ger Counter-Strike 1on1 Amateur Series | |
25/12/06 18:01h | join_team Deleted account (2111116) | |
26/12/06 12:36h | register_team Deleted account (2208604) | |
03/01/07 09:14h | join_team Deleted account (2223482) | |
07/01/07 12:39h | team_kick SKRIPTED CS S (2152147) | |
16/01/07 16:39h | join_team Deleted account (1878403) | |
31/01/07 14:59h | leave_team Deleted account (2111116) | |
31/01/07 15:02h | leave_team Deleted account (2188578) | |
01/02/07 07:34h | leave_team Deleted account (1878403) | |
01/02/07 16:20h | join_team Team-flashed (1276543) | |
09/02/07 19:02h | team_kick Deleted account (1488407) / by (-) | |
10/02/07 08:05h | leave_team Team-flashed (1276543) | |
11/02/07 10:15h | leave_team Rheine u. FriendZ (1347735) | |
17/02/07 07:58h | wanna_join_league Ger Counter-Strike Funmap Aimmap 1on1 Ladder | |
18/02/07 14:07h | join_league Ger Counter-Strike Funmap Aimmap 1on1 Ladder | |
25/02/07 13:02h | wanna_join_league Ger Counter-Strike 1on1 Amateur Series | |
25/02/07 13:15h | join_league Ger Counter-Strike 1on1 Amateur Series | |
12/03/07 14:24h | register_team Deleted account (2357523) | |
17/03/07 16:53h | leave_league Ger Counter-Strike Funmap Aimmap 1on1 Ladder | |
10/04/07 08:02h | join_league Ger Counter-Strike 1on1 Quickie Ladder | |
13/04/07 07:11h | leave_league Ger Counter-Strike 1on1 Amateur Series | |
20/04/07 08:38h | join_team plan-B.icq (2428247) | |
24/04/07 15:49h | register_team MaennerTV (2441112) | |
27/04/07 20:30h | leave_team plan-B.icq (2428247) | |
08/05/07 14:49h | join_team Deleted account (189523) | |
08/05/07 14:50h | join_team Deleted account (2437078) | |
14/05/07 04:47h | wanna_join_league Ger Counter-Strike 1on1 Amateur Series | |
14/05/07 05:06h | join_league Ger Counter-Strike 1on1 Amateur Series | |
16/05/07 12:01h | join_league Ger Counter-Strike 1on1 Ladder | |
18/05/07 16:21h | team_kick Deleted account (2437078) / by han_solo (12) | |
19/05/07 11:09h | leave_team Deleted account (189523) | |
27/05/07 10:02h | join_league Ger ICQ Games Pool 1on1 Sunday Cups 2007 - #5 Blitzcup No. 2 | |
27/05/07 17:19h | join_team Friedels Jungs (2195414) | |
27/05/07 17:33h | join_team Deleted account (2505241) | |
27/05/07 19:28h | join_team 1 FC Friedels Jungs (2077497) | |
03/06/07 13:49h | leave_league International ICQ Games Pool 1on1 Ladder | |
04/06/07 07:47h | join_team Deleted account (2520804) | |
04/06/07 07:47h | join_team Team Nordisch e.V. Pool (2429880) | |
10/06/07 08:30h | join_league International ICQ Games Pool 1on1 Cuptournament 2007 June | |
12/06/07 06:17h | increase_trustlevel 3 -> | |
14/06/07 12:24h | join_team Friedel tanzt wieder (2463033) | |
22/06/07 08:11h | wanna_join_league Ger ICQ Games Pool 1on1 >250 Cup | |
22/06/07 12:23h | wanna_join_league International ICQ Games Pool 1on1 Ladder | |
22/06/07 12:31h | join_league International ICQ Games Pool 1on1 Ladder | |
23/06/07 13:45h | wanna_join_league Ger Counter-Strike Funmap 1on1 Ladder | |
23/06/07 19:29h | join_league Ger Counter-Strike Funmap 1on1 Ladder | |
24/06/07 10:19h | leave_league Ger Counter-Strike 1on1 Quickie Ladder | |
27/06/07 12:39h | leave_team 1 FC Friedels Jungs (2077497) | |
27/06/07 12:39h | leave_team Friedel tanzt wieder (2463033) | |
27/06/07 13:13h | leave_team Friedels Jungs (2195414) | |
27/06/07 13:13h | leave_team Deleted account (2505241) | |
27/06/07 13:22h | leave_team Team Nordisch e.V. Pool (2429880) | |
27/06/07 13:33h | join_team Team Nordisch e.V. Pool (2429880) | |
28/06/07 07:39h | register_team Deleted account (2570266) | |
07/07/07 12:13h | register_team Deleted account (2589166) | |
08/07/07 10:45h | join_league International ICQ Games Pool 1on1 Cuptournament 2007 July | |
08/07/07 10:55h | leave_league Ger Counter-Strike 1on1 Amateur Series | |
22/07/07 19:16h | leave_league Ger Counter-Strike 1on1 Ladder | |
