Team e9   id:  1585239
Name Team e9
Shorthandle e9 //
Registered since 29/12/05
IRC #AGdC.eSports  (QuakeNet)
Headquarters  Italy
  La Mafia 
  Team e9 
IRC #AGdC.eSports  (QuakeNet)
Join team
International Description
Team Founded near the end of the 2005 to commemorate the CounterStrike section of the multigaming community Elite Nine.

This team was originarily born as a Chinese-Italian Clan called Chinese KungFu. After a couple of episodes the final Lineup of the clan was born.

The Team has refounded by pure nostalgy of the members that were splitted into other teams after the 2005 summer.

Generally we play on monday and friday , but we can make some exceptions. In every case is preferibly to call us on MSN before making a challenge.

Italian Description
Team fondato prima della fine del 2005 in onore al ricordo della fantastica sezione Counter Strike della multigaming community Elite Nine.

Questo clan e' originariamente nato come team Italo-cinese Chinese Kungfu. A seguito di vari litigi, intrighi e bollenti passioni e' venuta fuori la vera rosa del Clan vero e proprio.

Il team e' stato rifondato per pura nostalgia da parte dei membri ke si erano precendentemente splittati in vari team.

in genere giochiamo lunedì e venerdì , ma possiamo fare qualche eccezione. in ogni caso avvisateci via msn prima di sfidarci :p
MSN contact
[email protected] (Sparkin0)
[email protected] (RaideN)
You can find us on irc @ Quakenet #AGdC.eSports :look:
e9 Members
• knives ( Leader )
• Sparkin0 ( Mad Sprayor )
• raideN ( Defuse Hero ^_^ )
• naruto ( the Ninja )
• fury ( Aimer )
• .hub ( Benelli Abuser )
• AC ( The Machine )
• Wella ( THE lowpinger )
• Snider ( plop )
• ManA ( the man with the JoinT )