wischi  id: 235523
CPU AMD 3000 Sockel 939
RAM 512 MB
Videocard Geforce 6600GT SLI
Soundcard Onboard
Storage 2 Stück
Motherboard Asus K8-SLI
Display Hansol 19"
OS Windows XP
CD/DVD DVD brenner
Mouse MS Intelli
Mouse Skatez brauch ich nicht
Mousepad Qck Steelpad
Keyboard Logitech Inet
Headphones Medusa 5.1
Connection 6mbit
Drink Vittel 1,5 Liter
Food Gyros, Döner, Schnitzel
Movie The Boondock Saints
Music Rock, Nu-Metal, House, Techno
Song The Verve - Bitter Sweet Symphony
Book Im Westen nichts neus
Actor / Actress Bud Spencer & Terence Hill
Car "Eleanor"
Sport Paintball
Map pro - q3dm6
Player niwayi
Game Hero Hoagie (Day of the Tentacle)
Favourite Websites
Website 1 http://www.google.de
Website 2 http://www.brainblog.de