22/07/07 19:16h | leave_league Ger Counter-Strike Funmap 1on1 Ladder | |
10/08/07 12:06h | leave_league Ger ICQ Games Pool 1on1 Ladder | |
10/08/07 12:06h | leave_league International ICQ Games Pool 1on1 Ladder | |
10/08/07 12:16h | leave_team MaennerTV (2441112) | |
10/08/07 12:16h | leave_team Team Nordisch e.V. Pool (2429880) | |
23/08/07 05:31h | team_kick Deleted account (2520804) | |
04/11/07 05:53h | join_league Ger Counter-Strike 1on1 Ladder | |
04/11/07 13:26h | leave_league Ger Counter-Strike 1on1 Ladder | |
11/11/07 07:58h | wanna_join_league International ICQ Games Pool 1on1 Ladder | |
11/11/07 08:10h | join_league Ger ICQ Games Pool 1on1 Ladder | |
11/11/07 10:39h | join_league International ICQ Games Pool 1on1 Ladder | |
17/11/07 12:25h | leave_league International ICQ Games Pool 1on1 Ladder | |
07/12/07 10:37h | join_league Ger Counter-Strike 1on1 Ladder | |
31/12/07 07:56h | leave_league Ger Counter-Strike 1on1 Ladder | |
01/01/08 09:44h | join_league Ger Counter-Strike 1on1 Amateur Series | |
01/01/08 13:09h | first_login_esltv | |
02/01/08 06:27h | leave_league Ger Counter-Strike 1on1 Amateur Series | |
06/01/08 10:40h | join_league Ger Counter-Strike 1on1 Quickie Ladder | |
08/01/08 11:38h | leave_league Ger Counter-Strike 1on1 Quickie Ladder | |
13/01/08 06:30h | join_team Team Nordisch e.V. Pool (2429880) | |
13/01/08 06:30h | join_team Deleted account (2520804) | |
24/03/08 08:28h | join_league Ger Counter-Strike 1on1 Quickie Ladder | |
24/03/08 08:35h | join_league Ger Counter-Strike 1on1 Ladder | |
24/03/08 13:47h | leave_league Ger Counter-Strike 1on1 Ladder | |
26/03/08 06:33h | leave_league Ger Counter-Strike 1on1 Quickie Ladder | |
26/03/08 07:18h | join_league Ger ICQ Games Poker 1on1 Ladder | |
27/03/08 17:58h | leave_league Ger ICQ Games Poker 1on1 Ladder | |
09/04/08 14:16h | join_team Deleted account (3167407) | |
03/05/08 16:25h | leave_league Ger ICQ Games Pool 1on1 Ladder | |
28/05/08 15:35h | join_team The Midnight Crew (3019300) | |
28/05/08 15:48h | join_league Ger ICQ Games Pool 1on1 Ladder | |
01/06/08 12:43h | wanna_join_league Europe ICQ Games Pool 1on1 Ladder | |
01/06/08 14:02h | join_league Europe ICQ Games Pool 1on1 Ladder | |
22/06/08 09:27h | join_league Europe ICQ Games Pool 1on1 Cuptournament 2008 - June | |
03/07/08 12:10h | team_kick Team Nordisch e.V. Pool (2429880) | |
15/07/08 09:24h | leave_team The Midnight Crew (3019300) | |
15/07/08 09:24h | leave_team Deleted account (2520804) | |
15/07/08 15:01h | leave_league Europe ICQ Games Pool 1on1 Ladder | |
10/08/08 14:44h | leave_league Ger ICQ Games Pool 1on1 Ladder | |
05/07/09 20:28h | decrease_trustlevel 3 -> 0 | |
17/03/10 14:20h | join_team Team-ToastBrot (4909852) | |
12/04/10 06:59h | increase_trustlevel 0 -> 3 | |
19/04/10 12:08h | wanna_join_league Ger Counter-Strike 1on1 MR15 Ladder | |
19/04/10 12:08h | trusted_direct_join Ger Counter-Strike 1on1 MR15 Ladder | |
19/04/10 12:08h | join_league Ger Counter-Strike 1on1 MR15 Ladder | |
21/04/10 10:24h | join_league Ger ICQ Games Pool 1on1 Ladder | |
20/05/10 00:34h | inactivity_kick Ger ICQ Games Pool 1on1 Ladder | |
02/06/10 21:28h | inactivity_kick Ger Counter-Strike 1on1 MR15 Ladder | |
16/08/10 11:41h | wanna_join_league Europe ICQ Games Pool 1on1 Ladder | |
16/08/10 11:41h | trusted_direct_join Europe ICQ Games Pool 1on1 Ladder | |
16/08/10 11:41h | join_league Europe ICQ Games Pool 1on1 Ladder | |
30/08/10 12:08h | leave_league Europe ICQ Games Pool 1on1 Ladder | |
31/08/10 13:50h | wanna_join_league Ger Counter-Strike 1on1 MR15 Ladder | |
31/08/10 13:50h | trusted_direct_join Ger Counter-Strike 1on1 MR15 Ladder | |
31/08/10 13:50h | join_league Ger Counter-Strike 1on1 MR15 Ladder | |
12/10/10 21:59h | inactivity_kick Ger Counter-Strike 1on1 MR15 Ladder | |
06/04/13 19:25h | decrease_trustlevel 3 -> 0 | |
