choZen  CoD 4  id:  2615880
Name choZen
Shorthandle choZen.
Registered since 21/07/07
IRC #choZen.cod4  (QuakeNet)
Headquarters  Germany
  8  Awards  
IRC #choZen.cod4  (QuakeNet)
Join team
Latest matches
  ESL Major Series Season IV Call of Duty 4 Relegation
loss   Team Dignitas  0 Sunday, 14/06/09 14:00 14
  ESL Major Series Season IV Call of Duty 4 Groupstage
wins   S.BY-CosmosTV  + 3 Sunday, 17/05/09 14:00 9
loss   FRORN.EMS  0 Sunday, 03/05/09 14:00 13
  ESL Major Series Season III Call of Duty 4 Qualifying Round 2
loss   teamlocked  0 Sunday, 26/10/08 14:30 4
  ESL Major Series Season III Call of Duty 4 Qualifying Round 1
wins   Motivated  + 3 Sunday, 19/10/08 15:00 8
¬ chozen - Call of Duty 4

» Lineup

¬ Team Manager
choZen Roman \\\'spow\\\' Stolz

¬ Team Captain
choZen Robin \\\'Lynx\\\' Villinger

¬ Player
choZen Christian \\\'morpH\\\' Müskes
choZen Richard \\\'aistrEEEy\\\' Jaborek
choZen Steffen \\\'somR\\\' Sommer
choZen Eugen \\\'GNZY\\\' Beilemann

¬ Backup
choZen Daniel \\\'dexterrr\\\' Glaschke
choZen Igor \\\'z1NSTAR\\\' Manschin


» Erfolge


1st CEVO EU Nationvoice Cup
1st ESL Amateur Series Season II
1st EMS Groupstage
1st Tek9 PowerCup #5
1st ESL Search & Destroy NightCup I
1st #Boringcup

2nd ESL Bundesliga Season I
2nd ESL Amateur Series Season III
2nd FGL Championship
2nd Clanbase EC XVII S&D Groupstage
2nd ESL Cup Series Playoffs
2nd Clanbase Ladder

3rd PowerColor Germany at War Cup
3rd ESL 5on5 Amateur Series Season I
3rd insidiae Steelseries Cup


4th The Gameland Dezember 08’ // Rom // Italien
5th MAXLAN November 08’ // Epinal // Frankreich


» Sonstiges

Member of TheCoDAlliance

Member of Cadred\\\'s Top 10 Teams Europe

» Weitere Accounts

¬ ESL Major Series Team Account

¬ ESL Bundesliga Team Account

¬ Clanbase Team Account

¬ dSLASH Team Account

¬ Tek9 Team Account