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  noXia  id:  3957540
Name noXia
Shorthandle noXia
Registered since 15/03/09
IRC #noXia  (QuakeNet)
Headquarters  Croatia
A legend is a story from the past about a subject that was, or is believed to have been, historical. Legends concern people, places, and events. Usually, the subject is a saint, a king, a hero, a famous person, or a war. A legend is always associated with a particular place and a particular time in history.
IRC #noXia  (QuakeNet)
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Latest matches
  Season 2 Counter-Strike EBL
wins   iNNERFiRE  + 3 Thursday, 03/06/10 16:00 8
wins   nevermore cs  + 3 Thursday, 03/06/10 15:00 0
wins   neXtPlease Gaming  + 3 Thursday, 03/06/10 14:00 28
  Counter-Strike EBL Season 1
wins   VatosLocos 1.6  + 3 Wednesday, 04/11/09 13:00 0
wins  + 3 Wednesday, 28/10/09 14:00 20
loss   maniaX Gaming CS 1.6  0 Wednesday, 14/10/09 13:00 15