25/03/15 16:27h | join_league ESL Play CS:GO Open Ladder 1on1 Europe | |
31/03/15 05:39h | join_league ESL Play CS:GO Open Ladder 1on1 Aim Europe | |
22/04/15 12:34h | increase_trustlevel 0 -> 3 | |
28/04/15 12:52h | leave_league ESL Play CS:GO Open Ladder 1on1 Aim Europe | |
04/05/15 07:02h | join_league ESL Play CS:GO Open Ladder 1on1 Handgun Europe | |
19/05/15 09:50h | join_league ESL Play CS:GO Open Ladder 1on1 Aim Europe | |
28/06/15 09:50h | leave_league ESL Play CS:GO Open Ladder 1on1 Aim Europe | |
07/07/15 19:11h | inactivity_kick ESL Play CS:GO Open Ladder 1on1 Europe | |
23/07/15 19:08h | inactivity_kick ESL Play CS:GO Open Ladder 1on1 Handgun Europe | |
13/10/15 12:28h | join_league ESL Play CS:GO Open Ladder 1on1 Handgun Europe | |
13/10/15 14:20h | join_league ESL Play CS:GO Open Ladder 1on1 Europe | |
10/11/15 19:11h | inactivity_kick ESL Play CS:GO Open Ladder 1on1 Europe | |
10/11/15 19:11h | inactivity_kick ESL Play CS:GO Open Ladder 1on1 Handgun Europe | |
17/04/17 10:13h | join_league ESL Play CS:GO Open Ladder 1on1 AIM Europe | |
18/04/17 04:35h | join_league ESL Play CS:GO Open Ladder 1on1 AIM Handgun Europe | |
18/04/17 04:35h | join_league ESL Play CS:GO Open Ladder 1on1 Europe | |
20/04/17 05:15h | join_league ESL Play ♕ PREMIUM ONLY ♕ 50€ CS:GO 1on1 AIM Cup #17 Germany | |
21/04/17 12:31h | join_league ESL Play CS:GO Open Ladder 1on1 AWP Europe | |
09/05/17 14:17h | join_league ESL Play BoA 1on1 Community Cup #2 Global | |
21/05/17 15:22h | leave_league ESL Play CS:GO Open Ladder 1on1 AWP Europe | |
22/05/17 20:01h | join_league ESL Play CS:GO 1on1 AWP Weekly Cup #15 Europe | |
23/05/17 10:02h | join_league ESL Play BoA 1on1 Community Cup #3 Global | |
25/05/17 08:36h | join_league ESL Play ♕ PREMIUM ONLY ♕ 50€ CS:GO 1on1 AIM Cup #5 Europe | |
25/05/17 10:27h | register_team Vielleicht im zweiten Versuch (11335816) | |
28/05/17 12:41h | join_league ESL Play ♕ PREMIUM ONLY ♕ 50€ CS:GO 1on1 AIM Cup #19 Germany | |
29/05/17 11:30h | join_league ESL Play BoA 1on1 Community Cup #4 Global | |
01/06/17 05:32h | join_league ESL Play ♕ PREMIUM ONLY ♕ 50€ CS:GO 1on1 AIM Cup #6 Europe | |
01/06/17 05:33h | join_league ESL Play CS:GO 1on1 AWP Weekly Cup #16 Europe | |
13/06/17 11:56h | wanna_join_league ESL Play PokerTH Open Ladder 1on1 Europe | |
13/06/17 15:04h | join_league ESL Play PokerTH Open Ladder 1on1 Europe | |
15/06/17 07:32h | wanna_join_league ESL Play PokerTH Afterwork Table #19 Europe | |
15/06/17 11:47h | join_league ESL Play PokerTH Afterwork Table #19 Europe | |
22/06/17 18:05h | leave_league ESL Play CS:GO Open Ladder 1on1 Europe | |
09/07/17 19:18h | join_team Focus Gaming Esports (11498826) | |
09/07/17 20:05h | leave_team Team-ToastBrot (4909852) | |
09/07/17 20:51h | join_league ESL Play ♕ PREMIUM ONLY ♕ 50€ CS:GO 1on1 AIM Cup #20 Germany | |
09/07/17 20:51h | join_league ESL Play ♕ PREMIUM ONLY ♕ 50€ CS:GO 1on1 AIM Cup #7 Europe | |
11/07/17 05:41h | wanna_join_league ESL Play PokerTH Summer League 2017 | |
11/07/17 08:03h | join_league ESL Play PokerTH Summer League 2017 | |
11/08/17 18:54h | inactivity_kick ESL Play CS:GO Open Ladder 1on1 AIM Handgun Europe | |
16/08/17 08:41h | join_league ESL Play CS:GO 1on1 AIM Weekly Cup #7 Europe | |
16/08/17 16:16h | wanna_join_league ESL Play ♕ PREMIUM ONLY ♕ 50€ CS:GO 1on1 AIM Cup #21 Germany | |
16/08/17 20:35h | join_league ESL Play ♕ PREMIUM ONLY ♕ 50€ CS:GO 1on1 AIM Cup #21 Germany | |
24/08/17 20:18h | leave_league ESL Play PokerTH Open Ladder 1on1 Europe | |
24/08/17 20:24h | join_league ESL Play ♕ PREMIUM ONLY ♕ 50€ CS:GO 1on1 AIM Cup #8 Europe | |
09/10/17 18:49h | inactivity_kick ESL Play CS:GO Open Ladder 1on1 AIM Europe | |
28/10/17 04:27h | join_league ESL Play ♕ PREMIUM ONLY ♕ 50€ CS:GO 1on1 AIM Cup #10 Europe | |
28/10/17 07:53h | join_league ESL Play CS:GO Open Ladder 1on1 AIM Europe | |
