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  prediction Gaming e.V.  BF2  id:  2050147
Name prediction Gaming e.V.
Shorthandle p'
Registered since 24/09/06
Homepage http://www.prediction-gaming.n..
IRC #prediction-gaming  (QuakeNet)
Subteam of prediction Gaming e.V.
Headquarters  Germany / Kaufbeuren
Area/Region Allgäu
Chester  and  tqL
Honorary member
IRC #prediction-gaming  (QuakeNet)
Join team
Latest matches
  Battlefield 2 Infantry Winter League
wins   Creativ' BF2  + 3 Monday, 23/02/09 14:30 0
wins   Newera  + 3 Monday, 16/02/09 14:30 9
loss   X-memory Team  0 Monday, 09/02/09 14:30 5
wins   die Piraten :X  + 3 Monday, 26/01/09 14:30 1
prediction Gaming e.V. BF2.Curuba - One Step Ahead
#prediction-gaming @QNet

sponsored by
OVH - das Beste der Technologie für Jedermann
Sennheiser - A Passion for Sound
LINEMAX - Professional Hosting

supported by
ATOMIK Bootcamps
Electronic Arts
Die Beschrifter

Former Line-Up

p' core64 snatch
p' core64 Heman01
p' core64 Chester
p' core64 lupus
p' core64 oxr
p' core64 Pian0
p' core64 Manuel.Shark
p' core64 David2k6
p' core64 Ziggy-X
p' core64 Tequilla
p' core64 Phil

Awards and Successes:
1. The Summit LAN 4 on 4
1. The Summit LAN 8 on 8
1. 4 on 4 German Infantry Ladder (03.03.08-08.03.08; 04.05.08 - 11.01.09 (Ladder leave) )
#1. Bundesliga Season I
#1. Wintercup vom Gamez-Club
#1. Godsfist New Years Cup
#1. GEF 6 on 6 Conquest Tournament
#1. Bundesliga Laddershot
#2. Clanbase 5on5 Inf Summer Cup
#2. Openleague Cup
#2. KotB 4 on 4 Cup I
#2. KotB 4 on 4 Cup II
#3. Winterleague 2009 1.Division
#4. ESL BF2 Inf 4on4 Summer Cup
#6. BF2 EAS
#2. ESL BF2 Inf 4on4 KotB Cup
49 Games won in a row in the German 4 on 4 Ladder
10 Games won in a row in the EU Infantry Ladder

The Madness

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