xQsme  id: 455697
CPU Intel Core2 Duo E6850 @ 3 Ghz
Videocard Nvidia GeForce GTX 460
Soundcard onboard
Storage 2xSamsung 250GB
Motherboard Asus P5K
Display Iiyama S901GT VisionMaster 450
OS Windows XP/Windows Vista
Antivirus none
CD/DVD BenQ DVD DD DW1620 & Plextor CD-R PX-W2410A
Mouse Razer Deathadder
Mouse Skatez none
Mousepad Steelseries QCK+
Keyboard Logitech Internet Navigator Keyboard Special Edit.
Headphones Sennheiser PC 150
Connection 10mbit Netcologne
Wheel/Pedals none
Joypad none
TV Sony
Sound system KENWOOD & AKAI
Console(s) none
Handheld(s) none
Mobile Phone Nokia 5530 XpressMusic Smartphone white blue
Drink Smirn of Black Ice
Food Sushi
Movie Get Him to the Greek
Music Everything
Song Example - Kickstarts (Klaas Club Remix)
Book Shogun
Book author no one special
Person Alle die die mir nahe stehen...
Actor / Actress no one special
Car Ford Mustang GT
Sport Basketball & Fußball
Athlete Lukas Podolski
Map glock_tok
Clan NoA
Player Fatal1ty
Game Hero Dante aus Devil May Cry
Race (Humans/Orcs/..) Undead
Genre First Person Shooter
Console none
Favourite Websites
Website 1 http://www.esl.eu
Website 2 http://www.deviantart.com
Website 3 http://www.planet-bloody...
Website 4 http://www.youtube.com

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