01/11/17 12:14h | join_league ESL Play CS:GO 1on1 Knife Weekly Cup #14 Europe | |
04/11/17 10:35h | join_league ESL Play CS:GO 1on1 AWP Weekly Cup #21 Europe | |
13/11/17 17:36h | join_league ESL Play CS:GO Open Ladder 1on1 AIM Handgun Europe | |
16/11/17 17:19h | wanna_join_league ESL Play ♕ PREMIUM ONLY ♕ 50€ CS:GO 1on1 AIM Cup #24 Germany | |
16/11/17 18:49h | join_league ESL Play ♕ PREMIUM ONLY ♕ 50€ CS:GO 1on1 AIM Cup #24 Germany | |
23/11/17 10:03h | join_league ESL Play ♕ PREMIUM ONLY ♕ 50€ CS:GO 1on1 AIM Cup #11 Europe | |
23/11/17 12:08h | wanna_join_league ESL Play ♕ PREMIUM ONLY ♕ 100€ CS:GO 1on1 AIM Cup #25 Germany | |
23/11/17 12:55h | join_league ESL Play ♕ PREMIUM ONLY ♕ 100€ CS:GO 1on1 AIM Cup #25 Germany | |
24/11/17 11:08h | join_league ESL Play CS:GO Open Ladder Trusted Only 1on1 AIM Europe | |
29/11/17 12:56h | wanna_join_league ESL Play CS:GO Open Ladder 1on1 AIM Season 1 DACH | |
29/11/17 13:16h | join_league ESL Play CS:GO Open Ladder 1on1 AIM Season 1 DACH | |
08/12/17 08:00h | join_league ESL Play ♕ PREMIUM ONLY ♕ 100€ CS:GO 1on1 AIM Cup #12 Europe | |
11/12/17 20:01h | join_league ESL Play CS:GO 1on1 Knife Weekly Cup #15 Europe | |
02/01/18 09:36h | join_league ESL Play CS:GO 1on1 New Year Tournament Europe | |
02/01/18 09:36h | join_league ESL Play CS:GO 1on1 New Year Tournament Europe | |
02/01/18 09:37h | join_league ESL Play CS:GO 1on1 New Year Tournament Europe | |
02/01/18 09:37h | join_league ESL Play CS:GO 1on1 New Year Tournament Europe | |
02/01/18 16:13h | join_league ESL Play CS:GO 1on1 Knife Weekly Cup #16 Europe | |
03/01/18 09:56h | wanna_join_league ESL Play CS:GO 1on1 Winter Season 2018 Cup#1 | |
03/01/18 10:01h | join_league ESL Play CS:GO 1on1 Winter Season 2018 Cup#1 | |
07/01/18 14:46h | join_league ESL Play CS:GO 1on1 AIM Weekly Cup #9 Europe | |
07/01/18 14:46h | wanna_join_league ESL Play CS:GO 1on1 Winter Season 2018 Cup#2 | |
08/01/18 05:14h | join_league ESL Play CS:GO 1on1 Winter Season 2018 Cup#2 | |
18/01/18 08:10h | register_team Deleted account (12080716) | |
18/01/18 18:52h | inactivity_kick ESL Play CS:GO Open Ladder Trusted Only 1on1 AIM Europe | |
23/01/18 18:56h | inactivity_kick ESL Play CS:GO Open Ladder 1on1 AIM Season 1 DACH | |
24/01/18 18:55h | inactivity_kick ESL Play CS:GO Open Ladder 1on1 AIM Europe | |
24/01/18 18:57h | inactivity_kick ESL Play CS:GO Open Ladder 1on1 AIM Handgun Europe | |
31/03/18 08:32h | wanna_join_league ESL Play ♕ PREMIUM ONLY ♕ 50€ CS:GO 1on1 AIM Cup #28 Germany | |
31/03/18 09:05h | join_league ESL Play ♕ PREMIUM ONLY ♕ 50€ CS:GO 1on1 AIM Cup #28 Germany | |
31/03/18 09:47h | wanna_join_league ESL Play CS:GO 1on1 Handgun Oster 2018 Germany | |
31/03/18 10:09h | join_league ESL Play CS:GO 1on1 Handgun Oster 2018 Germany | |
01/04/18 09:16h | join_league ESL Play CS:GO Open Ladder 1on1 AIM Europe | |
01/04/18 11:14h | wanna_join_league ESL Play CS:GO 1on1 Handgun Oster 2018 Germany | |
16/04/18 03:44h | join_league ESL Play CS:GO 1on1 AWP Weekly Cup #24 Europe | |
21/04/18 19:45h | decrease_trustlevel 3 -> 0 | |
28/04/18 21:13h | wanna_join_league ESL Play CS:GO 1on1 AWP Community Cup #3 Germany | |
29/04/18 02:57h | join_league ESL Play CS:GO 1on1 AWP Community Cup #3 Germany | |
02/05/18 09:06h | join_league ESL Play CS:GO 1on1 Knife Weekly Cup #18 Europe | |
27/05/18 18:52h | inactivity_kick ESL Play CS:GO Open Ladder 1on1 AIM Europe | |
28/05/18 17:00h | join_roster for team #1702906 in PUBG Duo Doubletap Tournament #1 Europe #176197 | |
06/06/18 11:31h | join_roster for team #1702906 in PUBG Duo Doubletap Tournament #2 Europe #176795 | |
07/06/18 11:28h | join_roster for team #1702906 in PUBG Duo Community Cup #4 Germany #176974 | |
10/06/18 07:26h | join_roster for team #12080716 in PUBG Squad Proving Grounds Tournament #3 Europe #175884 | |
13/06/18 09:48h | join_roster for team #1702906 in PUBG Duo Doubletap Tournament #3 Europe #176796 | |
17/06/18 07:22h | join_roster for team #12080716 in PUBG Squad Proving Grounds Tournament #4 Europe #175927 | |
20/06/18 08:08h | join_roster for team #1702906 in PUBG Duo Doubletap Tournament #4 Europe #176797 | |
20/06/18 16:54h | join_roster for team #1702906 in PUBG Duo Community Cup #6 Germany #177586 | |
24/06/18 13:17h | join_roster for team #1702906 in PUBG Duo Doubletap Tournament #5 Europe #177590 | |
26/06/18 06:36h | join_roster for team #1702906 in PUBG Duo Community Cup #7 Germany #177937 | |
30/06/18 13:39h | join_league ESL Play PLAYERUNKNOWN’s Charity Challenge Cup #1 Germany | |
30/06/18 13:39h | join_roster for team #1702906 in PUBG Duo Doubletap Tournament #6 Europe #177591 | |
02/07/18 06:33h | join_league ESL Play PLAYERUNKNOWN’s Charity Challenge Cup #2 Germany | |
04/07/18 16:37h | join_league ESL Play CS:GO Open Ladder 1on1 AIM Europe | |
06/07/18 05:29h | leave_team Focus Gaming Esports (11498826) | |
09/07/18 06:34h | wanna_join_league ESL Play CS:GO 1on1 Handgun Summer Cup #2 2018 Germany | |
09/07/18 08:50h | join_league ESL Play CS:GO 1on1 Handgun Summer Cup #2 2018 Germany | |
18/07/18 10:20h | join_roster for team #1702906 in PUBG Duo Doubletap Tournament #8 Europe #177593 | |
18/07/18 13:59h | join_roster for team #1702906 in PUBG Duo Community Cup #8 Germany #177938 | |
22/07/18 12:19h | wanna_join_league ESL Play CS:GO 1on1 Mix Summer Cup #4 2018 Germany | |
22/07/18 12:28h | join_league ESL Play CS:GO 1on1 Mix Summer Cup #4 2018 Germany | |
24/07/18 18:46h | join_roster for team #1702906 in PUBG Duo Doubletap Tournament #9 Europe #177594 | |
25/07/18 05:16h | join_league ESL Play CS:GO Open Ladder 1on1 AIM Handgun Europe | |
28/07/18 11:11h | join_league ESL Play ♕ PREMIUM ONLY ♕ 50€ CS:GO 1on1 AIM Cup #19 Europe | |
29/07/18 07:30h | join_roster for team #12080716 in PUBG Squad Proving Grounds Tournament #10 Europe #177605 | |
29/07/18 12:37h | join_roster for team #1702906 in PUBG Duo Doubletap Tournament #10 Europe #177592 | |
30/07/18 06:57h | join_roster for team #1702906 in PUBG Duo Community Cup #10 Germany #179554 | |
02/08/18 17:17h | wanna_join_league ESL Play ♕ PREMIUM ONLY ♕ 50€ CS:GO 1on1 AIM Cup #33 Germany | |
02/08/18 17:35h | join_league ESL Play ♕ PREMIUM ONLY ♕ 50€ CS:GO 1on1 AIM Cup #33 Germany | |
06/08/18 03:47h | join_roster for team #1702906 in PUBG Duo Community Cup #11 Germany #179555 | |
08/08/18 11:30h | join_roster for team #1702906 in PUBG Duo Doubletap Tournament #11 Europe #179451 | |
15/08/18 09:59h | join_roster for team #1702906 in PUBG Duo Doubletap Tournament #12 Europe #179452 | |
15/08/18 13:55h | join_roster for team #1702906 in PUBG Duo Community Cup #12 Germany #179556 | |
22/08/18 06:42h | join_roster for team #1702906 in PUBG Duo Doubletap Tournament #13 Europe #179453 | |
22/08/18 18:50h | inactivity_kick ESL Play CS:GO Open Ladder 1on1 AIM Handgun Europe | |
23/08/18 08:03h | join_roster for team #1702906 in PUBG Duo Community Cup #13 Germany #179557 | |
24/08/18 09:06h | join_roster for team #1702906 in PUBG Duo Doubletap Tournament #14 Europe #179454 | |
24/08/18 09:06h | join_roster for team #1702906 in PUBG Duo Community Cup #14 Germany #179558 | |
27/08/18 05:03h | wanna_join_league ESL Play CS:GO 1on1 Knife Community Cup #12 Germany | |
27/08/18 09:54h | join_league ESL Play CS:GO 1on1 Knife Community Cup #12 Germany | |
02/09/18 13:44h | join_roster for team #1702906 in PUBG Duo Community Cup #15 Germany #181203 | |
02/09/18 13:44h | join_roster for team #1702906 in PUBG Duo Doubletap Tournament #15 Europe #181212 | |
05/09/18 13:59h | join_roster for team #1702906 in PUBG Duo Community Cup #15 Germany #181203 | |
05/09/18 18:52h | inactivity_kick ESL Play CS:GO Open Ladder 1on1 AIM Europe | |
13/09/18 05:54h | join_roster for team #1702906 in PUBG Duo Community Cup #16 Germany #181204 | |
15/09/18 07:57h | join_team eXecutive (1611588) | |
15/09/18 10:28h | join_roster for team #1611588 in PUBG Squad Proving Grounds Tournament #17 Europe #181209 by #12573644 | |
17/09/18 11:13h | increase_trustlevel 0 -> 3 | |
19/09/18 00:46h | join_roster for team #1702906 in PUBG Duo Doubletap Tournament #17 Europe #181214 | |
19/09/18 08:12h | join_roster for team #1702906 in PUBG Duo Community Cup #17 Germany #181205 | |
22/09/18 08:22h | join_roster for team #1611588 in PUBG Squad Proving Grounds Tournament #18 Europe #181210 by #12573644 | |
22/09/18 13:00h | wanna_join_league ESL Play ♕ PREMIUM ONLY ♕ 50€ CS:GO 1on1 AIM Cup #34 Germany | |
22/09/18 13:29h | join_league ESL Play ♕ PREMIUM ONLY ♕ 50€ CS:GO 1on1 AIM Cup #34 Germany | |
26/09/18 06:16h | join_roster for team #1702906 in PUBG Duo Doubletap Tournament #18 Europe #181215 | |
27/09/18 07:20h | join_roster for team #1702906 in PUBG Duo Community Cup #18 Germany #181206 | |
30/09/18 06:48h | join_roster for team #1611588 in PUBG Squad Proving Grounds Tournament #19 Europe #181211 by #12573644 | |
01/10/18 12:55h | register_team Alles gute (12862338) | |
01/10/18 14:15h | join_team TDS-eSport (12819750) | |
02/10/18 11:59h | join_roster for team #12862338 in ESLM PUBG Squad Open Qualifier #1 Germany #183157 | |
03/10/18 11:16h | join_roster for team #1611588 in PUBG Duo Doubletap Tournament #19 Europe #183166 by #12573644 | |
04/10/18 17:40h | join_roster for team #12862338 in ESLM PUBG Squad Closed Qualifier Germany #183159 | |
06/10/18 10:35h | join_roster for team #12862338 in PUBG Squad Proving Grounds Tournament #6 Germany #183176 | |
06/10/18 20:33h | join_league ESL Play PUBG Solo Challenger Tournament #1 Europe | |
09/10/18 12:29h | join_roster for team #1611588 in PUBG Squad Proving Grounds September 2018 Final Europe #182851 by #1567134 | |
10/10/18 09:04h | leave_team TDS-eSport (12819750) | |
10/10/18 09:04h | leave_team eXecutive (1611588) | |
11/10/18 12:30h | join_roster for team #1702906 in PUBG Duo Community Cup #19 Germany #183170 | |
13/10/18 19:06h | join_roster for team #1702906 in PUBG Duo Doubletap Tournament #20 Europe #183168 | |
13/10/18 19:06h | join_roster for team #1702906 in PUBG Duo Community Cup #20 Germany #183171 | |
21/10/18 03:01h | join_roster for team #12862338 in PUBG Squad Proving Grounds Tournament #22 Europe #183177 by #12573644 | |
24/10/18 00:30h | join_league ESL Play PUBG Solo Challenger Tournament #2 Europe | |
24/10/18 14:48h | join_roster for team #1702906 in PUBG Duo Community Cup #21 Germany #183172 | |
27/10/18 04:06h | join_roster for team #12862338 in PUBG Squad Proving Grounds Tournament #9 Germany #183173 by #1567134 | |
28/10/18 06:33h | join_roster for team #12862338 in PUBG Squad Proving Grounds Tournament #23 Europe #183178 | |
30/10/18 09:11h | join_roster for team #12862338 in PUBG Squad Proving Grounds Winter 2018 Final Germany #1 #183968 | |
30/10/18 18:38h | register_team eXecutive and Friends (12963837) | |
02/11/18 12:21h | join_roster for team #12862338 in ESLM PUBG Winter Diamond Division Matchday #4 #183922 | |
04/11/18 06:57h | join_roster for team #12963837 in PUBG Squad Proving Grounds Tournament #24 Europe #184466 | |
05/11/18 01:34h | join_roster for team #12862338 in ESLM PUBG Winter Diamond Division Matchday #5 #183923 | |
05/11/18 09:43h | wanna_join_league ESL Play CS:GO 1on1 Mix Autumn Cup #4 2018 Germany | |
05/11/18 11:05h | join_league ESL Play CS:GO 1on1 Mix Autumn Cup #4 2018 Germany | |
10/11/18 06:20h | join_league ESL Play CS:GO Open Ladder 1on1 AIM Europe | |
11/11/18 07:18h | join_roster for team #12963837 in PUBG Squad Proving Grounds Tournament #25 Europe #184467 | |
11/11/18 09:59h | leave_league ESL Play CS:GO Open Ladder 1on1 AIM Europe | |
17/11/18 11:12h | join_roster for team #12862338 in ESLM PUBG Winter Diamond Division Matchday #6 #183924 | |
18/11/18 06:49h | join_roster for team #12963837 in PUBG Squad Proving Grounds Tournament #26 Europe #184468 | |
20/11/18 08:49h | join_roster for team #12963837 in PUBG Squad Proving Grounds October 2018 Final Europe #184471 | |
21/11/18 18:10h | join_roster for team #1702906 in PUBG Duo Community Cup #25 Germany #184587 | |
24/11/18 09:09h | join_roster for team #12862338 in ESLM PUBG Winter Diamond Division Matchday #7 #183925 | |
25/11/18 07:47h | join_roster for team #12963837 in PUBG Squad Proving Grounds Tournament #27 Europe #184469 | |
25/11/18 14:30h | join_league ESL Play PUBG Solo Challenger Tournament #4 Europe | |
29/11/18 12:32h | join_roster for team #1702906 in PUBG Duo Community Cup #26 Germany #184586 | |
01/12/18 10:41h | join_roster for team #12862338 in ESLM PUBG Winter Diamond Division Matchday #8 #183926 | |
08/12/18 11:24h | join_roster for team #12862338 in ESLM PUBG Winter Diamond Division Matchday #9 #183927 | |
09/12/18 06:39h | join_roster for team #12963837 in PUBG Squad Proving Grounds Tournament #29 Europe #185739 | |
10/12/18 04:51h | join_roster for team #12963837 in PUBG Squad Proving Grounds November 2018 Final Europe #185736 | |
14/12/18 15:50h | join_roster for team #12963837 in PUBG Squad Proving Grounds Tournament #16 Germany #185751 | |
17/12/18 07:51h | join_roster for team #1702906 in PUBG Duo Doubletap Tournament #24 Europe #185745 | |
20/12/18 10:40h | join_roster for team #1702906 in PUBG Duo Community Cup #29 Germany #185756 | |
30/12/18 06:08h | join_roster for team #12963837 in PUBG Squad Proving Grounds Tournament #32 Europe #185742 | |
02/01/19 11:29h | join_roster for team #1702906 in PUBG Duo Christmas Tournament 2018 Europe #187180 | |
03/01/19 06:22h | join_roster for team #1702906 in PUBG Duo Community Cup #31 Germany #187190 | |
05/01/19 06:58h | join_roster for team #12963837 in PUBG Squad Proving Grounds Tournament #19 Germany #187186 | |
06/01/19 03:02h | join_roster for team #12963837 in PUBG Squad Proving Grounds Tournament #33 Europe #187178 | |
11/01/19 19:25h | join_roster for team #12963837 in PUBG Squad Proving Grounds Tournament #20 Germany #187187 | |
13/01/19 06:46h | join_roster for team #12963837 in PUBG Squad Proving Grounds Tournament #34 Europe #187177 | |
23/01/19 10:51h | join_league ESL Play PUBG Solo Winter Tournament #2 Europe | |
23/01/19 17:57h | join_team eXecutive (1611588) | |
25/01/19 16:11h | join_roster for team #12963837 in PUBG Squad Proving Grounds Tournament #22 Germany #187189 | |
29/01/19 14:52h | register_team Deleted account (13239264) | |
29/01/19 14:56h | join_roster for team #13239264 in PUBG Duo Doubletap Tournament #26 Europe powered by paysafecard #187179 | |
31/01/19 12:42h | join_roster for team #12963837 in PUBG Duo Community Cup #35 Germany #187194 by #12573644 | |
31/01/19 15:46h | join_roster for team #1611588 in ESLM PUBG Spring Open Qualifier #1 Germany #189032 by #1567134 | |
02/02/19 06:29h | join_roster for team #12963837 in Go4PUBG Europe Tournament #1 #188130 | |
06/02/19 02:53h | join_league ESL Play PUBG Solo Winter Tournament #3 Europe | |
07/02/19 05:32h | join_roster for team #1611588 in ESLM PUBG Spring Open Qualifier #2 Germany #189033 by #1567134 | |
09/02/19 10:10h | join_roster for team #12963837 in PUBG Squad Proving Grounds Tournament #24 Germany #188715 | |
10/02/19 07:25h | join_roster for team #12963837 in Go4PUBG Europe Tournament #2 #188191 | |
11/02/19 10:58h | join_roster for team #12963837 in PUBG Squad Proving Grounds January 2019 Final Europe #188713 | |
20/02/19 10:34h | join_league ESL Play PUBG Solo Winter Tournament #4 Europe | |
22/02/19 04:24h | join_roster for team #12963837 in PUBG Squad Proving Grounds Tournament #26 Germany #188717 by #1567134 | |
24/02/19 07:42h | join_roster for team #12963837 in Go4PUBG Europe Tournament #4 #188193 | |
25/02/19 17:30h | join_roster for team #1702906 in PUBG Duo Doubletap Tournament #28 Europe powered by paysafecard #188269 | |
03/03/19 17:14h | join_roster for team #12963837 in PUBG Squad Proving Grounds Tournament #27 Germany #190019 by #1567134 | |
06/03/19 00:44h | join_league ESL Play PUBG Solo Challenger Tournament #7 Europe | |
12/03/19 12:08h | join_roster for team #12963837 in PUBG Squad Proving Grounds Spring 2019 Final Germany #1 #189828 | |
13/03/19 12:46h | join_roster for team #12963837 in PUBG Duo Doubletap Tournament #29 Europe powered by paysafecard #190029 by #1567134 | |
19/03/19 08:54h | join_league ESL Play PUBG Solo Challenger Tournament #8 Europe | |
21/03/19 16:12h | join_team Nuclear (3204705) | |
24/03/19 08:13h | join_team Buschlegenden (12863175) | |
24/03/19 08:14h | join_roster for team #12863175 in Go4PUBG Europe Tournament #8 #188566 by #1332064 | |
27/03/19 07:07h | leave_team Buschlegenden (12863175) | |
27/03/19 07:07h | leave_team Nuclear (3204705) | |
03/04/19 09:16h | join_league ESL Play PUBG Solo Challenger Tournament #9 Europe | |
19/04/19 08:02h | join_league ESL Play PUBG Solo Easter Cup 2019 Germany | |
20/04/19 10:14h | join_team Deleted account (12449202) | |
20/04/19 10:15h | join_roster for team #12449202 in PUBG Squad Easter Cup 2019 Germany #191200 by #1120886 | |
21/04/19 06:28h | join_roster for team #12963837 in Go4PUBG Europe Tournament #12 #191216 | |
21/04/19 13:28h | leave_team Deleted account (12449202) | |
28/04/19 07:07h | join_roster for team #12963837 in Go4PUBG Europe Tournament #13 #191217 | |
08/05/19 10:54h | join_roster for team #1611588 in PUBG Duo Open Tournament #33 Europe powered by paysafecard #192508 | |
13/05/19 09:01h | join_league ESL Play PUBG Solo Open Tournament #12 Europe | |
27/05/19 05:50h | join_roster for team #1611588 in ESL Meisterschaft Sommer 2019 PUBG Squad Open Qualifier #1 Germany #194316 by #1567134 | |
27/05/19 05:51h | join_roster for team #1611588 in ESL Meisterschaft Sommer 2019 PUBG Squad Open Qualifier #2 Germany #194317 by #1567134 | |
29/05/19 11:18h | join_league ESL Play PUBG Solo Open Tournament #13 Europe | |
10/06/19 14:40h | join_roster for team #1611588 in ESL Meisterschaft Sommer 2019 PUBG Squad Closed Qualifier Germany #194318 | |
13/06/19 02:17h | join_team eXecutive (13790894) | |
14/06/19 05:58h | join_roster for team #13239264 in PUBG Duo Open Cup #51 Germany #192514 | |
17/06/19 16:34h | join_roster for team #13790894 in ESL Meisterschaft Sommer 2019 PUBG Diamond Division Spieltag #1 #194319 by #1567134 | |
22/06/19 03:30h | join_roster for team #13790894 in ESL Meisterschaft Sommer 2019 PUBG Elite Division Spieltag #2 #194330 by #1567134 | |
03/07/19 09:51h | join_roster for team #13790894 in ESL Meisterschaft Sommer 2019 PUBG Diamond Division Spieltag #3 #194322 | |
07/07/19 06:55h | join_roster for team #13790894 in ESL Meisterschaft Sommer 2019 PUBG Elite Division Spieltag #4 #194331 | |
18/07/19 12:25h | join_roster for team #13790894 in ESL Meisterschaft Sommer 2019 PUBG Diamond Division Spieltag #5 #194324 | |
23/07/19 13:03h | join_roster for team #13790894 in ESL Meisterschaft Sommer 2019 PUBG Diamond Division Spieltag #6 #194325 | |
08/08/19 12:23h | join_roster for team #13790894 in ESL Meisterschaft Sommer 2019 PUBG Diamond Division Spieltag #8 #194327 by #1567134 | |
14/08/19 16:34h | join_roster for team #13790894 in ESL Meisterschaft Sommer 2019 PUBG Diamond Division Spieltag #9 #194328 by #1567134 | |
24/09/19 17:17h | team_kick eXecutive (13790894) / by aLeX (1567134) | |
25/11/19 15:13h | join_roster for team #1702906 in PUBG Duo Open Tournament #48 Europe powered by paysafecard #201605 | |
03/04/20 18:39h | register_team 3,1415926535 (15184917) | |
14/09/21 00:29h | decrease_trustlevel 3 -> 0 |